Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Siapa kangkung sebenarnya?

Statut Rom: Seorang menteri PH menggelarkan 4 orang ahli akademik yang terlibat dalam rumusan eksekutif Statut Rom yang dibentangkan kepada Majlis Raja-Raja pada 2 April lalu sebagai 'profesor kangkung'. Antara 4 orang ahli akademik tersebut ialah Prof Dato' Dr. Rahmat Mohamad. Kita lihat antara pencapaian beliau dan kemudian nilai sendiri siapa yg 'kangkung' sebenarnya.

 Beliau ketika ini merupakan Timbalan Naib Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). Beliau adalah pakar dalam bidang undang-undang antarabangsa di UITM. Beliau memperolehi ijazah PhD dari University of Wales, Aberystwyth, pada tahun 2000 dengan tesis bertajuk “Dispute settlement mechanism in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)”.

Beliau juga merupakan Setiausaha Agung the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) dari tahun 2008 ke tahun 2016. Banyak yang telah beliau sumbangkan kepada kejayaan AALCO sehinggakan sumbangan beliau tersebut diiktiraf oleh PM China, Li Keqiang ketika menyampaikan sebuah ucapan pembukaan AALCO Sesi Tahunan ke-54 pada April 2015.

Memetik sebuah artikel The Star pada 24 April 2015, Prof Rahmat turut menyentuh isu Statut Rom :

Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation was born at a historic moment, but struggles to deal with the present day issues.

LAST week, the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO) held its annual session in the Chinese capital of Beijing.

Here’s a bit of the organisation’s background – with a focus on international law and legal matters of common concern, AALCO is the legacy of the Bandung Conference.

That historic conference in 1955, also known as the Asia-Africa Conference, led to the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War.

More than 30 world leaders, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chinese President Xi Jinping, gathered in Indonesia this week for the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Bandung Conference.

Malaysia is one of the 47 member states of AALCO that has its headquarters in New Delhi, and the current AALCO secretary-general, Prof Dr Rahmat Mohamad, is a Malaysian.

“AALCO is not a political union. That is why it is not popular and people do not know of its existence,” said Dr Rahmat.

“We are a legal consultative body comprising legal experts from the Asian and African countries.”

AALCO deals with issues that affect the legal rights of its member states and highlights their views to the International Law Commission (ILC) and the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.

It has also established permanent observer missions to the United Nations and set up regional arbitrary centres, one of which is in Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Rahmat, who was the deputy vice-chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Mara, won the election to the post in 2008. He is now serving his second four-year term.

“The regions of Asia and Africa have different political beliefs, culture and systems. But at the end of the day, we get the common concern and bring it to the attention of the ILC and UN,” he said.

“It was the vision of leaders like (Indonesia’s first president) Sukarno and (India’s first prime minister) Jawaharlal Nehru that newly independent countries must have their voices heard in international forums like the United Nations.

“When you have a body like AALCO, the other side will know what our concerns are.”

Using the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as an example. Dr Rahmat said many Asian countries are not state parties to the treaty, but that does not mean that they are against the idea.

“It is good but a lot of issues have to be clarified and resolved first,” he said.

“The Penal Code in Malaysia, for instance, only has definition of crime, but not crime against humanity. How do you apply that in our system? We are not used to it, our judges and prosecutors are not used to it.”

The Rome Statute, which has been acceded to by 123 countries, established the ICC to investigate and prosecute four core international crimes, namely genocide, crime against humanity, war crimes and crime of aggression.

“There are issues that need to be resolved domestically first,” Dr Rahmat said.

“However, the politics of it are causing apprehension. My job is to continue to disseminate legal knowledge to make people aware.”

During the 54th annual session of AALCO here last week, delegates from the member states explored issues such as the deportation of Palestinians, the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Investment Treaties), international law in cyberspace, environment and sustainable development, violent extremism and terrorism, and law of the sea.

As broad and complex as these topics may seem, Dr Rahmat said the works of AALCO are closely related to the people.

“We do not live in a vacuum. International law is part of every individual’s life,” he said.

“In addition to what is happening within our own country, we must also pay attention to matters in the

Beliau juga telah pernah dicalonkan sebagai wakil Malaysia bagi jawatan International Law Commission pada Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu pada tahun 2016.

Selain itu ketika ini beliau juga merupakan Pengerusi Institut Sukan Negara.

Antara lain-lain pengiktirafan di peringkat antarabangsa.

. Panel on Dispute settlement – ASEAN
· Coordinating Committee, International Federation on Training and development Organization (IFTDO)
· Deputy Chairman, IFTDO World Conference and Exhibition – Kuala Lumpur 2006
· Chairman, ASEAN Summit Civil Society Group 2005
· High Level Task Force (Malaysia) ASEAN Charter
· Judge, World Philip Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Washington DC, 2006.…/…/04/24/the-spirit-of-bandung/…

MR :  PH ni buta mata buta hati

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