SIARAN AKHBAR: Maklum Balas Terhadap Laporan Akhbar oleh The Star @staronline bertajuk "COVID-19: 10 M'sians have died in New York so far"@HishammuddinH2O @IkramShahrul @amran_zin @H2OComms @MYembassyWDC @MYCGNewYork @jpmgov_ @MKNJPM @mynadma @JPenerangan @bernamadotcom
— Wisma Putra (@MalaysiaMFA) May 28, 2020
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28/05/2020 04:08 PM
PUTRAJAYA, May 28 -- The Office of the Malaysian Consulate General in New York has yet to receive any official report from any American agency about Malaysians who have been infected or died from COVID-19 in America, said Wisma Putra.
In a report issued today, the Foreign Ministry or Wisma Putra said it had taken note of a media report (The Star, 28 Mei 2020), which said 10 Malaysians had died in New York due to COVID-19 and 30 more infected by the pandemic.
It said the Office of the Malaysian Consulate General in New York was monitoring the spread of the disease, especially in cases involving Malaysians and was in constant contact with the local authorities responsible for the management of COVID-19 to ensure the validity and accuracy of information received.
“The Foreign Ministry advises Malaysians overseas to contact the nearest office of Malaysian representation over doubts of any information concerning Malaysians overseas,” it said.
Covid-19: 10 M’sians have died in New York so far