Kenyataan penuh prasangka dan tuduhan ala pil kuda menolak kedudukannya setaraf pemimpin-pemimpin Umno yang kini diperlekeh rakyat.
Calon parlimen Putrajaya dari Barisan Nasional pernah mengungkapkan nada yang hampir sama beberapa hari lepas. Mereka mula melagukan isu agama apabila semua jalan untuk menang tertutup rapat.
Kad agama dan perkauman telah menjadi bahan pertaruhan demi sekupang dua nilai perjuangan untuk rakyat. Tidak saya sangka, harga PAS menjadi semurah ini.

DAP terus jadi sasaran
Tuduhan Haji Hadi bahawa DAP mahu merobek Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan kononnya mahu merendahkan dan melemahkan Institusi Raja-Raja adalah dakwaan yang sangat keterlaluan dan sudah melampui batas.
PAS telah menjadi UMNO, malah kelihatan lebih buruk lagi. Ia tidak sepatutnya keluar dari mulut seorang ketua yang menggunakan Islam sebagai dasar partinya. Ia kelihatan sangat hodoh sekali.
Haji Hadi kerap kali tersalah membaca politik sebagaimana kegagalan beliau ketika menjadi Menteri Besar Terangganu tahun 1999 dulu.
Inilah kelemahan dan kegagalan Presiden PAS yang tidak pernah diberitahu oleh penasihat-penasihat di sekelilingnya.
Islam yang didambakan oleh rakyat, adalah Islam yang mencakupi keseluruhannya. Kemampuan mengurus tadbir ekonomi dengan baik, kecekapan menambah pendapatan hasil negeri, kemahiran membongkar penipuan dan skandal membabitkan harta awam dan duit pembayar cukai serta keupayaan mencari jalan keluar untuk membaiki kehidupan rakyat.

Isinya kosong
Ya, ia juga sepatutnya melibatkan dosa pahala yang sering diulang-ulang oleh para penceramah PAS di depan ahli-ahlinya. Namun, jenama Islam yang dibawa PAS hanya berhenti setakat itu sahaja.
Ia sekadar yang disyarah dan ditulis dengan perkataan yang elok-elok di Facebook sedangkan isinya kosong dan kering kontang.
Perjuangan mendidik dosa pahala termasuklah bangkit melawan koruptor yang merompak hasil negara dan bukan setakat menjadi penasihat dan sekadar berpuas hati selepas hanya sejam-dua pembentangan.
Presiden PAS sudah semacam Presiden UMNO yang selalu kebingungan kenapa mereka ditolak sedang merekalah yang kononnya berjuang demi agama dan untuk bangsa.
Mereka telah cuai mengenalpasti maksud keseluruhan Islam yang di dalamnya juga termasuklah kewajipan mewakili kepentingan rakyat yang menghantar mereka ke dalam Dewan Rakyat.
Kepentingan rakyat bermaksud suara mereka diangkat ke dalam Parlimen dan bukan dengan kegagalan menghadiri sidang atau berkecuali dalam apa-apa pengundian.

Khianat perjanjian
Mengkhianati persetujuan yang dicapai seperti yang berlaku di DUN Kota Damansara dan di DUN Sungai Acheh atau mencalonkan Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang dari Umno sebagai calon perdana menteri melalui pintu belakang ketika semua bersepakat memilih Anwar Ibrahim, menyaksikan tindakan Haji Hadi bertentangan dengan apa yang diucapkan.
Memfitnah DAP dengan tuduhan yang dipungut dari kisah-kisah di jalanan atau dari mereka yang ada kecenderungan membuat fitnah, tidak ubah seperti bertanyakan arah jalan kepada mereka yang sedang sesat dalam perjalanan.
Sebagai ulamak besar, Haji Hadi wajar memeriksa dengan siapa beliau mendapat berita. Beliau boleh sahaja memeriksa sendiri dengan DAP dan bukannya membuat kesimpulan dari laporan sebelah pihak seperti yang sering dilakukan oleh TV3. Kita semua tentunya sangat takut akan dosa fitnah walaupun terhadap orang bukan Muslim.

Terhidu juga
Mendabik dada mendakwa tidak pernah disoal siasat oleh SPRM, PAS ialah seperti kanak-kanak yang memakai baju bersih dan tidak pernah keluar rumah tetapi mendakwa hanya baju dia sajalah yang putih bersih berbanding kanak-kanak lain yang bergasak berhujan berpanas bermain di luar.
PAS tidak pernah jatuh basikal kerana tidak cuba menunggangnya. Bukankah sejarah perjuangan Islam mencatatkan para pejuang melalui pelbagai mehnah dan fitnah semata-mata mempertahankan hak dan kebenaran?
PAS kini dilanda era kejatuhan. Menggunakan kad agama dan perkauman petanda lain-lain kad telah pun habis mereka gunakan.
PAS telah mula menyerupai UMNO dan Haji Hadi telah menyerupai Najib Razak. Seorang percaya hanya mereka saja mewakili Melayu dan yang seorang lagi percaya hanya mereka saja yang mewakili Islam.
Mereka menggunakan kedua-duanya untuk memeluk kuasa dan menipu rakyat, malangnya rakyat telah menghidu segala-galanya. - Nor Miswary Ramli,Roketkini

Ini kerana, deposit untuk kerusi parlimen sahaja Pas perlu bayar RM15,000 x 160 kerusi iaitu RM2.4 juta. Belanja untuk kempen pula adalah RM32 juta untuk parlimen sahaja dengan anggaran RM200,000 bagi setiap kawasan parlimen.
Ini bermakna, Pas perlu keluarkan wang sebanyak RM34.4 juta untuk kawasan parlimen sahaja. Dari manakah Pas mendapatkan duit sebanyak itu? Inilah persoalan yang ditanya oleh ahli bawahan Pas kepada pimpinan parti itu kerana pada PRU 13 Pas bertanding di 76 kerusi parlimen sahaja.
Pas sentiasa menjawab, sumber kewangan parti itu adalah dalam poket ahlinya yang dikatakan hampir satu juta itu. Namun bagi pengkritik Pas, wangnya kali ini adalah datangnya dari kawan baru parti itu, Umno. - f/bk

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Dr Mahathir Mohamad said his chain of bakeries, The Loaf, would not have closed down if the country was not administered by caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, and its economy was improving.
The Pakatan Harapan chairperson claimed that under Najib's rule, not only his bakery but a lot of other "big companies" have closed down.
"If Najib was no longer the prime minister and the country's economy was good, The Loaf would have survived, and would have profited. But if we take a rogue, the country will be in trouble.
"Not only The Loaf, a lot of other businesses have closed down, a lot of investors have fled, others have been affected as well.
"If we want to improve things, Najib has to step down," Mahathir told a press conference at the Bersatu headquarters today.
On Friday, it was reported that all 12 branches of The Loaf, nationwide, had abruptly shut down.
Singapore's Straits Times had reported Mahathir saying that he had tried to sell off the bakery chain he started in 2006, but a prospective buyer balked after purportedly being asked to pay "a lot of taxes" by the Inland Revenue Board.
On Sunday, Najib said that blaming BN for the closure of the bakery chain was illogical. - mk
Traditional DAP supporters unite under ‘Anwar’s flag’
Madam Wong Che, 70, has been diligently voting at every general election for the past few decades. It was always a natural choice for her to tick the box next to the Rocket symbol.
For the upcoming election, she has been told that her ballot paper will be slightly different - there will be no Rocket for the first time since she registered as a voter decades ago.
Generations of DAP supporters who grew up in DAP-held constituencies will be voting for something other than the Rocket for the first time after the party announced that it was giving its familiar symbol a ‘rest’, with all four Pakatan Harapan parties collectively agreeing on uniting under PKR’s oval-shaped eye symbol.
Many in Seputeh such as Wong Che have only known the Rocket as the symbol for the opposition. Wong Che owns a florist shop at a wet market at Jalan Klang Lama in the Seputeh constituency, which has been held by the DAP since it was carved out as a federal seat in Kuala Lumpur in 1986. DAP’s Teresa Kok won in 2013 with a whopping majority of 51,552 votes.
“Rocket tak da,” said Wong Che, before adding quickly that she already knows how to mark her ballot paper on 9 May. “Only Anwar or his wife’s flag,” she said.
Most traders at the wet market are hardcore DAP supporters, but not everyone is as aware as Wong Che. Some of her friends are still unfamiliar with PKR’s logo, which will now be printed next to Teresa’s name on the ballot paper.
Many refer to it as ‘Anwar’s flag’.
Another trader, Mr Ng said, “The educated know the name of the party, we know it as Anwar’s flag.”
The Rocket will be missed by its hardcore supporters, but for many like Ng, there is no problem voting for ‘Anwar’s flag’.
“We have decided to unite with Anwar’s party. Now Anwar’s flag will be everywhere.”
Now isn’t that something which UMNO’s in-house elections department - better known as the Election Commission - didn’t anticipate when it gleefully outlawed the use of the Pakatan Harapan logo for GE14??
Asalkan bukan UMNO/BN/PAS. - f/bk mandy
Dari War Room Pakatan Harapan...
Dr M roasts Najib over The Loaf's closure...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad said his chain of bakeries, The Loaf, would not have closed down if the country was not administered by caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, and its economy was improving.
The Pakatan Harapan chairperson claimed that under Najib's rule, not only his bakery but a lot of other "big companies" have closed down.
"If Najib was no longer the prime minister and the country's economy was good, The Loaf would have survived, and would have profited. But if we take a rogue, the country will be in trouble.
"Not only The Loaf, a lot of other businesses have closed down, a lot of investors have fled, others have been affected as well.

"If we want to improve things, Najib has to step down," Mahathir told a press conference at the Bersatu headquarters today.
On Friday, it was reported that all 12 branches of The Loaf, nationwide, had abruptly shut down.
Singapore's Straits Times had reported Mahathir saying that he had tried to sell off the bakery chain he started in 2006, but a prospective buyer balked after purportedly being asked to pay "a lot of taxes" by the Inland Revenue Board.
On Sunday, Najib said that blaming BN for the closure of the bakery chain was illogical. - mk
No Rocket, No Problem ma...
Traditional DAP supporters unite under ‘Anwar’s flag’
Madam Wong Che, 70, has been diligently voting at every general election for the past few decades. It was always a natural choice for her to tick the box next to the Rocket symbol.
For the upcoming election, she has been told that her ballot paper will be slightly different - there will be no Rocket for the first time since she registered as a voter decades ago.
Generations of DAP supporters who grew up in DAP-held constituencies will be voting for something other than the Rocket for the first time after the party announced that it was giving its familiar symbol a ‘rest’, with all four Pakatan Harapan parties collectively agreeing on uniting under PKR’s oval-shaped eye symbol.
Many in Seputeh such as Wong Che have only known the Rocket as the symbol for the opposition. Wong Che owns a florist shop at a wet market at Jalan Klang Lama in the Seputeh constituency, which has been held by the DAP since it was carved out as a federal seat in Kuala Lumpur in 1986. DAP’s Teresa Kok won in 2013 with a whopping majority of 51,552 votes.
“Rocket tak da,” said Wong Che, before adding quickly that she already knows how to mark her ballot paper on 9 May. “Only Anwar or his wife’s flag,” she said.
Many refer to it as ‘Anwar’s flag’.
Another trader, Mr Ng said, “The educated know the name of the party, we know it as Anwar’s flag.”
The Rocket will be missed by its hardcore supporters, but for many like Ng, there is no problem voting for ‘Anwar’s flag’.
“We have decided to unite with Anwar’s party. Now Anwar’s flag will be everywhere.”
Now isn’t that something which UMNO’s in-house elections department - better known as the Election Commission - didn’t anticipate when it gleefully outlawed the use of the Pakatan Harapan logo for GE14??
Asalkan bukan UMNO/BN/PAS. - f/bk mandy
