Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Friday prayers only allowed in green zones - JAIS

Friday prayers only allowed in green zones

Friday prayers only allowed in green zones - JAIS
19/10/2020 10:22 PM

SHAH ALAM, Oct 19 -- The Selangor Islamic
Religious Department (JAIS) will only allow Friday prayers and marriage solemnisation ceremonies to be held in green zones following the recent spike of COVID-19 cases in the state.

As such, JAIS director Mohd Shahzihan Ahmad in a statement today said at present, only the Sabak Bernam district was declared as a green zone.

He said Friday prayers and daily obligatory prayers were allowed in all the mosques and suraus in Sabak Bernam where the number of worshippers would be limited to 23, including mosque officers and committee members, whereas 16 worshippers were allowed in suraus, including its officers and committee members.

According to Mohd Shahizan, only daily obligatory prayers were allowed to be held in mosques and suraus in red and yellow zones, capped to a maximum of six congregants, including officers and committee members.

Meanwhile, he said marriage solemnisation ceremonies, which were previously allowed at mosques and district religious offices in yellow and red zones have also been put on hold, with further announcements on the matter to be made from time to time.

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