Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Ovdf 1,500 people turned up at the final mega ceramah by Barisan Nasional in the last lap of campaigning before the night ends.

Festive air at final BN ceramah before Tanjung Piai polls

Friday, 15 Nov 201910:50 PM MYT


Jeck Seng (middle) calling for people's support at Barisan's final mega ceramah in Pekan Nanas on Friday night.

PONTIAN: There was a festive air in Pekan Nanas as over 1,500 people turned up at the final mega ceramah by Barisan Nasional in the last lap of campaigning before the night ends.

Aided with whistles, vuvuzela and cheering sticks, the high-spirited crowd kept showering the speakers with their attention, applause and loud cheers.

Each time when Barisan candidate Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng's name or No. 2 (Jeck Seng's candidate number) were mentioned, the crowd went into a frenzy.

The enthusiasm shown was no less than fans at a high profile football match, where many have the No. 2 tattooed on their faces.

By 8.15pm Friday (Nov 15) when MCA deputy president Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon first gave his speech, most of the seats were filled up while many others were standing at the side and back of the compound near a wet market.

Several Umno heavyweights such as secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Youth chief Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, Sembrong MP Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Tanjung Piai Umno division chief Datuk Jefridin Atan also came and gave their support.

Keeping his speech brief and precise, Annuar said the entire Barisan machinery will come out strong in full force behind Jeck Seng on polling day on Saturday (Nov 16).

''We want to make sure our Barisan candidate win this battle with a greater majority, '' he said to loud cheers and chants of "er hao" (No. 2 in Mandarin) from the crowd.

As Asyraf Wajdi's "ni hao ma" (how are you) was met with a
resounding "hao" (good), he described the atmosphere a true portrayal of the ''real Malaysia''.

''We have no need for Malaysia Baru (New Malaysia) because it's 'haru-biru' (chaotic), '' he said, adding that voters should support Jeck Seng to empower the opposition.

Describing Jeck Seng an old friend, Hishammuddin also reiterated his support for the former MP in Parliament if he was given a chance to serve the people of Tanjung Piai.

Also present during the ceramah were MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong, vice-presidents Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker, Datuk Lim Ban Hong and Datuk Tan Teik Cheng, Wanita chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie, secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon and Youth chief Nicole Wong Siaw Ting.

A fundraiser for Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) that was conducted during the ceramah also collected RM6,508 from those present.

Just as Jeck Seng arrived at about 9.50pm, he was given a hero's welcome as everyone stood up and cheered for him.

Keeping his speech brief, he called for the people's support in order to send a strong message to the government.

''I promise to continue serving the people like how I used to, and bring your voice further to Parliament.

''Tomorrow is crucial and I plead for your support,'' he said.

Ka Siong also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the people in Tanjung Piai.

''We bow to the people here for staying with us and keeping us going until this moment.

''This by-election is a referendum to tell the government that we're unhappy over the past 18 months and they did not deliver as promised.

''It is important for us to concentrate our votes and make the opposition's voice stronger in Parliament.

''I hope that on Nov 18, Jeck Seng and I will walk proud in to the Parliament hall through the front door,'' he added.

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