Amanah communications director Khalid Samad claimed that Umno president Zahid Hamidi pledged the support of 30 Umno MPs for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.
Khalid (above) said that Zahid had communicated such in a letter which was handed to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong recently.
"I am made to understand, other than letters from (Amanah president) Mohamad Sabu, (DAP secretary-general) Lim Guan Eng, Anwar also presented a letter by Zahid, which stated that 30 MPs from Umno, if I'm not mistaken, supported Anwar," said Khalid in an interview with Jom Channel last night.
This claim by Khalid, who is the Shah Alam MP, cannot be independently verified at the time of writing. Malaysiakini has reached out to both Zahid and Anwar's offices for comments. - mk
If this is true, then that would mean that Muhyiddin is now in hot waters as he is likely to have lost his majority in the Dewan Rakyat.However, another implication of this is whether DAP would be working with Umno if as much as 30 MPs from Umno are jumping ship towards Anwar's camp. - PeakyBlinder
30 MP from Umno means, the whole Umno is in.This figure cannot be accurate.There are 9 Umno MP who are ministers. There are more than 10 Umno MP who are deputy ministers. This are in PN government under Muhyiidin.Most of them have announced they will not support Anwar.How could Anwar strike deal which allows whole of Umno to come in including Najib and Zahid Hamidi. - Constitutional Supremacy
Taking the bright site, it is so delightful to see our senior nationalist like Anwar, Ku Li, Najib, and Zahid have finally seems come together with their wisdom talking about forming new legitimate government, returning mandate to "Rakyat". Hope more senior like Rafidah, Pak Lah, Diam will come forward to offer their kind support and get the current political "tumor" over once for all. - Ringgit
Inilah perangai pemimpin2 PH terlalu yakin berterus terang dan gelojoh pasai gelojoh tulah yang kadang2 gagal. Aku pun kalu boleh nak tengok Anwar jadi PM...- TS
Mesej clear dari Istana yang Hadi Awang tidak disenaraikan utk mengadap YDPA, bermaksud PAS tidak diperlukan dlm politik negara...mungkin YDPA berasa, PAS ni, cam ada atau takdak...tak membawa kebaikan apa2,ibarat melukut di tepi gantang, ada tak menambah, takdak lagi bagus....
Backdoor PM Abah Moo Rotan
and what if Anwar is PM...
Parliament cannot resolve the struggle for PM’s post, Agong can resolve the “crisis” or “buat tak tahu”. Agong postpones meetings due to Covid-19 restrictions If I was Agong, I have only two decisions to make on the coveted PM’s post.
Either remain above the fray, or otherwise. If it’s going to be otherwise, Anwar Ibrahim will be appointed PM, backdoor PM Abah Moo Rotan will be considered automatically sacked.
As Agong, I will be aware of the reality that backdoor PM Abah Moo Rotan is holding MPs by their YouKnowWhat, so I may find Anwar does not have the numbers. Mar 1 dan Oct 13 tidak sama!
Having said that, no court will go against the Agong if he appoints Anwar Ibrahim PM, based on documentary from party leaders and having tea with them. There’s no law against the Agong having tea with anyone.
If Anwar Ibrahim took his cue from 1 Mar 2020 and submitted documents signed by party leaders, the Istana is not saying anything. Instead, the Istana said Anwar did not submit the names of MPs supporting him. Obviously, the MPs supporting Anwar are those with the said party
Earlier, before Mar 1, the Agong interviewed 222 MPs — Nazri was reportedly overseas — but could not find a name for PM-designate. Then, the Agong fell back on the party leaders and asked them to name the PM-designate. That’s how Abah Moo Rotan became the backdoor PM.
Although party leaders may support Anwar, their MPs may stick with Moo given the power of incumbency. Before Mar 1, there was no gov’t after Mahathir resigned. The Agong found the MPs divided. So, he fell back on the party leaders to pick the PM-designate.
Given the fact that there’s a gov’t in place, the Agong is likely to look to the MPs to gauge the level of support for Anwar or whether the Moo gov’t has fallen.- fernzthegreat
Kit Siang - Kerjasama dengan Najib???...
Saya telah menerima mesej mengenai laporan The Coverage yang bertajuk “DAP Lim Kit Siang : ‘To Save Malaysia, I Am Prepared To Work With Najib To Restore Democracy and Implement Key Reforms’ ” yang bertarikh 15 Oktober 2020 dikeluarkan oleh saya.
Jawapan saya adalah: “Kenyataan ini adalah kenyataan bersyarat, di mana prinsip dan objektif negara diberikan keutamaan. Ya, saya bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan Najib untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia tetapi bagaimana nak kerjasama dengan Najib jika dia sendiri tak sedia akui skandal 1MDB?’
Laporan Coverage itu sebenarnya adalah laporan daripada akhbar Malay Mail yang bertarikh 12 Mac 2016, semasa Najib masih lagi merupakan seorang Perdana Menteri, sejurus selepas saya menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat pada Mac 2016 untuk Menyelamatkan Malaysia.
Empat tahun sudah berlalu — kejatuhan kerajaan Najib, Najib didapati bersalah di atas tuduhan rasuah di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, beliau bersama-sama dengan menteri beliau berhadapan dengan pelbagai lagi dakwaan rasuah di mahkamah, kejatuhan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan yang disebabkan oleh konspirasi “Langkah Sheraton” selepas 22 bulan, dan negara kita berhadapan dengan pemerintahan tidak sah dan kakistokratik yang membawa bersamanya gelombang kedua dan ketiga wabak Covid-19.
Cabarannya adalah sama ada kita mampu untuk “Selamatkan Malaysia” oleh semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, latar belakang politik, kelas, umur, mahupun jantina — selepas kegagalan usaha menyelamatkan Malaysia sebelum ini. - Lim Kit Siang