Saya hendak menarik dakwaan Najib Razak yang DAP adalah King Maker dalam menentukan kerajaan Malaysia. Saya setuju kenyataan itu, bahawa DAP adalah King Maker dan ia wajar kerana bijaksanannya orang-orang Cina (baca DAP) berpolitik.
Najib kata DAP mendorong agar Dr Mahathir tubuh parti Melayu dengan harapan parti pimpinan Mahathir dapat tarik 10 atau 15% undi Umno dan dengan itu kerajaan Najib akan jatuh.
Ternyata teori itu benar. Mahathir boleh menarik hanya 10 hingga 15% undi Umno sahaja yang membawa kejatuhan kepada kerajaan BN.
Di sini, siapa yang bodoh dan bijak dalam berpolitik? Sekiranya Najib tahu kebencian orang Melayu kepadanya dalam pilihan raya lepas disebabkan kerana skandal yang dilakukan, 1MDB dan juga ulah bininya.
Jika Najib peka dan mahu kerajaan BN kekal, dia boleh berundur ketika itu dan tidak campur pilihan raya, BN boleh menang.
Tetapi Najib tetap berdegil dan mempercayai wang adalah segala-gakanya.
Dan selepas PH menang Umno dan Pas masih boleh menyelamatkan kekuasaan politik Melayu daripada didominasi DAP. Caranya Pas patut bergabung dengan PH dan menjadi sebahagian kerajaan. Tetapi Pas tidak nampak perkogsian itu dah tetap juga nampak kopiah atas kepala sahaja.
Kononnya hendak jadi pembangkang yang efektif. Andainya Pas menyertai PH sudah pasti kedudukan kuasa Melayu dalam kabinet kuat dan DAP tidak boleh melakukan apa-apa desakan sesuka hati.
Tetapi kerana politik Melayu suka bergaduh, dengki, dan berdendam maka terlepaslah segala-galanya. Melayu jenis species lebih suka menyesal kemudian daripada menyesal dahulu. mso

Khabarnya surat khabar Utusan Malaysia dan Kosmo tidak akan dicetak mulai tulat, Rabu. Satu insiden dramatik, kenapa kisah ini berlaku diambang Umno dan Pas akan menanda tangani piagam ta'awun siyasi.
Apakah agenda penggabungan itu tidak memberi laba dalam penerbitan kepunyaan Umno itu.
Kalau penyokong Pas kedekut untuk bantu Umno dengan membeli surat khabarnya macam mana nak harapkan orang Pas mengundi Umno nanti. - mso

Harakah pun Pas tak bantu nikan pulak Utusang... Hasil siasatan dan sumber dalaman mendapati Utusang kini dipegang 3 pihak...
1.Aziz Sheikh Fadzir
2.Syed Mohtar
Kenapa ketiga2 pihak ini tidak mahu bayaq gaji rakan2 di Utusang? Apakah kedudukan AWANG SELAMAT di Utusan Malaysia akan selamat? Sama kita tunggu... - f/bk
Ahli politik Umno khianati kepercayaan pekerja Utusan

Ke mana terbangnya helang...
1. Perumpamaan yang biasa didengar ialah ' Enggang Sama Enggang Mana Nak Sama Dengan Pipit '
2. Walau bagaimanapun 'budak kecil yang bodoh' atau 'stupid young boy' ini tanpa memahami telah menggunakan istilah sendiri ' HELANG dan PIPIT ' bagi membezakan diri dan keluarga beliau dengan rakyat Johor biasa
3. Ini lah jadinya apabila sesaorang yang tidak mempunyai pelajaran dan ilmu yang cukup dan tinggi bercakap ikut sedap mulut sahaja
4. Yang dia tahu ialah hanya menayang kekayaan dan jumlah pengiring bermotosikal dan kereta mewah yang dimiliki dan jumlah bodyguard yang terpaksa berlari mengiringi kenderaan beliau
5. Kerajaan Pusat melalui Jabatan Kastam dan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (income tax) tidak perlu TERAGAK - AGAK dan MELENGAH KAN lagi siasatan samada cukai kereta dan cukai peribadi dibayar atau sebaliknya seperti rakyat biasa; tindakan susulan dan tegas MISTI diambil tambah lagi Kerajaan sedang berusaha menambah dana Negara untuk di gunakan menolong rakyat
6. Mengikut kajian oleh pengkaji burung atau ornitologist ada beberapa perbezaan sifat atau karektor 3 jenis burung tersebut : -
Burung rimba atau hutan yang hanya memakan buah - buahan jenis beri atau ara - ia boleh juga didapati berhampiran tebing sungai
Burung kecil ini hanya memakan bijiran dan serangga
Bersais besar , ia diikhtiraf sebagai burung pemangsa atau 'Bird of Pray' - ia AMAT Ganas - untuk hidup mencari makan dengan MEMBUNUH termasuk sesama burung seperti burung
7. Kini budak ini yang juga dari keturunan HELANG di lantik pula sebagai Pemangku Raja atau 'Sultan'
8. Mengikut Undang - Undang Tubuh Negeri sesaorang yang di lantik kejawatan itu bertindak sepenohnya sebagai ' Sultan ' kerana TIDAK ada 2 Sultan dalam masa yang sama melainkan 'Sultan' dulu kembali menggambil alih semula jawatan itu
9. ' Tanpa Angin Tiba - Tiba Pokok Bergoyang ' maka berbagai andian atau spekulasi timbul ekoran tidakan tersebut
10. Ada yang mengatakan atas sebab kesihatan, nak berseronok dengan hasil kekayan yang diperolohi maka bapa budak ini bercuti panjang
11. Ada pula cerita bahawa perangai budak ini tidak lagi boleh di 'kawal' atau di disiplinkan seperti dalam filem P Ramlee 'Anak Ku Sazali' maka bapa beliau TERPAKSA melepaskan jawatan

12. Ramai juga berpendapat Perlantikan itu terpaksa dilakukan bagi menggelakan budak ini ditangkap polis atas beberapa Kesalahan Jenayah atau 'crime' yang pernah dilakukan
13. Perlembagaan Negara yang mengatasi Perlembagaan Negeri adalah jelas :-
i. Mana - mana Raja atau 'Sultan' jika melakukan KESALAHAN SIVIL seperti menipu, mencuri maka dengan persetujuan Peguam Negara ia boleh dibicarakan di Mahkamah Khas - itu lah yang dimaksudkan KEKEBALAN atau IMUNITI; ada 2 orang Sultan yang pernah di dakwa di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Khas ini
ii. Jika melakukan KESALAHAN JENAYAH atau CRIMINAL OFFENCE maka Sultan atau Raja boleh ditangkap dan dibicarakan dimana - mana Mahkamah seperti rakyat biasa - TIDAK ADA LAYANAN Istimewa atau IMUNITI
Criminal Offence atau Kesalahan Jenayah adalah termasuk mencedera dan membunuh , dadah dan berbagai lagi
iii. Bagi ahli keluaga TERMASUK yang bergelar seperti Tengku Mahkota , Raja Muda , Bendahara , Temenggong dan Laksamana TIDAK ADA SEBARANG KEKEBALAN atau IMUNITI - mereka BOLEH diheret pada bila - bila masa dimana - mana Mahkamah seperti rakyat biasa jika melakukan apa - apa KESALAHAN CIVIL apatah lagi KESALAHAN JENAYAH
14. KESALAHAN JENAYAH pula tidak ada ' Time Bar atau TIDAK ADA SEKATAN MASA' walaupun sesuatu Kesalahan Jenayah tersebut berlaku atau dilakukan 50 tahun yang lepas
15. Budak ini TELAH melakukan beberapa Kesalahan Jenayah serius sama ada sewaktu beliau bergelar Raja Muda mahupun Tengku Mahkota
16. 11 tahun dahulu beliau telah membelasah dengan teruk Tengku Nadzimuddin , anak kepada Tengku Dara Naquiah dan Tengku Muzaffar . Datuk beliau ketika itu ialah Tuanku Jaafar , Yang Di Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang pernah menjadi Agong
17. Walau pun 10 lapuran polis termasuk di Bukit Aman dan kepada Peguam Negara telah dibuat ekoran trajidi itu namun TIDAK ADA sebarang tindakan undang - undang diambil oleh pehak polis dan Peguam Negara SEHINGGA kini
18. Oleh kerana insiden ini sudah lama berlaku berkemungkinan besar Tengku Nadzimuddin dan keluarga mahu melupakan sahaja peristiwa malang itu
19. Berdasarkan kepada sidang media yang divideokan itu dan bagi MENENTUKAN peristiwa - peristiwa kejam sebegini TIDAK BERULANG dengan sewenang - wenang dan bagi membuktikan kata - kata Hamid Bador , Ketua Polis Negara yang baru bahawa Polis dibawah pimpinan beliau TIDAK akan bertolak ansur bagi menegakan undang - undang maka Polis HARUS melaksanakan tanggong jawab mereka TANPA PERLU menunggu arahan dan TANPA PILIH BULU walau pun budak ini telah dilantik sebagai Pemangku 'Sultan atau Raja'
20. Rakyat menaruh keyakinan dan harapan tinggi kepada Kerajaan PH pimpinan Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Hamid Bador bagi memulihkan semula image Polis yang telah di ROSAK KAN oleh beberapa orang Ketua Polis sebelum ini dan pengampu - pengampu mereka dari peringkat atas hingga bawah yang yang rasuah dan bertindak sesuka hati membelakangkan undang - undang
22. Pada hari Selasa bersamaan 30hb Julai lepas Tengku Abdullah dan isterinya Tengku Azizah Aminah Maimunah telah di Tabalkan sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan Permaisuri Agong yang baru
23. Sultan Brunei dan Putra Mahkota atau Crown Prince Abu Dhabi sanggup melapangkan masa menghadiri Upacara tersebut bersama - sama Sultan dan Raja - Raja Melayu yang lain namum HANYA 'Sultan' Johor dan budak kecil itu yang telah menghilangkan diri - entah kemana terbang nya

24. Sepatutnya mereka berbangga kerana yang di Tabalkan sebagai Agong itu ialah adik ipar nya sendiri dan Permaisuri pula adalah adik kandung nya
25. Ketidak hadirian mereka disaat - saat akhir jelas membuktikan mereka berdua iaitu 'Sultan' Johor dan budak kecil itu HANYA mementingkan diri atau selfish
26. Sebagai ' Sultan' yang KONON NYA berkhidmat dan menjaga hak dan kepentigan rakyat Johor beliau TIDAK SEPATUT NYA bertindak sedimikian
27. Jika Majlis Pertabalan yang amat penting dan bermakna ini boleh di perlakukan sedemikian rupa apatah lagi nasib rakyat dan negeri Johor; mungkin mereka menganggap diri mereka seperti HELANG dan yang lain nya PIPIT
28. Ini kah sikap dan perangai buruk dan tidak bertanggong jawab seorang 'Sultan' yang bercita - cita menjadi Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan bakal 'Sultan'
29. Mereka berdua SEPATUTNYA belajar dan mengikuti cara jejak langkah Tengku Abdullah , Pahang dan adik nya yang kini telah di Tabalkan sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan Permaisuri yang dihormati rakyat BUKAN BERLAGAK sombong , bongkak dan suka menunjuk - nunjuk
30. 'Sultan' Johor dan si pendek itu besar kepala , dan tak peduli perasaan rakyat kerana mereka berdua boleh menakut dan memperbodohkan rakyat KHUSUS Menteri Besar , EXCO dan Wakil - Wakil Rakyat
31. Kepada SEMUA mereka HENTI KAN sikap menggampu yang berlebihan JIKA mahu sokongan rakyat Johor pada Pilihanraya akan datang
src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uGYti4EEdAomTv-lZvwzMCh3Sh-6XR-s9dX9pWhPfiMuizrdaS5_-_V4Y0WWAw-7CSBo-eoHdHQtoO2rmF9XSsoPKblGT1atxPOZZ-lhgG7teKLg_CENcGWZqy-lIKz1YVlPoCHidZIFmO7Rp9Bx6tXimGd5ljHg=s0-d" width="400">
Zakir Naik is toast. And it’s hard to see how he can still be protected after what he has – stupidly – done. Has anybody noticed that until today, the two top guns of UMNO – Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi – have yet to defend the controversial Indian Islamic preacher accused of spreading hate speech, laundering money, and funding terrorism by the Indian government?
Mr. Zahid, as the president of UMNO Malay nationalist party, should have screamed until foaming at the mouth defending the preacher who has attracted truckloads of conservative Malay Muslims. Likewise, Mr. Najib, the former president of UMNO, hadn’t spoken a word of praise for the Mumbai-born preacher, the man his administration had granted permanent resident (PR) in 2015.
Worse, Zahid has thrown the poor Zakir under the bus as if he was some kind of pariah. Heck, the former deputy prime minister has even denied that it was him as Home Minister who had granted PR status to the hate preacher in 2015. Instead, Zahid blamed Muhyiddin Yassin, who was then former deputy prime minister, despite the fact that PR matters are under the jurisdiction of the Home Ministry.
Why neither Zahid nor Najib defends Zakir Naik, who, despite being only a PR was given VVIP treatment and body guard protections fit for a King? As much as Zahid and Najib wanted to milk the fiasco using race and religion cards, they can’t. Both UMNO leaders knew it’s a matter of time before a dangerous preacher like Zakir is kicked out of the country after he is of no use to Mahathir.
Yes, Zakir the foolish preacher was nothing but a tool for Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. While Najib and Zahid watch with popcorn and Coke, Hadi Awang, the idiot president of the PAS Islamist party, do all the dirty jobs of defending the radical preacher. Mr. Hadi would look like a bloody fool if he could not raise an army of 1-million supporters to defend Zakir from being deported, would he not?
After Zahid’s remarks, the next piece of clue that Indian Muslim preacher Zakir will be booted is the spectacular U-turn from Mahathir. The premier finally announced on Sunday (August 18) that the preacher, whom he had protected numerous times in the past, has crossed the red line when he touched on racial politics and stirred racial tension in the country.
Mahathir said – “In the first place, I don’t know who gave him PR status, but as a PR, you cannot participate in politics. Religious teachers can preach, but he was not doing that. He was talking about sending Chinese back to China and Indians back to India. That’s politics. I have never said this kind of things. But he tells the Chinese to go back.”
“It is quite clear he wants to participate in racial politics in Malaysia. Now, he is stirring up racial feelings. That is bad. People here are trying their best not to say those things. Even I would not dare say those things. Whatever action we take will be in accordance with the law. This government respects the rule of law,” – said the 94-year-old prime minister.
You don’t need a rocket scientist to decipher Mahathir’s hidden message. Prior to Zakir’s outburst – accusing Hindus in Malaysia of being more loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi than to Dr Mahathir and telling “old guests” Malaysian Chinese to go back to China first before he (“new guests”) can be asked to leave – Mahathir had protected him with dozens of silly excuses.
Now, Mahathir suddenly recovers from his senility and spoke like a great leader? Not only his message to the police was that Zakir Naik had engaged in high stake racial politics, hence he must face the law, but Mahathir has also passed the buck to the previous government led by Najib and Zahid – questioning how on earth did the preacher get his PR in the first place.
There’s a reason why Najib or Zahid didn’t rush to claim credits, as they usually would under normal circumstance, when Mahathir repeatedly defended Zakir initially. The despicable preacher was just a pawn in a political manoeuvre. Think about it. As Zakir’s popularity rises beyond that of Mahathir – or even the King – in the eyes of Muslims in the country, it’s a matter of time before he seizes power.
Religion is one of the biggest scam in the market. Just because Zakir looks innocent, pious in religious costume, talks fluently about afterlife and appears like an expert in comparing religions does not make him any different from a power-hungry terrorist. He does not need to raise swords, but merely incite his gullible followers to terrorise people from other religions.
Of course, he hasn’t reached the stage like the one where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi converted the Jihad movement into the Islamic State caliphate, with tens of thousands of fighters recruited from more than 80 countries (while he went into hiding enjoying himself). But Zakir is on the right footing to achieve that if he’s allowed to continue mocking and insulting the Hindus and Chinese.
His words have already poisoned some of his followers. A 28-year-old man who works as a storekeeper and a security guard was detained by authorities after he threatened to “behead” lawyer Syahredzan Johan for suggesting that preacher Zakir Naik’s permanent resident status be rescinded. The ISIS terrorist group was notorious for beheading hostages in their Jihad adventure.
To borrow Mahathir’s favourite naughty phrase, only the “blind, deaf and dumb” could not see the danger of keeping a time-bomb like Zakir in the country. Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Rais Yatim, Rafidah Aziz and Hishammuddin Hussein saw it. As an old fox, Mahathir saw it too, but the cunning premier had chosen to act dumb and gave the preacher enough rope to hang himself.
Inspired and encouraged by Mahathir’s defence for him, Mr. Zakir has mistaken the gesture as a blessing or approval to go a step further in his rampage against non-Muslims in the country – belittling, mocking and insulting not only the local Hindus but also Malaysian Chinese and even poked the dragon China’s mistreatment of Uighurs in the Xinjiang region.
As we had written previously, Mahathir was using Khat Jawi and Zakir Naik to promote himself as the greatest champion of Malays and Islam. Playing the emotions of the ethnics Chinese, Indians and even Malays, the old man wanted to weaken his allies DAP and PKR in the Pakatan Harapan coalition government because his own party (PPBM or Bersatu) is very weak.
Without adequate uproars and criticisms against Zakir Naik, the prime minister might let the preacher continue with his extremism and radicalization. Mahathir’s fishing trip is now over after 115 police reports filed against the India-born preacher. And the prime minister has caught quite a bucket of fish in his little expedition using a foolish bait called Zakir Naik.
DAP, a Chinese-majority party, has already suffered tremendously as a result from the silly Khat Jawi stunt. In the eyes of the Malays, DAP, who commanded 95% of the Chinese vote bank, is anti Muslim for its refusal to learn the Arabic calligraphy. In the eyes of the Chinese, DAP top leaders are a bunch of traitors who failed to stop the Jawi from being pushed down the throats of vernacular schools.
If Zakir Naik is deported today, the Malays will not blame Mahathir squarely, but the Chinese DAP – again. In the same breath, the oppositions UMNO and PAS are also milking Zakir Naik to dry. All the Malay political parties are using DAP as the punching bag in their attempt to swing the Malay voters to their respective camps. DAP will definitely lose tons of seats in the next general election.
Comically, the deportation of Zakir Naik could make the Hindus cheer for Mahathir, despite the fact it was the same prime minister who had refused to kick out the hate preacher upon forming the government in May 2018. The premier can conveniently say that he could not deport the preacher because the controversial figure had done no wrong – until today.
So far, doors are closing fast with 7 states – Melaka, Johor, Selangor, Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Sarawak – have decided to ban the radical preacher from speaking in public. It certainly will look very stupid on Mahathir’s side if he makes another stunning U-turn and allows Zakir to continue staying in the country. The preacher has overplayed his hand and has no use to Mahathir anymore. - FT
Zakir Naik The Foolish Bait
Is Waiting To Be Deported...
Is Waiting To Be Deported...
Mr. Zahid, as the president of UMNO Malay nationalist party, should have screamed until foaming at the mouth defending the preacher who has attracted truckloads of conservative Malay Muslims. Likewise, Mr. Najib, the former president of UMNO, hadn’t spoken a word of praise for the Mumbai-born preacher, the man his administration had granted permanent resident (PR) in 2015.
Worse, Zahid has thrown the poor Zakir under the bus as if he was some kind of pariah. Heck, the former deputy prime minister has even denied that it was him as Home Minister who had granted PR status to the hate preacher in 2015. Instead, Zahid blamed Muhyiddin Yassin, who was then former deputy prime minister, despite the fact that PR matters are under the jurisdiction of the Home Ministry.
Why neither Zahid nor Najib defends Zakir Naik, who, despite being only a PR was given VVIP treatment and body guard protections fit for a King? As much as Zahid and Najib wanted to milk the fiasco using race and religion cards, they can’t. Both UMNO leaders knew it’s a matter of time before a dangerous preacher like Zakir is kicked out of the country after he is of no use to Mahathir.
Yes, Zakir the foolish preacher was nothing but a tool for Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. While Najib and Zahid watch with popcorn and Coke, Hadi Awang, the idiot president of the PAS Islamist party, do all the dirty jobs of defending the radical preacher. Mr. Hadi would look like a bloody fool if he could not raise an army of 1-million supporters to defend Zakir from being deported, would he not?
After Zahid’s remarks, the next piece of clue that Indian Muslim preacher Zakir will be booted is the spectacular U-turn from Mahathir. The premier finally announced on Sunday (August 18) that the preacher, whom he had protected numerous times in the past, has crossed the red line when he touched on racial politics and stirred racial tension in the country.
“It is quite clear he wants to participate in racial politics in Malaysia. Now, he is stirring up racial feelings. That is bad. People here are trying their best not to say those things. Even I would not dare say those things. Whatever action we take will be in accordance with the law. This government respects the rule of law,” – said the 94-year-old prime minister.
You don’t need a rocket scientist to decipher Mahathir’s hidden message. Prior to Zakir’s outburst – accusing Hindus in Malaysia of being more loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi than to Dr Mahathir and telling “old guests” Malaysian Chinese to go back to China first before he (“new guests”) can be asked to leave – Mahathir had protected him with dozens of silly excuses.
Now, Mahathir suddenly recovers from his senility and spoke like a great leader? Not only his message to the police was that Zakir Naik had engaged in high stake racial politics, hence he must face the law, but Mahathir has also passed the buck to the previous government led by Najib and Zahid – questioning how on earth did the preacher get his PR in the first place.
There’s a reason why Najib or Zahid didn’t rush to claim credits, as they usually would under normal circumstance, when Mahathir repeatedly defended Zakir initially. The despicable preacher was just a pawn in a political manoeuvre. Think about it. As Zakir’s popularity rises beyond that of Mahathir – or even the King – in the eyes of Muslims in the country, it’s a matter of time before he seizes power.
Of course, he hasn’t reached the stage like the one where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi converted the Jihad movement into the Islamic State caliphate, with tens of thousands of fighters recruited from more than 80 countries (while he went into hiding enjoying himself). But Zakir is on the right footing to achieve that if he’s allowed to continue mocking and insulting the Hindus and Chinese.
His words have already poisoned some of his followers. A 28-year-old man who works as a storekeeper and a security guard was detained by authorities after he threatened to “behead” lawyer Syahredzan Johan for suggesting that preacher Zakir Naik’s permanent resident status be rescinded. The ISIS terrorist group was notorious for beheading hostages in their Jihad adventure.
To borrow Mahathir’s favourite naughty phrase, only the “blind, deaf and dumb” could not see the danger of keeping a time-bomb like Zakir in the country. Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Rais Yatim, Rafidah Aziz and Hishammuddin Hussein saw it. As an old fox, Mahathir saw it too, but the cunning premier had chosen to act dumb and gave the preacher enough rope to hang himself.
Inspired and encouraged by Mahathir’s defence for him, Mr. Zakir has mistaken the gesture as a blessing or approval to go a step further in his rampage against non-Muslims in the country – belittling, mocking and insulting not only the local Hindus but also Malaysian Chinese and even poked the dragon China’s mistreatment of Uighurs in the Xinjiang region.
Without adequate uproars and criticisms against Zakir Naik, the prime minister might let the preacher continue with his extremism and radicalization. Mahathir’s fishing trip is now over after 115 police reports filed against the India-born preacher. And the prime minister has caught quite a bucket of fish in his little expedition using a foolish bait called Zakir Naik.
DAP, a Chinese-majority party, has already suffered tremendously as a result from the silly Khat Jawi stunt. In the eyes of the Malays, DAP, who commanded 95% of the Chinese vote bank, is anti Muslim for its refusal to learn the Arabic calligraphy. In the eyes of the Chinese, DAP top leaders are a bunch of traitors who failed to stop the Jawi from being pushed down the throats of vernacular schools.
If Zakir Naik is deported today, the Malays will not blame Mahathir squarely, but the Chinese DAP – again. In the same breath, the oppositions UMNO and PAS are also milking Zakir Naik to dry. All the Malay political parties are using DAP as the punching bag in their attempt to swing the Malay voters to their respective camps. DAP will definitely lose tons of seats in the next general election.
Comically, the deportation of Zakir Naik could make the Hindus cheer for Mahathir, despite the fact it was the same prime minister who had refused to kick out the hate preacher upon forming the government in May 2018. The premier can conveniently say that he could not deport the preacher because the controversial figure had done no wrong – until today.
So far, doors are closing fast with 7 states – Melaka, Johor, Selangor, Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Sarawak – have decided to ban the radical preacher from speaking in public. It certainly will look very stupid on Mahathir’s side if he makes another stunning U-turn and allows Zakir to continue staying in the country. The preacher has overplayed his hand and has no use to Mahathir anymore. - FT

Malang sungguh...

Teman sekatil UMNO-PAS
