Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


TEKUN chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Suparadi Md Noor is relinquishing the post

15/03/2020 09:34 AM
KOTA BHARU, March 15 -- National Entrepreneur Group Economic Fund (TEKUN) chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Suparadi Md Noor is relinquishing the post he held since October 2018 following the setting up of a new government under Perikatan nasional (PN).

He said with his resignation, it would allow the new federal government to find his replacement for the post, which is a political appointment.

“I will resign (as TEKUN chairman) to allow the new government to name a new chairman ...
no problem for me. It is a political appointment and I should hand back the post to the new government,” he told reporters after a meeting with more than 200 Kelantan PKR members here last night.

Mohamad Supardi said he was happy for being given the chance to help the people while with TEKUN.

On a claim that more than 10,000 PKR members in Kelantan would leave the party because of their disappointment over the current political situation,he said, it was not true.

He said from discussions with the 14 PKR divisional heads in Kelantan, only 300 to 500 of the members had left the party.

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