Kumpulan masyarakat Orang Asli tidak perlu mengemukakan geran untuk membuktikan hak milik ke atas tanah pusaka, kata bekas hakim Gopal Sri Ram.
Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas saman dikemukakan kerajaan persekutuan ke atas kerajaan negeri Kelantan berhubung pencerobohan ke atas tanah Orang Asli, lapor Free Malaysia Today.
Menurutnya, Orang Asli boleh mendapat hak milik tanah adat dengan hanya mengusahakan tanah atau memburu dan tinggal di kawasan sekitar, lapor portal itu.
“Menduduki tanah secara turun temurun adalah anggapan yang kuat dan tidak disangkal bahawa mereka memegang hak ke atas tanah itu,” katanya seperti dipetik dalam laporan itu.
Saman berkenaan menamakan kerajaan Kelantan, pengarah tanah dan galian, pengarah jabata perhutanan negeri, sebuah koperasi dan empat syarikat persendirian sebagai defendan.
Saman berkenaan dikemukakan bagi pihak Orang Asli Temiar di Pos Simpor, dekat Gua Musang.
Menurut Peguam Negara Tommy Thomas, kerajaan negeri melanggar tanggungjawab mengikut perlembagaan untuk melindungi masyarakat terbabit.
Menurut Peguam Negara Tommy Thomas, kerajaan negeri melanggar tanggungjawab mengikut perlembagaan untuk melindungi masyarakat terbabit.
Dalam kenyataan balas, Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan Mohd Amar Abdullah mendakwa Orang Asli hanya memiliki tanah yang dilupuskan hak kepada masyarakat terbabit.
Mengulas kenyataan itu, Gopal Sri Ram (pix,bawah) berkata Kelantan membuat tafsiran salah ke atas Kanun Tanah 1965 kerana mempercayai semua tanah dimiliki kerajaan negeri.
“Kerajaan negeri secara tidak mengikut undang-undang menyekat Orang Asli daripada tanah adat, dan tiba masanya hak ini dikembalikan,” katanya.
Sri Ram salah seorang daripada dua hakim dalam panel tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang memihak kepada Orang Asli dalam kes penting pada 1997 dan 2005.
Menurutnya, Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Kanun Tanah Negara, Akta Pengambilalihan Tanah 1960 dan Akta Orang Asli 1954 juga memihak kepada Orang Asli.
Menurutnya, pihak berkuasa boleh mengambil alih tanah tersebut tetapi masyarakat berkenaan perlu menerima pampasan setimpal.
“Jika tidak, ia melanggar hak ke atas harta mereka mengikut Perkara 13 (2),” katanya.
Dalam kes Selangor lawan Sagong Tasi pada 2005, Sri Ram yang menyampaikan keputusan itu berkata masyarakat Orang Asli Temuah berhak ke atas tanah adat. - f/bk
Kes pecah amanah dan salahguna
kuasa Najib mudah dibuktikan...
kuasa Najib mudah dibuktikan...
A Kadir Jasin mendakwa bahawa bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak sudah mula menggunakan pelbagai tipu helah untuk melengah-lengahkan perbicaraan kes rasuahnya, seperti juga beberapa ahli politik lain.
Walau bagaimanapun, katanya, beberapa kesnya itu, khususnya yang membabitkan kes pecah amanah, salah guna kuasa dan penggubahan wang haram, boleh dibuktikan dengan mudah berbanding kes pembunuhan atau liwat.
“Tipu helah mereka ini samalah dengan yang digunakan oleh ahli politik dan pembesar lain yang diseret ke mahkamah sebelum ini.
“Najib sudah pun memulakannya dengan ‘enggan’ masuk kandang orang kena tuduh dan pasukan pembelaan beliau membantah kehadiran pegawai tertentu di pihak pendakwa.
“Yang nampaknya belum digunakan oleh Najib adalah berpura-pura sakit dan minta dimasukkan ke hospital. Sebaliknya kita lihat beliau segar-bugar dan cergas berpolitik, membuat tampalan media sosial dan berkempen pilihan raya kecil,” katanya.
Justeru, kata Kadir, orang ramai jangan berharap sangat untuk melihat Najib dan tertuduh lain disumbatkan ke penjara dalam masa yang singkat.
“Melainkan kes yang mudah, macam pengubahan wang haram, dibicarakan dahulu.
“Kita boleh mengambil perbicaraan pembesar politik sebelum ini sebagai contoh. Kes pecah amanah dan salah guna kuasa boleh dibuktikan dengan mudah berbanding pembunuhan atau liwat.

“Ada orang kata, kes pengubahan wang haram (money laundering) juga boleh dibuktikan dengan mudah,” katanya.
Pasukan peguambela bekas perdana menteri itu sedang berusaha untuk menangguhkan perbicaraan pecah amanah dan pengubahan wang haram Najib yang membabitkan RM42 juta daripada SRC International Sdn Bhd, bekas anak syarikat 1MDB.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, Kadir berkata bahawa Najib telah menyatakan secara terbuka bahawa skandal 1MDB bukan kesilapannya seorang diri tetapi "kegagalan sistem".
Najib mendakwa bahawa 1MDB adalah kerana kegagalan perniagaan dan bukannya penipuan tetapi bagi Kadir, 1MDB adalah sebuah persepakatan atau konspirasi penipuan yang melibatkan banyak orang dan pihak di dalam dan luar negara.
“Adakah beliau telah menganiaya (incriminate) diri sendiri dengan mengaku bahawa beliau terlibat dengan kes kegagalan sistemik 1MDB?
“Soalnya adakah pengakuan beliau itu juga boleh dijadikan bukti sahih (admissible evidence) dalam perbicaraan beliau dan konco-konconya?
“Kesimpulannya, dalam bahasa yang mudah Najib berkata memang berlaku kegagalan sistemik dalam 1MDB dan beliau terbabit. Tetapi bukan beliau seorang sebaliknya banyak orang lain turut terlibat,” kata Kadir. - f/bk
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A retired judge says the Orang Asli community in the peninsula need not produce a title to prove their right to their ancestral land, in the wake of a landmark move by the federal government to sue Kelantan over encroachments on native land rights.
Gopal Sri Ram said the Orang Asli would have acquired a customary title to the land merely by cultivating, hunting and living in the areas.
“Occupying the land for generations is a strong and almost irrefutable presumption that they hold the title,” he told FMT.
In the suit filed at the Kota Bharu High Court last weekend, the federal government named the Kelantan government, the state director of land and mines, the state director of the forestry department, a cooperative and four private entities.
Attorney-General Tommy Thomas said the government was instituting legal proceedings on behalf of the Temiar Orang Asli in Pos Simpor, near Gua Musang, as the state had breached its legal and constitutional duty to protect them.
However, Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Abdullah said the Orang Asli in the state only owned land that had been alienated by the state government.
“The Orang Asli do not own any land except for the land awarded by the state government,” he said in an immediate reaction to the suit.
But Sri Ram, who returned to practice after retiring as a judge, said the state had misunderstood the law by believing that it owned all the land under the National Land Code 1965.
“In my respectful view, the state has unlawfully deprived the Orang Asli of their ancestral land, and it is time for this right to be restored,” he said.
Sri Ram had been on the two three-member Court of Appeal panels which decided on the land rights of the Orang Asli in the landmark cases of 1997 and 2005.
He said the Federal Constitution, National Land Code, Land Acquisition Act 1960 and Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 were also in favour of the Orang Asli.
He acknowledged that the authorities could acquire their land, but stressed that they must receive adequate compensation.
“Otherwise, this would be a violation of their right to their property under Article 13 (2),” he said.
In the 2005 case of Selangor v Sagong Tasi and others, Sri Ram, who delivered the judgment, said the Temuan tribe had native title rights over their customary lands.
He said although the radical title to land was vested in the state authorities, this did not bar the Orang Asli from acquiring a customary community title of a permanent nature.
“The precise nature of such a customary title depends on the practice and usage of land by each individual community, to be decided by the trial judge,” he said.
He added that the Aboriginal Peoples Act, a human rights statute, was enacted to protect and uplift the indigenous people in the country.
“It acquires a quasi-constitutional status, giving it pre-eminence over ordinary legislation,” he said. “It must therefore receive a broad and liberal interpretation.”
Meanwhile, lawyer Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al Mahdzar said the legal battle between Putrajaya and the Kelantan government could end up in the Federal Court as the parties would ask the judges to interpret the constitution and all related federal laws.
“Such an outcome would help demarcate clearly the rights and liabilities of state governments towards the aborigines,” he said. - fmt
Occupying ancestral land proof
enough of Orang Asli rights...
Gopal Sri Ram said the Orang Asli would have acquired a customary title to the land merely by cultivating, hunting and living in the areas.
“Occupying the land for generations is a strong and almost irrefutable presumption that they hold the title,” he told FMT.
In the suit filed at the Kota Bharu High Court last weekend, the federal government named the Kelantan government, the state director of land and mines, the state director of the forestry department, a cooperative and four private entities.
Attorney-General Tommy Thomas said the government was instituting legal proceedings on behalf of the Temiar Orang Asli in Pos Simpor, near Gua Musang, as the state had breached its legal and constitutional duty to protect them.
However, Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Abdullah said the Orang Asli in the state only owned land that had been alienated by the state government.
“The Orang Asli do not own any land except for the land awarded by the state government,” he said in an immediate reaction to the suit.
“In my respectful view, the state has unlawfully deprived the Orang Asli of their ancestral land, and it is time for this right to be restored,” he said.
Sri Ram had been on the two three-member Court of Appeal panels which decided on the land rights of the Orang Asli in the landmark cases of 1997 and 2005.
He said the Federal Constitution, National Land Code, Land Acquisition Act 1960 and Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 were also in favour of the Orang Asli.
He acknowledged that the authorities could acquire their land, but stressed that they must receive adequate compensation.
“Otherwise, this would be a violation of their right to their property under Article 13 (2),” he said.

In the 2005 case of Selangor v Sagong Tasi and others, Sri Ram, who delivered the judgment, said the Temuan tribe had native title rights over their customary lands.
He said although the radical title to land was vested in the state authorities, this did not bar the Orang Asli from acquiring a customary community title of a permanent nature.
“The precise nature of such a customary title depends on the practice and usage of land by each individual community, to be decided by the trial judge,” he said.
He added that the Aboriginal Peoples Act, a human rights statute, was enacted to protect and uplift the indigenous people in the country.
“It acquires a quasi-constitutional status, giving it pre-eminence over ordinary legislation,” he said. “It must therefore receive a broad and liberal interpretation.”
Meanwhile, lawyer Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al Mahdzar said the legal battle between Putrajaya and the Kelantan government could end up in the Federal Court as the parties would ask the judges to interpret the constitution and all related federal laws.
“Such an outcome would help demarcate clearly the rights and liabilities of state governments towards the aborigines,” he said. - fmt
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