Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Former govt servant charged with submitting fake invoices for RM6,000 (1 Video)

Bekas penolong pegawai JPNIN didakwa kemuka invois palsu


27/08/2020 01:10 PM

MELAKA, Aug 27 -- A former assistant officer of National Unity and Integration Department (JPNIN), pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here today on three counts of producing fake invoices for food and drink for a Unity Carnival event amounting to RM6,000 three years ago.

Fatihah Azmi, 32, made the plea before Judge Datuk Mohd Nasir Nordin.

She was charged with submitting the three documents for RM2,000 each in October 2017 to an agent who was a medical
officer at Alor Gajah District Health Office for a Masjid Tanah level Unity Carnival cum Healthy Community, Empowers Nation (Kospen) programme.

All the supply of food and drinks involved did not take place and the accused who was during the incident serving at the Alor Gajah National Unity and Integration Department (JPNIN).

Fatihah was charged under Section 18 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 and could be punished under Section 24(2) of the same act which provides for a maximum of 20 years in jail and a fine not less five times the value of the fake documents or RM10,000 which ever is higher.

The accused also pleaded not guilty to three selected charges offered by the prosecution on duping the same medical officer under Section 471 of the Penal Code (Act 574) and could be charged under Section 465 which carries a maximum imprisonment of two years or fine or both upon conviction.

Judge Mohd Nasir allowed Fatihah allowed bail at RM5,000 for all the charges in one surety with the additional condition of requiring the accused to report to the Melaka MACC each month apart from surrendering her passport to the court.

Prosecution was conducted by MACC deputy public prosecutor R. Francine Cheryl while the accused was not represented.

The court set Oct 7 for remention.


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