Media Invitation: Special Press Conference By MACC
Assalammualaikum and good day,
We humbly refer to the above.
2. We hereby inform you that, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will be having a
special press conference to expose high level leakage of information, abuse of power and conspiracy on:
Date:, 8th January 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 10.00 a.m
Venue: Media Room, Level 3, MACC Headquarters, Putrajaya
3. Therefore, Sir/Madam are invited to send reporters and cameraman to attend this press conference.
4. We appreciate your kind attention and extend our appreciation.
Thank you.
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
7th January 2020
Date:, 8th January 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 10.00 a.m
Venue: Media Room, Level 3, MACC Headquarters, Putrajaya
3. Therefore, Sir/Madam are invited to send reporters and cameraman to attend this press conference.
4. We appreciate your kind attention and extend our appreciation.
Thank you.
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
7th January 2020