Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


GKP 4.0 is open for new applications from July 15 -- Tengku Zafrul

Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz.

GKP 4.0 is open for new applications from July 15 -- Tengku Zafrul


KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 -- Registration for new Prihatin Special Grant (GKP) 4.0 applications is open online from today until July 31, said Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz.

“With this new registration process,
some of the micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that did not get the approval previously and have not received GKP will still have an opportunity to submit applications for verification again.

“Micro SMEs that are eligible for GKP 4.0 are businesses that fulfil the micro SME criteria and are also registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia, local authorities or Inland Revenue Board as at June 30, 2021,” he said in a statement today.

Tengku Zafrul said payments under the RM1 billion GKP 4.0 allocation would be made in September (RM500) and November (RM500) this year for both current GKP recipients and approved new applicants.

Current GKP recipients do not have to reapply.

“Overall, a total allocation of RM6.1 billion has been or will be channelled under GKP to almost one million micro SMEs since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

“The government is hopeful that the continuous direct assistance channelled to micro SMEs would ease their burden, especially for businesses that are still not allowed to operate,” he added.
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