"Rampasan terbesar dalam sejarah negara Malaysia. There will never be another Najib after this" - Datuk Sri Amar Singh
Hari ini ialah hari yang sungguh malang dan sedih untuk Malaysia kerana polis akhirnya telah umumkan bahawa harta benda yang mereka rampas dari tempat simpanan rahsia Najib dan Rosmah di Pavillion Residence kira2 sebulan lalu mempunyai nilai pasaran yang dianggarkan mencecah RM 1.1 billion.
Barang-barang yang dirampas adalah wang tunai sebanyak RM116 juta dan 12 ribu jenis benda yang terdiri dari barang2 kemas, beratus2 buah beg tangan, berpuluh2 jam tangan dan cermin mata mewah yang kesemuanya dianggarkan bernilai sebanyak RM910 juta. Bayangkan, wang tunai saja sampai RM116 juta disimpan dengan selamba saja dalam rumah!
Saya kata hari ini sangat malang kerana ramai dari kita yang waras dan siuman rasa tergamam dan terkedu tidak tahu apa nak kata kerana tidak boleh bayangkan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Najib dan Rosmah kepada negara tercinta kita ini dan juga kepada kita dalam tempoh 9 tahun Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Sangat malang kita dibuatnya kerana bingung memikirkan betapa tergamaknya mereka berdua mencuri berbillion-billion Ringgit dari kita dan tidak henti2 menipu kita pagi petang siang dan malam. Sejak berapa lamalah agaknya mereka berdua sudah mula mencuri untuk kumpul sampai RM 1 billion?

Masih ramai lagi dari kalangan rakyat kita yang miskin dan tidak cukup makan. Bilangan orang yang bergelandangan tanpa rumah hingga terpaksa merempat tidur di kaki2 lima kedai dan bawah jambatan di sekitar kota Kuala Lumpur pun semakin bertambah. Orang sakit yang tidak cukup wang untuk menjalani rawatan dan membeli ubat pun semakin ramai.
Dan bermacam2 lagilah kisah sedih rakyat yang bergelut dengan masalah2 kesempitan hidup. Semua ini berlaku dalam suasana negara semakin kelam sementara Najib dan Rosmah mengumpul harta2 yang mereka curi dari kita dan juga dari masa depan anak cucu kita.
Sungguh malang apabila yang melakukan jenayah berskala mega diluar batasan siuman ini adalah orang Melayu yang mengaku beragama Islam. Malang apabila mereka berdua yang mengaku menyembah Allah dan mengikuti ajaran RasulNya telah menjadi pencuri, penyamun dan penyangak yang terbesar dalam dunia.
Malah saya percaya pasangan laki bini ini mungkin telah mengalahkan Qarun di zaman Fir'aun di Mesir dahulu yang Allah kisahkan cerita mengenainya di dalam Qur'an untuk kita jadikan iktibar dan ambil pengajaran.
Bahkan lebih malang lagi apabila ramai lebai2 telah menyokong dan mendokong Najib dengan menggunakan berbagai-bagai alasan agama sebelum ini utk mewajarkan tindakan mereka cuba mengekalkan Najib sebagai PM Malaysia.

Pembesar Umno claim hari tu kata DUIT UMNO.
Awat tak pi buat tuntutan kat Polis?
Kalau dalam tempoh 9 tahun Najib dan bini dia boleh buat begini, bayangkan apa yang akan jadi kepada kita semua dan negara ini sekiranya dia menang pada 9 Mei lalu dan terus memerintah Malaysia dengan bantuan lebai2 bengong yang tidak boleh bezakan apa yang betul dan salah.
Sedikit pun mereka tidak boleh hidu bau pekung Najib padahal kita yang duduk berpuluh2 batu jauh dari dia pun sudah boleh terhidu bau busuk itu. Apa jenis punya politik Islam yang mewajarkan umatnya menyokong makhluk macam Najib supaya terus memerintah?
Dari luaran mungkin nampak macam Najib ni baik dan ingin sokong Islam. Padahal di belakang kita, dia hancurkan negara dan rosakkan agama pada masa yang sama. Sia2 jadi lebai kalau tidak boleh bezakan ini dan termakan dengan tipudaya penyamun gergasi yang hidup matinya bersyahadah dengan kalimah "Cash is King".
Jika yang sudah terjumpa di depan mata kita dalam bentuk tunai dan barang2 fizikal yang disorok dalam rumah sahaja sudah berjumlah sebanyak RM1 billion, bayangkan banyak mana lagi yang mungkin disorok oleh dua ekor laki bini ini di luar negara.
Kesimpulan saya ialah Najib dan Rosmah bukan manusia. Mustahil mereka berdua ini manusia. Saya tak tahu mereka ini makhluk apa sebenarnya. Makhluk jenis apa yang tergamak mencuri, mengambil hak orang lain, mengumpul dan sorok semua ini di dalam rumah sehingga jumlahnya mencecah RM1 billion?

RM 1 billion tau!! 1 ribu juta Ringgit!! Mustahil ini semua hadiah pemberian orang. Mana ada manusia dalam dunia ini yang menerima hadiah dari orang lain sehingga RM 1 billion? Atas alasan apa yang ramai sangat orang berlumba-lumba nak bagi banyak sangat hadiah kepada Najib dan Rosmah sehingga jumlahnya mencecah 1 ribu juta Ringgit? Hanya yang bangang dan tolol saja boleh terima kemungkinan ini.
Bagi yang selama ini terhegeh2 menyokong mereka berdua sehingga ada yang terkinja-kinja macam anak haram kera meraikan Najib dan bini dia berkaraoke di sebuah majlis pada hari Ahad lepas di tempat bernama The Diplomat yang sedang tular videonya, apakah mereka masih tidak insaf dan kesal lagi? Apakah mereka masih yakin dan percaya dengan penuh jujur bahawa Najib dan Rosmah tidak bersalah?
Dan adakah mereka akan terus berbangga dan gembira menjadi cyber trooper Najib untuk memuntahkan berbagai2 propaganda dan fitnah memuji2 dan mempertahankan kemungkaran makhluk seekor ini?
Dalam keadaan ingin meluahkan isi hati, saya sebenarnya mati akal tidak tahu apa nak tulis lagi. Terlalu sedih memikirkan mengapa hal yang sungguh parah begini boleh dilakukan oleh orang yang mengaku beragama Islam dan disokong juga oleh orang2 Islam.
Dalam kepala saya sedang fikir satu benda saja sekarang : Tuhan apa yang mereka semua ini sembah sebenarnya? Malang.. sungguh malang. - Manan Razali
Move Over Marcos – Rosmah’s 12,000 Stolen Jewelleries Worth Over RM1 Billion Dethrone Imelda’s 1,220 Shoes...
After Ferdinand Marcos and his spendthrift wife Imelda Marcos were driven into U.S. exile by a 1986 popular revolt, the world was shocked by the amount of luxury items left behind in the Philippines. There were hundreds of pieces of Ferdinand Marcos’s clothing, including the formal native see-through Barong shirts he wore during his 21 years in power.
But the biggest haul was Imelda Marcos’ legendary stash of shoes – at least 1,220 pairs – after they fled to Hawaii when the army and Filipinos turned against him in a bloodless revolution. When Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos arrived in the U.S., they brought with them hundreds of pieces of jewellery and a couple of dozen gold bricks.
It would take another 31 years for the infamous story of Imelda Marcos’ shoes collection to meet its destiny. It was only in 2017 (last year) that the former first lady of Philippines lost her legal fight to reclaim jewellery confiscated after her dictator husband was ousted. By then some of her collection of shoes had already been damaged by storms and termites.
In February, 2017, the country’s Supreme Court ruled that Imelda Marcos illegally acquired the jewellery, including diamond-studded tiaras and an extremely rare 25-carat pink diamond. Her collection included a golden belt with a diamond buckle, necklaces, brooches, earrings and gems – all of which could result in US$21 million worth of Marcos’s jewellery being auctioned off by the state.
The Philippines Supreme Court found that the jewels could not have been bought by Ferdinand Marcos on his government salary of a few thousands dollars. President Marcos and his family amassed billions during his 21 years in power. What was left of Imelda’s shoe collection was
displayed at the presidential palace as a symbol of her lavish lifestyle.
Rosmah Mansor has long been compared to Imelda Marcos. Unlike Imelda, Rosmah, the former first lady of Malaysia has an extraordinary taste for luxury handbags such as Hermes Birkin. And she has collected hundreds of them. Based on the latest evaluation from the police who had seized a total of 567 handbags in 37 different brands, the Hermes bags alone were worth RM51.3 million.
But unlike Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos who successfully fled the country after the 1986 popular revolt, Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor failed to flee Malaysia after stunningly defeated in the recent 2018 general election. The former first family of Malaysia had never thought they could lose and they are paying the price for being over-confident, and arrogant.
The shocking moment everyone has been waiting has finally arrived. After weeks of waiting, the Malaysian Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Amar Singh told a press conference today that more than 12,000 pieces of jewellery – comprising 2,200 rings, 1,400 necklaces, 2,100 bracelets, 2,800 pairs of earrings, 1,600 brooches and 14 tiaras – were seized from the six residences related to Mr. Najib and his family members.
According to the authorities, the value of those jewellery items was estimated to be about RM440 million – excluding workmanship costs. The most expensive item was a necklace with a white diamond that was valued at RM6.4 million. The market value of those items would be about 50 to 100% more, hence the total value was estimated to be between RM600 million to RM800 million.
The cash confiscated has risen from initial RM114 million to RM116.7 million. It took the authorities 3 days, 22 officers from Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank), and 6 counting machines to count the cash in 26 currencies. Mr. Amar Singh said – “The amount was just too huge. This is the biggest seizure in Malaysian history.”
There were 423 watches from more than 100 brands worth RM78 million and 234 sunglasses worth RM374,000 seized. The most expensive watch was the Rolex Daytona – costing a staggering RM3.5 million. Also seized were 567 handbags from 37 brands that included Hermes, Prada, Versace and Chanel, among others.
There were an eye-popping 272 pieces of Hermes Birkin – valued at RM51.3 million. Rosmah has been criticised for showing off her super expensive Birkin handbags. Little did 32 million Malaysians know that Najib, like his wife, has great taste for hyper-expensive bags too. So, like the legendary criminals Bonnie and Clyde, enter Najib’s “Bijan” – “the world’s most expensive store”.
The police estimated Najib and Rosmah’s Bijan bags alone to be worth RM1.6 million. Since opening in 1976, the “House of Bijan” has produced some of the finest and most expensive clothing, shoes, fragrances and accessories in the world. In fact, Donald Trump is the only president since the 1980s that Bijan hasn’t made suits for. They only make a few and mostly are custom-made.
The “By Appointment Only” store located at Rodeo Drive of the posh Beverly Hills would on average register sales of US$100,000 for each of its clients. A pair of socks would set you back by US$100 while a tie would cost around US$1,200. A suit would cost at least US$25,000. Cashmere, alligator and kangaroo leather are the standard materials used by the “House of Bijan”.
The Bijan also has close collaborations with luxury cars. A month after the designer’s death, Bugatti released a single-unit custom car – the 1001 horsepower Bijan Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. Costing at US$1 million a pop, Bijan, in collaboration with Royce Royce, had also produced 30 units of limited edition Phantom Drophead Coupe.
The retail cost of all the items seized from six properties linked to Najib totalled RM900 million to RM1.1 billion. Of course, these could be just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, Imelda Marcos’ 1,220 pair of shoes pale in comparison to Rosmah Mansor’s 12,000 jewelleries. Still, the lavish lifestyle of Marcos wasn’t the reason that inspired Rosmah’s thievery.
What actually inspired Rosmah to steal the peoples’ money was her desire or fantasy to marry into the family of the Sultan of Brunei – according to her friends. She was said to be obsessed with power and wealth. However, she married a businessman instead of the wealthy Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Her ambition didn’t die and when opportunity presents itself, she divorced her husband.
Working for a property company, Rosmah was said to be eyeing former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik initially, the same guy forced to resign in 1994 after accused of raping an underage school girl. However, Rosmah bet the right horse when she charmed her way to another UMNO rising star – Najib Razak (then Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports).
In 1987, Najib divorced Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar, his first wife, and married Rosmah Mansor. So, a year after Marcos lost power, Rosmah married a man who would become the most powerful – and most corrupted – prime minister of Malaysia. However, it’s too early to tell if Rosmah would, like Imelda Marcos, venture into politics in the event Najib is imprisoned. - ft


KENAPA NAJIB boleh luluskan dan beri projek (TANPA TENDER TERBUKA) bernilai RM1.25 bilion kpd sebuah syarikat 'perniagaan sewa kereta' yang berkait dgn BN ??! MALAH Najib telah membuat pembayaran kpd mereka walaupun tiada kerja-kerja dilakukan.
Rosmah Mansor has long been compared to Imelda Marcos. Unlike Imelda, Rosmah, the former first lady of Malaysia has an extraordinary taste for luxury handbags such as Hermes Birkin. And she has collected hundreds of them. Based on the latest evaluation from the police who had seized a total of 567 handbags in 37 different brands, the Hermes bags alone were worth RM51.3 million.
But unlike Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos who successfully fled the country after the 1986 popular revolt, Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor failed to flee Malaysia after stunningly defeated in the recent 2018 general election. The former first family of Malaysia had never thought they could lose and they are paying the price for being over-confident, and arrogant.
The shocking moment everyone has been waiting has finally arrived. After weeks of waiting, the Malaysian Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Amar Singh told a press conference today that more than 12,000 pieces of jewellery – comprising 2,200 rings, 1,400 necklaces, 2,100 bracelets, 2,800 pairs of earrings, 1,600 brooches and 14 tiaras – were seized from the six residences related to Mr. Najib and his family members.
According to the authorities, the value of those jewellery items was estimated to be about RM440 million – excluding workmanship costs. The most expensive item was a necklace with a white diamond that was valued at RM6.4 million. The market value of those items would be about 50 to 100% more, hence the total value was estimated to be between RM600 million to RM800 million.
The cash confiscated has risen from initial RM114 million to RM116.7 million. It took the authorities 3 days, 22 officers from Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank), and 6 counting machines to count the cash in 26 currencies. Mr. Amar Singh said – “The amount was just too huge. This is the biggest seizure in Malaysian history.”
There were 423 watches from more than 100 brands worth RM78 million and 234 sunglasses worth RM374,000 seized. The most expensive watch was the Rolex Daytona – costing a staggering RM3.5 million. Also seized were 567 handbags from 37 brands that included Hermes, Prada, Versace and Chanel, among others.
There were an eye-popping 272 pieces of Hermes Birkin – valued at RM51.3 million. Rosmah has been criticised for showing off her super expensive Birkin handbags. Little did 32 million Malaysians know that Najib, like his wife, has great taste for hyper-expensive bags too. So, like the legendary criminals Bonnie and Clyde, enter Najib’s “Bijan” – “the world’s most expensive store”.
The police estimated Najib and Rosmah’s Bijan bags alone to be worth RM1.6 million. Since opening in 1976, the “House of Bijan” has produced some of the finest and most expensive clothing, shoes, fragrances and accessories in the world. In fact, Donald Trump is the only president since the 1980s that Bijan hasn’t made suits for. They only make a few and mostly are custom-made.
The “By Appointment Only” store located at Rodeo Drive of the posh Beverly Hills would on average register sales of US$100,000 for each of its clients. A pair of socks would set you back by US$100 while a tie would cost around US$1,200. A suit would cost at least US$25,000. Cashmere, alligator and kangaroo leather are the standard materials used by the “House of Bijan”.
The Bijan also has close collaborations with luxury cars. A month after the designer’s death, Bugatti released a single-unit custom car – the 1001 horsepower Bijan Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. Costing at US$1 million a pop, Bijan, in collaboration with Royce Royce, had also produced 30 units of limited edition Phantom Drophead Coupe.

The retail cost of all the items seized from six properties linked to Najib totalled RM900 million to RM1.1 billion. Of course, these could be just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, Imelda Marcos’ 1,220 pair of shoes pale in comparison to Rosmah Mansor’s 12,000 jewelleries. Still, the lavish lifestyle of Marcos wasn’t the reason that inspired Rosmah’s thievery.
What actually inspired Rosmah to steal the peoples’ money was her desire or fantasy to marry into the family of the Sultan of Brunei – according to her friends. She was said to be obsessed with power and wealth. However, she married a businessman instead of the wealthy Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Her ambition didn’t die and when opportunity presents itself, she divorced her husband.
Working for a property company, Rosmah was said to be eyeing former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik initially, the same guy forced to resign in 1994 after accused of raping an underage school girl. However, Rosmah bet the right horse when she charmed her way to another UMNO rising star – Najib Razak (then Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports).
In 1987, Najib divorced Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar, his first wife, and married Rosmah Mansor. So, a year after Marcos lost power, Rosmah married a man who would become the most powerful – and most corrupted – prime minister of Malaysia. However, it’s too early to tell if Rosmah would, like Imelda Marcos, venture into politics in the event Najib is imprisoned. - ft

KENAPA.. Tiada seorang pun dari wakil Umno nak beri keterangan jumpa polis ??.. Kalau berani jumpa mestilah bersertakan dokumen/ bukti transaksinya.
KENAPA.. Dalam bentuk 26 jenis mata wang asing ? Rajin plok penderma dari berpuluh2 negara luar nak bagi 'derma' pada Najib... ATAU Umno dah buka cawangannya di serata dunia !!!
KENAPA.. Nak simpan ratus jutaan ringgit kat rumah. Bank-bank kat M'sia dah tutup bangkrap kah !! atau tak sempat nak bank-in kat bank sebab dah larut malam merompak...
Dah kalah PRU14, masih lagi nak perbodohkan rakyat.

Bila di depan rakyat punyalah nasihat rakyat jangan boros berbelanja. Suruh rakyat menabung sejak dari kecik lagi, ikut contoh Rosmah katanya.
TETAPI diri sendiri boros sampai puluhan jutaan ringgit, beli bag, bershopping sampai RM24 juta guna kredit kad !!
KINI.. rampasan barang kemas saja RM440 juta termasuklah yg paling mahal seutas rantai emas bertatah berlian putih bernilai RM6.4 juta !!
TAK TERMASUK LAGI.. beg tangan mewah berjenama saja berjumlah RM51.3 juta dan paling mahal berharga RM1.6 juta. Beg tempahan khas BIJAN pon ada !!

KENAPA NAJIB boleh luluskan dan beri projek (TANPA TENDER TERBUKA) bernilai RM1.25 bilion kpd sebuah syarikat 'perniagaan sewa kereta' yang berkait dgn BN ??! MALAH Najib telah membuat pembayaran kpd mereka walaupun tiada kerja-kerja dilakukan.

Bodyguard Hadi setaraf dgn Presiden Kim Jong Un
