Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Previous Government paying dividens from Tabung Haji Reserves Since 2012. Smoke Screen?

Tabung Haji went red long ago, Azmin tells Umno Youth
Sean Augustin
-April 9, 2019 7:38 AM

PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali (right) with Pakatan Harapan’s Rantau candidate Dr Streram Sinnasamy (in red) and PKR vice-president Tian Chua.

SEREMBAN: PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali has reminded Barisan Nasional leaders demanding a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into Lembaga Tabung Haji that the central bank had warned about the pilgrims fund’s finances as far back as 2015.

“Why is it that when Pakatan Harapan decides to be transparent, they (Umno) come forward as if they are heroes?” the economic
affairs minister told reporters after attending a ceramah event linked to the Rantau by-election campaign here last night.

Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki had earlier said that an RCI into Tabung Haji’s finances was needed to clear the confusion that could erode depositors’ confidence in the fund.

Asyraf also said the government’s claim of losses to the tune of RM10 billion was a serious allegation.

This followed the fund’s announcement last week of a mere 1.25% dividend for 2018, a sharp drop from the 6.25% dividend paid out the previous year.

In the past, it was reported that Tabung Haji had illegally paid dividends to its depositors in 2017.

Bank Negara Malaysia in December 2015 warned then-minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom that Tabung Haji had been paying out dividends and bonuses using its reserves since 2012.
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