Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Rela member remanded for seven days over murder (Video)

Rela has been remanded for seven days to help in investigation into the murder of the Taman Raya Rukun Tetangga

Rela member remanded for seven days over murder

MARANG: A member of the People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) has been remanded for seven days to help in investigation into the murder of the Taman Raya Rukun Tetangga (neigbourhood watch) committee deputy chairman in Wakaf Tapai here yesterday.

The remand order against the 57-year-old man was issued by Magistrate Engku Nurul Ain Engku Muda today.

The suspect was taken to court at 10.35 am, dressed in orange colour lockup attire.

In the 2 pm incident yesterday, Fong Swee Fuan, 65, died on the spot and his nephew Teo Hock Beng, 45, was seriously injured in the chest after being shot by a man using a shotgun at the neighbourhood watch beat base.

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