Jalinan mesra antara PAS dan UMNO yang terserlah di media ketika ini jelas membuktikan bahawa kedua-dua parti yang dulunya seteru itu kini sudah mula berbaik-baik.
Apatah lagi, Utusan yang sejak sekian lama menjadi lidah rasmi UMNO memberi ruang kepada pemimpin PAS untuk mengisi muka hadapan akhbar mereka.
Malah, suara PAS sejak akhir-akhir ini juga cukup sebati dengan propaganda UMNO apabila kedua-duanya dilihat tidak henti-henti menyerang DAP dengan pelbagai tuduhan kitar semula.
Namun, skandal seperti FELDA yang hangat diperkatakan orang ramai sejak dua minggu lalu tidak pula disuarakan secara serius oleh pihak PAS.
“Sebagai parti politik, sekiranya dikatakan baik oleh parti pemerintah, maka ia sudah lingkup kerana sekiranya anda (parti politik) dengar, setia, tidak buat kacau dan menggugat kedudukannya (parti pemerintah) maka anda dianggap baik.
“Ini bukanlah lagi parti pembangkang atau parti lawan yang sebenarnya, tetapi hanya parti pembangkang ‘olok-olok’. Tidak serius,” katanya dilapor media, semalam.
Untuk rekod, PAS kini bergabung dengan Parti Ikatan dan membentuk Gagasan Sejahtera yang kononnya bakal bertanding 130 kerusi dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Jumlah kerusi yang ingin ditandingi PAS ini bukanlah sedikit, lebih separuh daripada 222 jumlah kerusi Parlimen yang dipertandingkan, soal dari mana parti Islam itu mendapatkan dana itu persoalan yang lain. – Roketkini.com
2018 - Kleptokrasi vs Reformasi
Yang pastinya negara kita akan menyaksikan pertembungan besar antara dua gagasan kuasa politik dalam pilihan raya umum tahun ini. Kita sudah melangkah ke tahun baru hari ini. Tahun ini adalah tahun pilihan raya. Suka ataupun tidak, pilihan raya mesti diadakan pada tahun ini.
Pilihan raya umum ke 13 telah diadakan pada 5 Mei 2013. Oleh yang demikian, tahun ini Dewan Rakyat akan mencapai usia genap lima tahun. Mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, pilihan raya wajib diadakan setiap lima tahun sekali. Ini bermaksud kita sudah pun sampai ke ambang pilihan raya.
Seluruh rakyat Malaysia malah warga antarabangsa juga turut menunggu untuk melihat pilihan raya yang bakal kita hadapi. Pilihan raya kali ini adalah yang paling sensasi kerana Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan kuncu-kuncunya daripada Barisan Nasional akan ditentang oleh Pakatan Harapan yang diketuai oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir.
Satu kumpulan sedang berusaha untuk mempertahankan kerajaan kleptokrasi. Manakala satu kumpulan lagi bertungkus-lumus untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan sekarang dan menubuhkan kerajaan baru di Putrajaya. Siapakah yang akan menang akan ditentukan oleh rakyat jelata yang bakal keluar mengundi pada PRU14 nanti.
Bukan mudah untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan kleptokrat yang akan menggunakan segala kekuatan dan wang untuk membeli undi. Tambahan pula, permainan politik perkauman akan memuncak kali ini. Jentera kerajaan pula akan dikerah sepenuhnya. SPR yang berada dalam cengkaman kerajaan akan diperalatkan secara maksima untuk melakukan segala tipu muslihat.
Pembangkang terpaksa mengharungi pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan dalam menghadapi PRU14. Yang penting, Pakatan Harapan harus bersedia zahir dan batin untuk bertarung di atas pentas yang tidak sama rata. Inilah sistem yang wujud di negara kita. Undang-undang pilihanraya dimanipulasikan untuk menjamin kemenangan pihak kerajaan. Keadilan pilihan raya diketepikan kerana SPR tidak pernah bertindak sebagai badan bebas yang neutral.
Walau apa sekali pun, jika rakyat bangkit untuk perubahan, tiada kuasa boleh menahannya. Negara kita perlu dilanda Tsunami politik untuk memecahkan benteng-benteng yang dibina oleh kerajaan. Jika rakyat bersatu hati, tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa, segala benteng yang menghalang akan termusnah.
Kuasa rakyat adalah kuasa keramat. Kuasa keramat itu perlu digunakan untuk menyelamatkan negara kita daripada kumpulan kleptokrat yang akan memusnahkannya. Kita tidak mahu negara kita digadai di depan mata.
Marilah kita, rakyat Malaysia, bersama-sama memerangi kleptokrasi dan menyelamatkan Malaysia. Tahun ini kita berpeluang membuat perubahan demi masa hadapan generasi akan datang. Gunakan peluang ini sebaik yang mungkin. Peluang ini adalah peluang terakhir. Jika terlepas, tidak boleh diperbaiki lagi. Kita terpaksa tunduk kepada kuasa zalim untuk selama-lamanya.- V.Sivakumar,roketkini
A Malaysian spring in the offing...
Just over four and half years ago on May 5, 2013 the incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) led by Prime Minister Najib Razak won 133 seats in the 222-seat parliament. The informal opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, led by now jailed leader Anwar Ibrahim, won an unprecedented 89 seats and a morale-boosting 50.87 percent of the popular vote.
Ever since, Malaysia's vibrant multicultural identity has become increasingly brittle. So what can be expected from a country that is in danger of becoming increasingly segregated along racial and religious lines?
Leaders in the prime minister's United Malay National Organisation - the dominant party in the BN coalition - have played into fears that the Malays, who form part of a group known as bumiputeras, which means “sons of the soil” and which refers both to Malays and to a number of indigenous groups, will lose their special privileges if the coalition falls.
Still, since the 2008 general election there's been a new feeling in the country that political change is a matter of time. For decades, Malaysian elections were foregone conclusions, with the vast majority of people voting for the same party their whole life, creating only small electoral shifts.
The shock effect of the economic downturn in the run-up to that election combined with institutionalized racism and systemic social injustice and rampant corruption highlighted by the new media shifted the political balance.
An opposition coalition of parties now led by 92-year-old former strongman prime minister Mahathir Mohammad is hoping to capitalize on this.
Mahathir fell out with Najib over the disappearance of billions of dollars from the 1MDB state fund which is the subject of money-laundering investigations in at least six countries including Switzerland, Singapore and the United States. American investigators allege that U.S. $681 million of the state firm’s money was paid to the prime minister, a charge Najib denies.
With support for the party and BN apparently slipping further among all ethnic communities due to a combination of a weakened economy, rising inflation, ethnic and religious tensions, crime and the 1MDB scandal, Najib and UMNO reacted by encouraging a stricter brand of Islam, policed by the state, to tighten control the population.
University Malaya law professor Shad Saleem Faruqi after writing an op-ed published in national newspaper The Star last monthon
the subject has come under police investigation.
Curbing dissent
Still, few are surprised by the extent the government has gone to curb dissent. Under the pretext of safeguarding Malay hegemony, Najib has courted the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), an Islamist opposition party that is growing more extreme, by co-opting its Islamist agenda. PAS leader, Abdul Hadi Awang, who has declared that "Islam has to be the leader and ruler ... Let's not place religion and politics in separate corners", is now seen regularly beside the prime minister.
Islam was less an issue at the last election. At the time, PAS, then part of the opposition coalition, spoke more of a welfare state than an Islamic one. However, as fears now grow of rising intolerance in the multi-ethnic country, Malaysia's monarchy issued a rare statement expressing their concern.
The country's sizeable Chinese, Indian communities and non-Muslim native communities, already chafing under rules guaranteeing Muslim Malays preferences in politics, business and education are alarmed.
Critics say Najib's drive to instil “Islamic values” in the multicultural nation comes at a larger cost - further divisions in society, erosion of the country's significant accomplishments and an undermining of the foreign investor the confidence it has built over the years.
Efforts to win votes for the party come at the expense of what’s good for the country, they note.
Najib is expected to dissolve parliament and call for elections in the February-March period and ride on the expected positive mood in the financial markets during the Lunar New Year. The first day of Chinese New Year falls on Feb. 16 and the festival ends 14 days later with Chap Goh Meh on March 2.
The timing is said to be based on the expected release in April-May of the opposition's pro-democracy champion, Anwar Ibrahim, from prison where he is serving a five-year term for sodomy, which he says is a trumped up charge by Najib to sideline him from politics.
Anwar may be disqualified from the elections but the government is aware of his drawing power and eloquence. After all that has happened since the last election, Najib and his government are easy targets.
The time-line also allows BN coalition party leaders to use the Lunar New Year festivities to reach out to ethnic Chinese voters who by and large have deserted them for the opposition.
Muslims make up 60 percent of Malaysia’s 28 million people, while Christians account for about 9 percent with a majority in the two Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak. Christians in the two states feel under siege from Islam-centric policies created at federal level outside their states.
There is impatience to gain equal rights and fairer chances for all in multicultural Malaysia. The coming election is an opportunity for Malaysians to peaceably loosen the grip the government has around their necks.- ucanews
Dr Mahathir has reiterated Opposition coalition will not collaborate with PAS.Pakatan Harapan ruled out negotiations with PAS ahead of 14th GE.
He said under Pakatan Rakyat, PAS won smallest number of seats GE13. PAS will agree one thing and 'behind you' they will support someone else the party was "not Islamic".
Indian and Chinese tsunami is definite in next general election. Najib shifting borders to create more Malay constituencies.
He wants Malay reps to form Govt without Chinese, even PAS said should not be any non-Muslims in government...
For the past 30 years the pas-pis-pus has survived on pure luck and the gullibility of its constituents. They have absolutely nothing to offer the Malays or the Kelantanese.
PAS first began to win seats to survive during the Semangat 46 and Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah days of the late 1980s. They profited from the split in UMNO. In the 1990 elections they won Kelantan and Nik Aziz became the MB of Kelantan. Thanks to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
In 1995 PAS was able to hold Kelantan (because of Nik Aziz) while all other Opposition parties lost ground.
Then in 1998 there was the Anwar Ibrahim caused split in UMNO and PAS was able to capitalise on that again.
In 1999 they retained Kelantan, won Terengganu plus 27 Parliamentary seats. Their best performance ever thanks to Anwar Ibrahim.
In 2004 there was no split in UMNO. Badawi was the PM. PAS lost Terengganu and PAS went from 27 to only seven seats in Parliament. Their president Hadi Awang lost his Parliamentary seat.
This was evidence enough that PAS had nothing to offer. PAS only wins big when UMNO bungles. When UMNO was in good shape, PAS lost.
Then in 2008, Dr Mahathir and the Malaysian people were disillusioned with the corrupt and incompetent government of Abdullah Badawi. Everyone wanted him out. Again PAS capitalised on the weakness in UMNO. In 2008 they won 23 Parliamentary seats plus Kelantan and Kedah.
In 2009 Najib had replaced Badawi as UMNO president and Prime Minister. By the next elections in 2013 there was discontent against Najib but UMNO was still united. Despite UMNO performing even poorer under Najib, PAS lost Kedah and two of the 23 Parliamentary seats. They retained Kelantan - simply because of Nik Aziz.
Now PAS has committed suicide. They have united with UMNO. They have declared UMNO and the corrupt Najib as their allies. They have done this at a time when UMNO is completely divided and almost dead down to its grassroots. They have teamed up with Najib at a time when he is embroiled in the biggest financial scandal in the world.
In 1999 the Chinese and Indians voted for the BN, the Malay vote went down.
In 2004 the Chinese, Indians, Malays, Ibans, Dusuns all voted for the BN
In 2008 the Malay, Chinese vote for the BN decreased.
In 2013 the Malay, Chinese vote for the BN decreased further.
In 2018 the Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Dusun vote for the BN is going to disappear.
PAS is also disunited and has split into two. The old PAS under Hadi and the new Amanah under Mat Sabu.
And PAS has decided to ally with UMNO. Plus Hadi is a genuine moron. Two morons stirring the soup.. This is the end of PAS. - ostb
Still, few are surprised by the extent the government has gone to curb dissent. Under the pretext of safeguarding Malay hegemony, Najib has courted the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), an Islamist opposition party that is growing more extreme, by co-opting its Islamist agenda. PAS leader, Abdul Hadi Awang, who has declared that "Islam has to be the leader and ruler ... Let's not place religion and politics in separate corners", is now seen regularly beside the prime minister.
Islam was less an issue at the last election. At the time, PAS, then part of the opposition coalition, spoke more of a welfare state than an Islamic one. However, as fears now grow of rising intolerance in the multi-ethnic country, Malaysia's monarchy issued a rare statement expressing their concern.
The country's sizeable Chinese, Indian communities and non-Muslim native communities, already chafing under rules guaranteeing Muslim Malays preferences in politics, business and education are alarmed.
Critics say Najib's drive to instil “Islamic values” in the multicultural nation comes at a larger cost - further divisions in society, erosion of the country's significant accomplishments and an undermining of the foreign investor the confidence it has built over the years.
Efforts to win votes for the party come at the expense of what’s good for the country, they note.
Najib is expected to dissolve parliament and call for elections in the February-March period and ride on the expected positive mood in the financial markets during the Lunar New Year. The first day of Chinese New Year falls on Feb. 16 and the festival ends 14 days later with Chap Goh Meh on March 2.
The timing is said to be based on the expected release in April-May of the opposition's pro-democracy champion, Anwar Ibrahim, from prison where he is serving a five-year term for sodomy, which he says is a trumped up charge by Najib to sideline him from politics.
Anwar may be disqualified from the elections but the government is aware of his drawing power and eloquence. After all that has happened since the last election, Najib and his government are easy targets.
The time-line also allows BN coalition party leaders to use the Lunar New Year festivities to reach out to ethnic Chinese voters who by and large have deserted them for the opposition.
Muslims make up 60 percent of Malaysia’s 28 million people, while Christians account for about 9 percent with a majority in the two Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak. Christians in the two states feel under siege from Islam-centric policies created at federal level outside their states.
There is impatience to gain equal rights and fairer chances for all in multicultural Malaysia. The coming election is an opportunity for Malaysians to peaceably loosen the grip the government has around their necks.- ucanews
PAS Pun Akan Mati...
Dr Mahathir has reiterated Opposition coalition will not collaborate with PAS.Pakatan Harapan ruled out negotiations with PAS ahead of 14th GE.
He said under Pakatan Rakyat, PAS won smallest number of seats GE13. PAS will agree one thing and 'behind you' they will support someone else the party was "not Islamic".
Indian and Chinese tsunami is definite in next general election. Najib shifting borders to create more Malay constituencies.
He wants Malay reps to form Govt without Chinese, even PAS said should not be any non-Muslims in government...
For the past 30 years the pas-pis-pus has survived on pure luck and the gullibility of its constituents. They have absolutely nothing to offer the Malays or the Kelantanese.
PAS first began to win seats to survive during the Semangat 46 and Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah days of the late 1980s. They profited from the split in UMNO. In the 1990 elections they won Kelantan and Nik Aziz became the MB of Kelantan. Thanks to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
In 1995 PAS was able to hold Kelantan (because of Nik Aziz) while all other Opposition parties lost ground.
Then in 1998 there was the Anwar Ibrahim caused split in UMNO and PAS was able to capitalise on that again.
In 1999 they retained Kelantan, won Terengganu plus 27 Parliamentary seats. Their best performance ever thanks to Anwar Ibrahim.
In 2004 there was no split in UMNO. Badawi was the PM. PAS lost Terengganu and PAS went from 27 to only seven seats in Parliament. Their president Hadi Awang lost his Parliamentary seat.
This was evidence enough that PAS had nothing to offer. PAS only wins big when UMNO bungles. When UMNO was in good shape, PAS lost.
Then in 2008, Dr Mahathir and the Malaysian people were disillusioned with the corrupt and incompetent government of Abdullah Badawi. Everyone wanted him out. Again PAS capitalised on the weakness in UMNO. In 2008 they won 23 Parliamentary seats plus Kelantan and Kedah.
In 2009 Najib had replaced Badawi as UMNO president and Prime Minister. By the next elections in 2013 there was discontent against Najib but UMNO was still united. Despite UMNO performing even poorer under Najib, PAS lost Kedah and two of the 23 Parliamentary seats. They retained Kelantan - simply because of Nik Aziz.
Now PAS has committed suicide. They have united with UMNO. They have declared UMNO and the corrupt Najib as their allies. They have done this at a time when UMNO is completely divided and almost dead down to its grassroots. They have teamed up with Najib at a time when he is embroiled in the biggest financial scandal in the world.
In 1999 the Chinese and Indians voted for the BN, the Malay vote went down.
In 2004 the Chinese, Indians, Malays, Ibans, Dusuns all voted for the BN
In 2008 the Malay, Chinese vote for the BN decreased.
In 2013 the Malay, Chinese vote for the BN decreased further.
In 2018 the Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Dusun vote for the BN is going to disappear.
PAS is also disunited and has split into two. The old PAS under Hadi and the new Amanah under Mat Sabu.
And PAS has decided to ally with UMNO. Plus Hadi is a genuine moron. Two morons stirring the soup.. This is the end of PAS. - ostb
Dulu hangpa buat cam ni juga...
Mind your English...