Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Datuk Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong) Parliament’s new Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman.

Pakatan, Opposition unanimously adopt Umno’s Noraini as new PAC chief

Published 1 hour ago on 11 April 2019

By Yiswaree Palansamy
Datuk Noraini Ahmad speaks during press conference in Parliament April 11, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, April 11 — In a rare show of bipartisanship, Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Opposition lawmakers jointly approved Datuk Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong) as Parliament’s new Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman.

After Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong
tabled the motion to propose her, MPs exchanged cheerful banter characterised by Datuk Seri Tajuddin Rahman (BN-Pasir Salak) teasing Noraini’s predecessor over his “pitiful” fate.

Former PAC chairman Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee (PH-Beluran) was all smiles, however, and joined the banter by adding that he took no offence and viewed Noraini’s appointment as necessary.

The motion also did not go through the usual debate as all the MPs voiced their agreement to her appointment.Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee speaks during press conference in Parliament April 11, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
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