Menteri Kewangan, Lim Guan Eng, berkata skandal itu membabitkan syarikat Suria Strategic Energy Resources Sdn Bhd (SSER) yang mana sudah membayar 88 peratus atau RM8.3 bilion walaupun hanya 13 peratus kerja yang sudah siap dilakukan.
Katanya, SSER adalah anak syarikat milik penuh Kementerian Kewangan yang ditubuhkan pada 19 Mei 2016 bertujuan menjalankan dua projek berasingan iaitu Multi Product Pipeline (MPP) dan Trans Sabah Gas Pipeline (TGPP) yang diluluskan Kabinet pada 27 Julai 2016.
"Kontrak kedua-dua projek ini diberikan kepada China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPPB) pada 1 November 2016.

"Setakat ini, sebanyak RM8.25 bilion atau 88 peratus daripada keseluruhan nilai projek sudah dibayar kepada CPPB walaupun hanya 13 peratus kemajuan projek direkodkan," katanya pada sidang media di Kementerian Kewangan di sini, sebentar tadi.
Semua projek-projek syarikat Cina dirundingkan atas tangan siapa? Siapa untung? Semua duit pergi mana?
Bukankah sebelum ini Arul Kanda dan Ketua Polis Negara telah menafikan bhw Jho Low tiada kaitan dengan 1MDB.
Adakah Arul Kanda dan Ketua Polis Negara telah menipu dgn keterangan yang salah ??!
Under whose hands were all these projects with Chinese firms negotiated? Who profited? Where did the money go?
Najib, please explain! Siapa bertanggungjawab benda ini? - f/bk

Mo1 ada satu team penyamun dan kaki samun terdiri dp yg ada ijazah dalam penyamunan seperti isa pendek,jho low dan irwan serigar.lagi satu team pula ketua bahagian umno dan menteri-menteri umno yg bertungkus -lumus bodek dan ampu ketua penyamun mo1 untuk habuan dan dedak..berbilion -bilion harta negara dan rakyat di curi dan diseleweng oleh rejim-rejim umno yg ganas dan rakus sangat menyedihkan hati rakyat kerana wang di curi boleh di gunakan untuk pembangunan negara dan memperkasakan pendidikan rakyat miskin. - Kumar Sanpeng
Yg peliknya dia tak rasa menyesal pon. Wahai org pekan hangpa semua makan dedak sungguh2 nu. Saksi la sendiri bertapa teroknya wakil rakyat anda. - Ramdol Ahlong
Ini jawapan Najib...

DAP tak kalut pun...
Tak dengar pun DAP tuntut yg pelik2 dari kerajaan untuk kaum Cina atau minta dihapuskan hak2 istimewa Melayu/Bumiputera atau kedudukan Islam dan bahasa Melayu atau institutsi raja Melayu...
Tak dengar pun DAP tuntut nak jawatan Perdana Menteri seperti dipropagandakan oleh Umno sebelum PRU14. DAP juga tak minta jawatan TPM. Lim Kit Siang langsung tak jadi Menteri dan DAP pun tak kisah nak promosikan LKS sebagai Menteri...
Yang kita nampak ialah menteri2 pusat dari DAP sibuk dengan tugas2 kementerian mereka untuk jadikan Malaysia lebih progresif.
Ahli2 biasa DAP etnik Cina pula tak ada yang hantar memo kepada Tun minta dibuka UiTM untuk kaum Cina - Non Melayu, atau minta JAKIM ditutup... yang tuntut pasal UITM itu ialah Hindraf 2.0. Yang minta JAKIM ditutup ialah seorang wanita MELAYU bernama Bedah Kassim, dia bukan anggota DAP pun.
Juga tak dengar DAP bising nak pantau sakan kerajaan PH pimpinan Tun Dr Mahathir. Yang dok bising nak pantau kerajaan PH pimpinan Tun ialah Anwar Ibrahim dan Rafizi Ramli dari PKR.
Juga tak dengar DAP melawan raja2 Melayu. Yang dok melawan raja pula ialah anak Kassim dari BN di Perlis, bukan DAP. Anak Kassim ni MELAYU kan? Dah tu Melayu UMNO pulak! Kikikiki!
Punyalah bagus dan pragmatik senyap DAP hinggakan presiden PAS, HADI AWANG sendiri ikrar bahawa DAP dah berubah dan matang selepas PRU14 dan PAS sedia kawan dengan DAP...
Yang tak matang dalam PH siapa? PPBM? Amanah? PKR?
PAS sendiri dah matang ke?
Hadi Awang sendiri dah matang ke?
Cuba teliti malaaun PAS ni matang atau masih
pakai pampers???
Yang kita tau di Kelantan orang2 PAS larang Tun Dr Mahathir ziarah kubur TGNA, larang Nik Omar (anak lelaki sulung TGNA) imamkan solat di sebuah masjid di Kelantan hanya kerana Nik Omar keluar PAS dan masuk PH, dan larang Husam Musa dan Wan Rahim (pemimpin2 Amanah) memasuki pejabat2 kerajaan PAS Kelantan. PAS matang ke dengan larangan ala2 negeri polis ini stail Malaysia Lama bawah BN dulu? - f/bk
Former premier Najib Abdul Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor left the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya at 3.45pm without talking to the media.
According to her lawyer, K Kumaraendran, she was quizzed for a total of three hours. There were breaks in between for her to rest and perform prayers.
"She has given her full cooperation to the MACC,” Kumaraendran told reporters. He declined to take any more questions from the media.
Previously, Najib was also subjected to two marathon questioning sessions by MACC over the SRC International Sdn Bhd funds, which flowed into his personal bank account.
“Her questioning by graft-busters will be intense and thorough,” former MACC investigations and intelligence director Abdul Razak Idris had told AFP earlier.
“She may also be asked to reveal her bank accounts and explain about the source of the cash and jewellery found by police in two condominiums recently,” he said.
In 2015, MACC had been pursuing a case related to SRC International over RM42 million that purportedly flowed into Najib's personal bank accounts.
At the time, whistleblower website Sarawak Report had claimed that there were some well-utilised credit cards linked to those personal accounts.
Ousted former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali had in 2016 cleared Najib of any wrongdoing in regards to the SRC case. - mk
110 million in cash just lying about in the house, and what more in the bank account. No use looking into local bank accounts. Look for overseas accounts. I believe at least ten times the amount found in cash. Yes. For accepting one hundred ringgits as bribe, a poor policeman could go to jail. As such, it would ridiculously absurd if one who stole millions can go Scott free. - RM2.6 billion turkey haram
Both husband & wife smiled confidently all the way before being & after having been questioned by MACC. Were they promised to let go without a jail sentence if most of the loots are returned to the nation? If it's affirmative, I am afraid PH would lose some parliamentary seats if not the power in putrajaya comes next g.e. - amateur
In less than 7 years, husband and wife destroyed what was a great nation. Generations will be paying to repair the nation even after when they are long gone and buried. - Demi Negara Bukan Parti
Yang kita tau di Kelantan orang2 PAS larang Tun Dr Mahathir ziarah kubur TGNA, larang Nik Omar (anak lelaki sulung TGNA) imamkan solat di sebuah masjid di Kelantan hanya kerana Nik Omar keluar PAS dan masuk PH, dan larang Husam Musa dan Wan Rahim (pemimpin2 Amanah) memasuki pejabat2 kerajaan PAS Kelantan. PAS matang ke dengan larangan ala2 negeri polis ini stail Malaysia Lama bawah BN dulu? - f/bk

Rosmah's 1st date with MACC...
Former premier Najib Abdul Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor left the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya at 3.45pm without talking to the media.
According to her lawyer, K Kumaraendran, she was quizzed for a total of three hours. There were breaks in between for her to rest and perform prayers.
"She has given her full cooperation to the MACC,” Kumaraendran told reporters. He declined to take any more questions from the media.
Previously, Najib was also subjected to two marathon questioning sessions by MACC over the SRC International Sdn Bhd funds, which flowed into his personal bank account.
“Her questioning by graft-busters will be intense and thorough,” former MACC investigations and intelligence director Abdul Razak Idris had told AFP earlier.
“She may also be asked to reveal her bank accounts and explain about the source of the cash and jewellery found by police in two condominiums recently,” he said.
In 2015, MACC had been pursuing a case related to SRC International over RM42 million that purportedly flowed into Najib's personal bank accounts.
At the time, whistleblower website Sarawak Report had claimed that there were some well-utilised credit cards linked to those personal accounts.
Ousted former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali had in 2016 cleared Najib of any wrongdoing in regards to the SRC case. - mk
110 million in cash just lying about in the house, and what more in the bank account. No use looking into local bank accounts. Look for overseas accounts. I believe at least ten times the amount found in cash. Yes. For accepting one hundred ringgits as bribe, a poor policeman could go to jail. As such, it would ridiculously absurd if one who stole millions can go Scott free. - RM2.6 billion turkey haram
Both husband & wife smiled confidently all the way before being & after having been questioned by MACC. Were they promised to let go without a jail sentence if most of the loots are returned to the nation? If it's affirmative, I am afraid PH would lose some parliamentary seats if not the power in putrajaya comes next g.e. - amateur
In less than 7 years, husband and wife destroyed what was a great nation. Generations will be paying to repair the nation even after when they are long gone and buried. - Demi Negara Bukan Parti
