Dr Mahathir Mohmad berkata adalah mustahil untuk direaktifikasi ICEDD kerana ia memerlukan sokongan 2/3 di parlimen.
Katanya kalau perkara itu hendak dibawa ia akan perlu dibawa ke parlimen kerana melibatkan perlembagaan, oleh itu katanya ia akan ditolak kerana kerajaan akan gagal mendapat sokongan 2/3.
Anwar Ibrahim pula berpendapat pelaksanaan ICERD tidak perlu dibuat secara gopoh dan tergesa-gesa kerana ia bukan perkara perlu diutamakan.
Apa yang lebih penting kata presiden PKR itu, kerajaan menumpukan soal pengembangan ekonomi negara dan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah kenaikan harga barang yang membebankan rakyat.
Husam mengatakan tidak perlu mereaktifikasi ICERD, bagaimana pun soal keadilan untuk semua Islam akan memberi keutamaan.
Menerima pendapat dan kenyataan ketiga-tiga pemimpin itu jelas bahawa PH tidak bersedia untuk mereaktifikasi ICERD dan masyarakat negara ini yang elergik dengan isu itu tidak perlu berasakan terlebih berasa gatal-gatal. - MSO
Oklah..Tutup Buku Mengenai ICERD..Tapi kalau masih ada lagi org buka buku mengenai ICERD,maknanya org itu bodoh dan bangang tahap paling tinggi..Hanya makluk yg sengaja nak buat modal politik shj yg akan terus buka buku mngenai ICERD itu.
Semata2 nak tarik sokongan rkyat dan nak wujudkan ketegangan kaum..Atau utk modal politik prk Dun Rantau..Mohon phk #kerajaanpusat dan phk #pdrm mengambil tindakan terhadap penghasut2 politik itu..- f/bk

Salam Maulidur Rasul...

Mengapa Pasir Salak...
1. Dalam Parlimen Hadi dengan nada yang serius memberi amaran bahawa sejuta rakyat Melayu akan berhimpun jika sekiranya Kerajaan PH meneruskan perlaksanaan Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum atau ICERD.
2. Pada hari Sabtu 17hb November 2018, PAS dan UMNO telah mengadakan satu perhimpunan Melayu di Pasir Salak.
3. Pasir Salak dipilih kerana di sinilah tempatnya Residen British pertama, JWW Birch atau nama sebenarnya, James Wheeler Woodford Birch dibunuh oleh Dato’ Maharajalela, Tok Sagor dan Seputum.
4. Peristiwa ini yang berlaku pada 2hb November 1875 kerana kemarahan orang Melayu yang amat sangat terhadap beliau yang menghina dan menzalimi penduduk setempat.
5. Saya percaya mereka sengaja memilih Pasir Salak dan bulan November juga adalah dengan motif jahat bagi membakar semangat kebencian orang Melayu terhadap Perdana Menteri KONONNYA ada persamaan di antara JWW Birch dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir.
6. Zahid dan Hadi kebelakangan ini sengaja menggunakan isu agama dan perkauman terhadap kerajaan PH; jika tidak dibendung tindakan mereka ini AMAT MERBAHAYA kepada negara yang berbilang kaum dan agama.
7. Perhimpunan yang dihadiri sendiri oleh Presiden UMNO , Zahid Hamidi dan Hadi Awang selaku Presiden PAS menetapkan satu Perhimpunan Raksaksa akan diadakan diKuala Lumpur pada 8hb December 2018 ini bagi membantah pelaksanaan
8. Selain dari menetapkan tarikh Perhimpunan tersebut, yang paling menarik sekali ialah cadangan Zahid agar UMNO dan PAS bergabung seperti apa yang pernah berlaku di suatu ketika dahulu apabila PAS dibawah pimpinan Datuk Asri menyertai Barisan Nasional ( BN ).
9. Nyawa PAS dalam BN tidak lama apabila BN menendang keluar PAS sebagai anggota BN.

10. Sebelum dan selepas PRU 14 yang berlangsung pada 9hb Mei yang lepas UMNO dan PAS mula menunjukkan hala tuju kedua - dua parti Melayu tersebut.
11. Nada pemimpin - pemimpin kedua - dua parti tersebut menunjukkan mereka bukan saja lagi bercinta malah sudah pun mengikat tali pertunangan.
12. Seolah - olah tidak sabar lagi menunggu malam pertama, Zahid tiba - tiba mengganjurkan agar kedua - dua parti tersebut terus bergabung.
13. Hanya yang melewat - lewatkan tarikh ' penikahan ' kedua mempelai tersebut ialah jumlah dulang dan isinya sahaja yang harus di muktamadkan.
14. Takkanlah PAS melalui Amanat Hadi Awang sanggup tidur sebantal dengan UMNO yang pernah disundalkannya suatu ketika dahulu.
15. Apakah Hadi dan PAS sudah bersedia menjilat ludah dan kahaknya sendiri?
16. Takkanlah pulak PAS kini sanggup mengenepikan perjuangan mereka selama ini bagi melaksanakan 'sepenuhnya' undang - undang Islam seperti Hukum Hudud?
17. Seperti kata Hadi dalam Amanatnya, PAS menentang UMNO dan BN bukan kerana namanya; tetapi kerana UMNO dan BN mengamalkan Perlembagaan dan Undang - Undang kafir; justeru apakah hari ini PAS boleh begitu senang menerima Perlembagaan dan Undang - Undang kafir itu?
18. Atas nama 'wala' , terbukti kini ahli - ahli PAS boleh menerima dengan hati terbuka 'Amanat' Hadi yang baru iaitu yang pernah diharamkan sekarang sudah dihalalkan.
19. Apakah lauk daging yang dicampurkan seketul daging babi kini boleh dimakan oleh orang Islam khasnya ahli - ahli PAS?

20. Apakah perbicaran di Mahkamah di kota London pada bulan April akan datang akan membuktikan bahawa sebahagian pemimpin mereka sudah kenyang seperti ular sawa?
21. Sebenarnya saya amat bersimpati dengan ahli - ahli PAS di peringkat bawahan ; mereka percaya bulat - bulat apa pemimpin mereka kata.
22. Bagi Zahid dan pemimpin UMNO yang lain terutama yang sedang dan bakal menghadapi pertuduhan undang - undang, inilah peluang terbaik untuk mereka menyelamatkan diri.
23. Mereka sudah bersedia membuang daging babi tersebut asalkan cita - cita dan rancangan mereka menolak Tun Dr. Mahathir dengan cara 'undi tak percaya' atau ' vote of no confidence' dapat diusahakan dalam masa terdekat.
24. Dalam dunia politik biasanya apa yang diharapkan tak semestinya dapat, tetapi apa yang didapati adalah sesuatu yang tak pernah diharap.
25. Sebagai contoh yang paling terbaru apabila rancangan PAS dan UMNO hendak mengganjurkan perhimpunan bantahan pada 8hb December ini terbantut atau sia - sia apabila Kerajaan melalui Perdana Menteri mengumumkan TIDAK AKAN melaksanakan ICERD.
26. Bagi Hadi dan pemimpin - pemimpin PAS inilah caranya menutup cerita Hudud yang telah dipermainkan oleh UMNO selama ini.
27. Bagi Zahid pula inilah satu - satunya talian hayat yang tinggal.
28. Semoga Hadi, Zahid , Tun Hamid Muhammad dan beberapa orang Sultan dan pemakan dedak tidak berangan seperti ' Si Luncai Dengan Labu - Labunya' atau sekadar ' Angan - angan Mat Jenin'.
29. Tun Dr. Mahathir TIDAK PERNAH berangan - angan nak menjadi Perdana Menteri buat kali kedua; ALLAH SWT YANG MENENTUKAN SEGALA-GALANYA. - Tamrin Tun Ghafar

Nak selamatkan Islam-Melayu
atau UMNO-PAS...
Kebelakangan ini ada pihak-pihak tertentu dengan penuh kebencian sedang membakar semangat keganasan dalam kalangan penyokong masing masing. Kalau direnung serta dikaji dengan halus dan lojik isu yang dibangkitkan, ia hanyalah reaksi kepada sesuatu yang belum lagi menjadi kepastikan sebaliknya hanyalah cakap cakap yang liar.
Filem Polis Evo 2 dan ratifikasi Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum (Icerd) adalah dua contoh isu yang sedang dibakar semangat hasutan untuk berdemonstrasi besar-besaran dan untuk boikot oleh pihak yang
mempunyai motif politik.
Polis Evo 2 adalah filem yang telah diluluskan oleh Lembaga Penapis Filem Negara untuk ditayangkan. Plotnya berkisar aksi kepolisan Malaysia menentang sekumpulan pengganas telah memegang tebusan penduduk sebuah kampung.
Ada beberapa orang watak didalam filem tersebut memakai serban dan jubah. Skrip sebegini bukanlah luar biasa dan banyak kali pernah di buat filem. Tidak semena-mena seorang ustaz dari sebuah parti politik Islam menyerang keras filem tersebut dan minta orang Islam mengutuk dan memboikot filem tersebut.
Apabila ditanya oleh wartwan sudahkah Ustaz tersebut menonton filem Polis Evo 2, ia menjawab belum! Bahkan sebenarnya filem itu belum pun ditayangkan di pawagam! Fobia dan hasutan keagamaan serta kaum apakah yang ingin dibakar oleh pihak-pihak ini. Lembaga Penapis Filem Malaysia yang begitu cermat tidak mungkin meluluskan filem yang boleh menimbulkan kebencian agama dan etnik. Lagi pun Polis Evo 2 adalah susulan filem Polis Evo yang tiada kontroversi apa pun.
Cubaan kedua untuk mencetus kebencian dan keresahan adalah tentang isu cadangan Icerd yang kononnya akan menggugat kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu, umat Islam dan orang Melayu serta status Bumiputera di Malaysia.
Pihak kerajaan telah menyatakan akan menghalusi Icerd dengan terperinci dan jika bertentangan dengan perlembagaan negara ia tidak akan di terima. Sudah tentu sebagai kerajaan yang mempunyai kredibiliti ia mesti mengambil langkah mengikut peraturan yang teliti dan betul bukan berasaskan emosi semata-mata.
Walaupun jika Icerd di persetujui kerajaan, ia tidak dapat dilaksanakan tanpa pindaan perlembagaan negara yang memerlukan majoriti dua pertiga di mana Pakatan Harapan tidak mempunyai majoriti tersebut. Kenapakah PAS dan Umno tidak maklumkan kepada rakyat?
Selain itu, pandangan Timbalan Presiden Amanah, Salahuddin Ayub dan Naib Presiden, Husam Musa telah menyatakan tiada perlunya Icerd diterima di Malaysia. Baca seterusnya...
For decades, we were subject to Umno-Baru/BN's rule of fear. Their leaders could do anything they liked. They were arrogant, conceited and had little respect for the ordinary man, or the rule of law.
Last week, one former BN man, received a massive shock. Life as he once knew it, had ended. For decades, he and men of his ilk were at the top, but on 10 May, when they fell flat on their faces, they were unable to behave as normal people.
Moreover, they had what Malays call "sudah jadi lemak" (become spoilt and lazy), and did not want to relinquish their perks and power. Poor SA Vigneswaran! He learnt from his arrogant peers in Umno-Baru and MIC, how to behave as someone at the top of the greasy political ladder.
The lessons are simple. Anyone else is expected to fawn over him, but when someone kisses the top man's hand, your lips must linger longer than the other minions; when others prostrate themselves to appease the head honcho, you do more, and hope you do not have a face-plant, from over-bending.
These Umno-Baru/BN men are like prisoners who spend decades on parole, and struggle to cope in real life when they are released. Gone is their timetable of when to eat, when to exercise and when to talk to others. Being institutionalised had altered their behaviour.
MIC's president Vigneswaran is also the Dewan Negara president. These two positions should command respect and responsibility - but all too often power gets to their heads and they become arrogant. When they are challenged, their inner demons are released. Rules are meant to control the masses, and do not apply to them.
On Nov 14, Vigneswaran (above) received a rude awakening when he committed the equivalent of being found with his knickers in a twist. He had breached security protocols at the VIP services of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).
In a press conference, the Transport Minister, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, showed a video of Vigneswaran flouting strict protocol. With egg on his face, Vigneswaran attempted to paint himself as the victim of a "childish" political vendetta. He also accused Loke of staging a trial by media by exposing him in the video.
He said, “I don’t recognise kangaroo courts,” and demanded that Loke apologises to him, instead. Why should Loke do that? The arrogant Vigneswaran blamed Loke for not having the decency and fairness, to hear his side of the argument, before calling a press conference.
A picture paints a thousand words. It is clear from the video, that the MIC president had not complied with the strict dress code. He was wearing slippers and clearly, he was in the wrong, but that did not stop him from claiming that he was right. In his defence, Vigneswaran said that he was in slippers because he had a wound. Well, he would say that wouldn't he?
Pathetic excuses of politicians
Aren't we fed up with these pathetic excuses of claiming to be ill, which only crop up after politicians have been exposed for breaking the law.
Didn't a former minister claim that he was unable to walk, and when he was on the verge of being arrested for outraging the modesty of a minor, he was miraculously able to run away as fast as he could from the long arm of the law.
If his position, as the MIC president and Dewan Negara president, allows him to use the VIP channel, why was Vigneswaran abusing the rule and taking his daughter through the VIP lane.
It would have been a different story if both father and daughter were travelling together. What's to stop Vigneswaran, or another person with access to the VIP lounge, from allowing his family, friends, cronies and business associates to use this perk?
Vigneswaran had also refused to be searched, and he just forged ahead despite not having a security pass. When he was challenged, he launched a tirade against the security officer who was merely doing his job. Obviously, Vigneswaran has no respect for employees and staff.
How many times, in the past, have former Umno-Baru/BN politicians flouted the rules?
To this day, I continue to receive many confessions from former civil servants who were angry that they were forced to carry suitcases of money for ministers and mentris besar of the former regime, or for their wives, to London. The VIP channel is one way to evade scrutiny.
On their return, laden with expensive purchases, they evade tax by using the diplomatic pouch or VVIP baggage. The Customs Department officers are not allowed to inspect diplomatic pouches and few would dare to scrutinise the luggage of a VVIP.
A different set of rules exist for you and I. We get taxed for our few treasured purchases, which were bought with our own hard earned cash. The fat cat politicians simply lived off us and were not even taxed.
Loke was right to come to the defence of his staff. The men and women whom we entrust with carrying out their public duties, should not be shouted at, humiliated, or threatened by ‘Datuks’ or former ministers, but be allowed to do their jobs, without fear or favour.
MIC should change its name from "Malaysia Indian Congress" to "Mired in Conceitedness". Similarly, Umno should stand for "United Money National Organisation" and MCA, is "Money Comes Along". And I must credit M Heng for these alternative definitions of Umno and MCA. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk
Polis Evo 2 adalah filem yang telah diluluskan oleh Lembaga Penapis Filem Negara untuk ditayangkan. Plotnya berkisar aksi kepolisan Malaysia menentang sekumpulan pengganas telah memegang tebusan penduduk sebuah kampung.
Ada beberapa orang watak didalam filem tersebut memakai serban dan jubah. Skrip sebegini bukanlah luar biasa dan banyak kali pernah di buat filem. Tidak semena-mena seorang ustaz dari sebuah parti politik Islam menyerang keras filem tersebut dan minta orang Islam mengutuk dan memboikot filem tersebut.
Apabila ditanya oleh wartwan sudahkah Ustaz tersebut menonton filem Polis Evo 2, ia menjawab belum! Bahkan sebenarnya filem itu belum pun ditayangkan di pawagam! Fobia dan hasutan keagamaan serta kaum apakah yang ingin dibakar oleh pihak-pihak ini. Lembaga Penapis Filem Malaysia yang begitu cermat tidak mungkin meluluskan filem yang boleh menimbulkan kebencian agama dan etnik. Lagi pun Polis Evo 2 adalah susulan filem Polis Evo yang tiada kontroversi apa pun.
Cubaan kedua untuk mencetus kebencian dan keresahan adalah tentang isu cadangan Icerd yang kononnya akan menggugat kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu, umat Islam dan orang Melayu serta status Bumiputera di Malaysia.
Pihak kerajaan telah menyatakan akan menghalusi Icerd dengan terperinci dan jika bertentangan dengan perlembagaan negara ia tidak akan di terima. Sudah tentu sebagai kerajaan yang mempunyai kredibiliti ia mesti mengambil langkah mengikut peraturan yang teliti dan betul bukan berasaskan emosi semata-mata.
Walaupun jika Icerd di persetujui kerajaan, ia tidak dapat dilaksanakan tanpa pindaan perlembagaan negara yang memerlukan majoriti dua pertiga di mana Pakatan Harapan tidak mempunyai majoriti tersebut. Kenapakah PAS dan Umno tidak maklumkan kepada rakyat?
Selain itu, pandangan Timbalan Presiden Amanah, Salahuddin Ayub dan Naib Presiden, Husam Musa telah menyatakan tiada perlunya Icerd diterima di Malaysia. Baca seterusnya...

Vigneswaran's rude awakening...
For decades, we were subject to Umno-Baru/BN's rule of fear. Their leaders could do anything they liked. They were arrogant, conceited and had little respect for the ordinary man, or the rule of law.
Last week, one former BN man, received a massive shock. Life as he once knew it, had ended. For decades, he and men of his ilk were at the top, but on 10 May, when they fell flat on their faces, they were unable to behave as normal people.
Moreover, they had what Malays call "sudah jadi lemak" (become spoilt and lazy), and did not want to relinquish their perks and power. Poor SA Vigneswaran! He learnt from his arrogant peers in Umno-Baru and MIC, how to behave as someone at the top of the greasy political ladder.
The lessons are simple. Anyone else is expected to fawn over him, but when someone kisses the top man's hand, your lips must linger longer than the other minions; when others prostrate themselves to appease the head honcho, you do more, and hope you do not have a face-plant, from over-bending.
These Umno-Baru/BN men are like prisoners who spend decades on parole, and struggle to cope in real life when they are released. Gone is their timetable of when to eat, when to exercise and when to talk to others. Being institutionalised had altered their behaviour.

MIC's president Vigneswaran is also the Dewan Negara president. These two positions should command respect and responsibility - but all too often power gets to their heads and they become arrogant. When they are challenged, their inner demons are released. Rules are meant to control the masses, and do not apply to them.
On Nov 14, Vigneswaran (above) received a rude awakening when he committed the equivalent of being found with his knickers in a twist. He had breached security protocols at the VIP services of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).
In a press conference, the Transport Minister, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, showed a video of Vigneswaran flouting strict protocol. With egg on his face, Vigneswaran attempted to paint himself as the victim of a "childish" political vendetta. He also accused Loke of staging a trial by media by exposing him in the video.
He said, “I don’t recognise kangaroo courts,” and demanded that Loke apologises to him, instead. Why should Loke do that? The arrogant Vigneswaran blamed Loke for not having the decency and fairness, to hear his side of the argument, before calling a press conference.
A picture paints a thousand words. It is clear from the video, that the MIC president had not complied with the strict dress code. He was wearing slippers and clearly, he was in the wrong, but that did not stop him from claiming that he was right. In his defence, Vigneswaran said that he was in slippers because he had a wound. Well, he would say that wouldn't he?

Pathetic excuses of politicians
Aren't we fed up with these pathetic excuses of claiming to be ill, which only crop up after politicians have been exposed for breaking the law.
Didn't a former minister claim that he was unable to walk, and when he was on the verge of being arrested for outraging the modesty of a minor, he was miraculously able to run away as fast as he could from the long arm of the law.
If his position, as the MIC president and Dewan Negara president, allows him to use the VIP channel, why was Vigneswaran abusing the rule and taking his daughter through the VIP lane.
It would have been a different story if both father and daughter were travelling together. What's to stop Vigneswaran, or another person with access to the VIP lounge, from allowing his family, friends, cronies and business associates to use this perk?
Vigneswaran had also refused to be searched, and he just forged ahead despite not having a security pass. When he was challenged, he launched a tirade against the security officer who was merely doing his job. Obviously, Vigneswaran has no respect for employees and staff.
How many times, in the past, have former Umno-Baru/BN politicians flouted the rules?
On their return, laden with expensive purchases, they evade tax by using the diplomatic pouch or VVIP baggage. The Customs Department officers are not allowed to inspect diplomatic pouches and few would dare to scrutinise the luggage of a VVIP.
A different set of rules exist for you and I. We get taxed for our few treasured purchases, which were bought with our own hard earned cash. The fat cat politicians simply lived off us and were not even taxed.
Loke was right to come to the defence of his staff. The men and women whom we entrust with carrying out their public duties, should not be shouted at, humiliated, or threatened by ‘Datuks’ or former ministers, but be allowed to do their jobs, without fear or favour.
MIC should change its name from "Malaysia Indian Congress" to "Mired in Conceitedness". Similarly, Umno should stand for "United Money National Organisation" and MCA, is "Money Comes Along". And I must credit M Heng for these alternative definitions of Umno and MCA. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk

They have been all charged for corruption, abuse of power,
money laundering and what not. Guess who will be the next?

Rajin2lah membaca...