Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


99 Navy crew members of KD Mahawangsa test positive for Covid-19.

 Masidi Manjun saying 99 were infected while a federal minister said 98 were affected

99 navy crew members tested positive

Borneo Post Online

KOTA KINABALU: Ninety-nine crew members of KD Mahawangsa navy vessel were tested positive of Covid-19 on Tuesday, contributing to the total of 350 cases in Sabah

According to state spokesperson for Covid-19, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, Kota Kinabalu recorded high daily number due to cases from the ship.

“Infection among crew of a ship resulted in 99 new cases, pushing KK number to
a high 161,” he said in his Twitter post.

Masidi added there are two other oil platform clusters and community infection in Kg Tg Aru Baru.

Daily cases in Lahad Datu is 25, Penampang 22, Tawau 20, Putatan 19, Tuaran 17, Kudat 16, Papar 15 and Kota Belud 11.

Sabah’s total cases as of June 8 is 64,556.


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