Sejumlah projek yang mendapat sokongan Beijing mungkin menjadi bukti kepada Putrajaya bahawa pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak memiliki kuasa tarikan pelaburan asing yang berkesan.
Namun tanggapan itu tidak dikongsi bekas menteri kewangan Tun Daim Zainuddin.
Ditanya mengenai pelaburan China untuk projek Rangkaian Kereta Api Pantai Timur (ECRL) Daim sebaliknya menyoal sama ada kerajaan perlu membuat bayaran semula kepada pembiayanya.
"Kalau bayar semula duit, maknanya apa? Kalau kamu seorang pelabur kamu akan kata apa?
"Itu bukan pelaburan, itu pinjaman," katanya mengenai projek yang dibangunkan kontraktor melalui pembiayai Export-Import Bank of China (Exim Bank).
Daim ditemui media selepas menghadiri sesi dialog tertutup anjuran sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan di Subang Jaya, Selangor hari ini.
Beliau sebelum itu ditanya sama ada perlu wujud kebimbangan terhadap pelaburan yang dibawa China di Malaysia.
Selain ECRL, satu lagi projek yang mendapat pembabitan meluas Beijing ialah projek pembangunan petempatan mega Forest City di Johor Bahru.
Terdahulu Daim berkata beliau percaya rakyat Malaysia perlu bersatu untuk mencipta suasana lebih kondusif buat pelaburan asing sekali gus mengembangkan ekonomi negara.
"Saya baca beberapa laporan mengatakan ramai lepasan universiti sekarang ada masalah mendapatkan pekerjaan.
"Justeru kerajaan mesti memastikan hal ini ditangani segera," katanya.
Bulan lalu Kementerian Kewangan melalui jawapan di Dewan Rakyat memberitahu kos menyiapkan ECRL kekal pada RM55 bilion dan 85 peratus daripadanya dibiayai melalui pinjaman mudah dijamin kerajaan daripada Exim Bank. - mk
Orang umno tak faham antara pinjaman dan pelaburan, Puak2 melayu umno perlu menolak perjuangan Parti keramat yang menguntungkan kan CINA.. Bukan melayu dan rakyat malaysia pada dasarnya.. Jadi jangan lah melayu dalam umno dibadutkan, ambil ringan atas pelaburan yang diwar-war terbaik itu... Semua itu menjahanam kan ada cucu pada amnya... TOLAK UMNO DAN Pas yang tidak menguntungkan bangsa, negara dan ugama.- Nadzir Iberahim
Hutang AS pd China mencecah lebih USD 1.1 trillion iaitu seribu billion. Hutang M'sia ke China berapa?? Hampir kesemua projek mega TanahBesarChina kat M'sia dibiayai ole sykt China dan k'jaan akan membyr kemudian mcm kaedah guna kad kredit. Satu projek ECRL pula telah telan 55B, lepas siap anak dan cucu kita yg kena byr blk.- Chris Lim
China diundang melabur kerana mereka boleh bagi kemudahan pinjaman, pinjam duit dulu, boleh bayar kemudian. Jadi ada pelabur dari China maka ada lah duit untuk Penyangak MO1 bayar hutang 1MDB. Lagi pun projek seperti Forest City itu di buat atas tanah tambak saja, bukannya di tanah Malaysia pun, mungkin tambak di Sinapore kot. Jadi kalau tergadai pun tanah itu bukanlah milik Malaysia, kerana ia cuma tanah tambak saja. Jadi biarlah rakyat China duduk bersarang disitu pun, kita tak payahlah ganggu mereka asalkan mereka mahu melabur (bagi pinjam duit), sudahlah.- Nordin Kcd
Maaf cakap,Aku tidak memihak pada mana2 individu,tetapi yg nyata Najib berhutang untuk menutup hutang.Kalau ginilah cara nya mmg boleh terlungkup rakyat.- Ahmado Castilo
IMANS -A massive UMNO-planned fraud...
The real reason for this disastrous U-turn by the govt was the twitter protest by thousand of Malaysian Malays/Muslims incensed with the $90.10 charge comprising $85 admin and insurance charge + 6% GST.
Umrah tour operators joined in the fray as the usage of the IMAMS system was made mandatory for everyone.
Don't know who is telling the truth but for sure someone is lying.
In cancelling the mint-fresh IMAMS system, Minister for Tourism & Culture Nazri was quoted as saying the charges were not in line with with his earlier announcement in Parliament.
Deputy Minister of Culture & Tourism Mas Ermieyati also insisted she was unaware that IMAMS had a non-Muslim CEO and employed other non-Muslim staff!
Well, here is what Nazi actually said in Parliament as evidenced by Hansard (read below), which makes a BLOODY LIAR of this sub-standard and crooked Minister.
Whenever a multi-million govt fiasco occurs, one can be absolutely sure that behind it is a massive UMNO-planned fraud.
Was there an open tender for implementing the IMAMS system which is basically a typical UMNO rent-seeking monopoly imposed upon the captive Mecca Umrah tour business? And why was the public not consulted BEFORE implementation?
What is the Mecca Umrah Tour biz worth to IMAMS? About 50,000 pax x $45 = $2.25 million a year, excluding share of the insurance of $40 pax. And the numbers are rising every year.
Little wonder that Newsweek and ex-World Bank President Wolfowitz have openly accused Najib of being a crook, an insult to Malaysia that has not been rebutted by Najib or anyone else in Govt!
And there you have in a nutshell everything that is wrong in Malaysia today - epidemic-level corruption, racism, religious bigotry and Ministers, public and govt officials with not an ounce of honesty, integrity or honour among them! - E.S. Shankar
Bukan setakat jadi PM Melasia, jadi Presiden USA pun boleh...
Yakin kepada pimpinan parti dan tidak ada yang mustahil boleh berlaku kepada PAS, kata salah seorang naib presiden parti itu.
Kata Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah turut diperlukan untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang ialah sikap istiqamah semua penyokong PAS.
Dengan 'formula' itulah Mohd Amar berkata, tidak mustahil jawatan perdana menteri negara ini diisi oleh orang PAS dengan kaedah yang tidak dijangka oleh fikiran manusia.
"Pilihan raya akan datang, PAS mungkin tak (menang) banyak, tetapi tidak mustahil kalau perdana menteri adalah PAS. - mk
Bertanding pun 40 kerusi nak jadi PM...cuba bagi calon sapa nak jadi PM....kat Parlimen tak nampak lagi ketokohan pemimpin PAS dlm perjuangkan hak
rakyat...- Mohamad Faizal
Wakil UMNO juga akan menjadi PM wahai Nik Amar cuma jalannya betul atau tidak sahaja...ini menunjukan sesuatu kemenangan itu perlu berstrategi...usaha Dan menyerah kpd Allah SWT...sikap PAS sekarang menyekat usaha dakwah...memutuskan sillaturahim hanya kerana berbeza pandangan politik...sedangkan Islam itu dtg sbg rahmat seluruh Alam bukan utk Kita ahli PAS sahaja - Azman Ahmad
Nak pelik ape kalo Pas dh pakat dgn Umno utk pecahkan undi PH..walaupon menang sikit pru-14 nnt to habuannye kerana tolong BabiN dari terkubur terus..Pas dpt jadi PM..walaunta yg tak sokong Pas gabung dgn Umporno tak paham2 lg ke???.. - Mohd Hazli
Untung berPMkan pemimpin pas. Buat usul tangguh, bila undi berkecuali, keluar dewan hentam dap. Cukup satu penggal yb boleh dapat duit pencen. Syurga pun dijamin presiden bagi yg percaya.- Muhamad Dusin
Tak pelik lah, lagi tak pelik bila PAS kalah di Kelantan pada PRU ni. Seperti kata arwah Nik Aziz, tanda aras kemajuan Kelantan boleh diukur dengan adanya Tesco. Selain daripada itu adanya tanda paras air banjir yang masih kekal kelihatan. Susah kalau dapat pemimpin bodoh macam kamu ni Amar. Kalau di negeri lain dah lama kamu kena tendang.- Nordin Kcd
Received the following in the email from a reader. It sounds genuine enough. I am accepting it at face value.
Salam Tuan,
Yesterday (Wednesday?), TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHEB) conducted the Court Convene Creditor Meeting (CCCM) for its subsidiaries/associates company, THHE Fabricator Sdn Bhd (THHEF), THHE Offshore Services Sdn Bhd (THHEOS) and O&G Works Sdn Bhd (OGW).
THHEB conducted their own CCCM today.
The total debt for THHEB, THHEOS and THHEF (excluding OGW) is more than RM600 million. They are unable to pay their debts. These companies were totally mismanaged by the people appointed by the Government. The ex-CEO is currently on trial for corruption more than RM50 Million.
Arising from the CCCM, the results : Creditors accepted the Scheme Of Arrangement for THHEB and THHE Fabricator with 91% and 94% acceptance respectively (Accepting settlement of RM0.50 per every RM1 Debt).
For THHE Offshore Services Sdn Bhd, Creditors rejected the Scheme with 81% rejecting it (Rejecting settlement of RM0.118 per RM 1 debt) - ridiculous proposed settlement. The consequences of this result : THHEOS will be liquidated and wound up.
This will be a big blow to the government. A GLC is liquidated because unable to settle debts!!!!!!!!
I believe the announcement to Bursa will be soon. We are both creditors for THHEF and THHEOS. It was also a doomed day for us as we have to write-off about RM6 - RM7 Million arising from this exercise.
Being a small company, writing off this amount will make the company insolvent and we are definitely not able to pay our own creditors.
We are a good Bumiputra company and good tax paymaster. We have even paid tax on the profit generated from the THHEF and THHEOS projects despite not receiving the payments from them.
(They have not paid for more than 2 years).
Now, we have to write off this amount and we also cannot get back the money that we have paid for the tax on the "Fake Profits". You only get tax credit. What an unfair world....!!
We accepted the contract works from THHEF and THHEOS on the understanding that they were a GLC. If only we can turn back time....!! Now, we are doomed. It is a matter of time that we have to close SHOP. You are right, perhaps the Government would like to see all the SHOPS to be CLOSED.
All the stakeholders lost money and the losses are irrecoverable due to the incompetence of Government to manage the GLC. In the first place, why they have all these GLCs ?
They should just do the governing job and leave managing the business to the non-crony businessman. I believe one day God will punish all of them......all of them.
The situation is really quite bad. A friend of mine, a former Chairman of a major GLC, says that the entire 1MDB scandal is a diversionary tactic. He says there is something else going on. Much bigger than 1MDB.
Lets look at THHE above. The ex CEO has been arrested and is now under trial for corruption involving RM50 million. 50 MILLION !!
THIS is the amount with which he is being charged. There is likely to be more than this which is not part of this charge. The ex CEO alone songlap RM50 million.
Folks, do you honestly believe that the ex CEO acted alone? I dont think so. There must be others involved, folks senior to this guy. They are untouched and/or worse they remain in place.
Read this part again :
The total debt for THHEB, THHEOS and THHEF (excluding OGW) is more than RM600 million. They are unable to pay their debts.
They have obviously songlap-ed more than RM600 million of other peoples' money (their creditors or hutang money). Obviously the RM600 million hutang money went to pay for things that are not there to help the company's business.
They cannot pay back the hutang of RM600 million. A company this size must have substantial paid up capital, reserves, retained earnings etc. I would say at least to match that RM600 million hutang. Lets say their own money was another RM600 million. Where is it? Also hilang? Maybe all in, a billion Ringgit has been lost? Its possible.
And this has been going on for sometime.
Then there is Felda. I suspect the biggest nail in the coffin is over at the oil company.
All this stealing has been going on since about 2009 or earlier. Since Kepala Bapok took over.
Going back to this THHE news, since they have not paid their suppliers and contractors (like to the company above) these companies are also going bust.
"also doom for us as we have to write-off RM6 - RM7 Million from this exercise. Being a small company, writing off this amount will make the company insolvent.."
The bumiputra economy, which is so gomen dependent is being destroyed.
I keep repeating 'Melayu miskin dulu' to drive home the point that it is gomen policy that is making the Malays and the bumiputras poor.
It is not the fault of the Chinese, the Jews, the Christians, the Mohicans, Mohawks or the Apache.
Stupid policies by a stupid gomen is making their people more stupid and poor.
Rest in peace or rest in pieces. Its your choice. - ostb
Wakil UMNO juga akan menjadi PM wahai Nik Amar cuma jalannya betul atau tidak sahaja...ini menunjukan sesuatu kemenangan itu perlu berstrategi...usaha Dan menyerah kpd Allah SWT...sikap PAS sekarang menyekat usaha dakwah...memutuskan sillaturahim hanya kerana berbeza pandangan politik...sedangkan Islam itu dtg sbg rahmat seluruh Alam bukan utk Kita ahli PAS sahaja - Azman Ahmad
Nak pelik ape kalo Pas dh pakat dgn Umno utk pecahkan undi PH..walaupon menang sikit pru-14 nnt to habuannye kerana tolong BabiN dari terkubur terus..Pas dpt jadi PM..walaunta yg tak sokong Pas gabung dgn Umporno tak paham2 lg ke???.. - Mohd Hazli
Untung berPMkan pemimpin pas. Buat usul tangguh, bila undi berkecuali, keluar dewan hentam dap. Cukup satu penggal yb boleh dapat duit pencen. Syurga pun dijamin presiden bagi yg percaya.- Muhamad Dusin
Tak pelik lah, lagi tak pelik bila PAS kalah di Kelantan pada PRU ni. Seperti kata arwah Nik Aziz, tanda aras kemajuan Kelantan boleh diukur dengan adanya Tesco. Selain daripada itu adanya tanda paras air banjir yang masih kekal kelihatan. Susah kalau dapat pemimpin bodoh macam kamu ni Amar. Kalau di negeri lain dah lama kamu kena tendang.- Nordin Kcd
Tabung Haji Heavy Engineering (THHE).
Tutup Kedai...
Received the following in the email from a reader. It sounds genuine enough. I am accepting it at face value.
Salam Tuan,
Yesterday (Wednesday?), TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (THHEB) conducted the Court Convene Creditor Meeting (CCCM) for its subsidiaries/associates company, THHE Fabricator Sdn Bhd (THHEF), THHE Offshore Services Sdn Bhd (THHEOS) and O&G Works Sdn Bhd (OGW).
THHEB conducted their own CCCM today.
The total debt for THHEB, THHEOS and THHEF (excluding OGW) is more than RM600 million. They are unable to pay their debts. These companies were totally mismanaged by the people appointed by the Government. The ex-CEO is currently on trial for corruption more than RM50 Million.
Arising from the CCCM, the results : Creditors accepted the Scheme Of Arrangement for THHEB and THHE Fabricator with 91% and 94% acceptance respectively (Accepting settlement of RM0.50 per every RM1 Debt).
For THHE Offshore Services Sdn Bhd, Creditors rejected the Scheme with 81% rejecting it (Rejecting settlement of RM0.118 per RM 1 debt) - ridiculous proposed settlement. The consequences of this result : THHEOS will be liquidated and wound up.
This will be a big blow to the government. A GLC is liquidated because unable to settle debts!!!!!!!!
I believe the announcement to Bursa will be soon. We are both creditors for THHEF and THHEOS. It was also a doomed day for us as we have to write-off about RM6 - RM7 Million arising from this exercise.
We are a good Bumiputra company and good tax paymaster. We have even paid tax on the profit generated from the THHEF and THHEOS projects despite not receiving the payments from them.
(They have not paid for more than 2 years).
Now, we have to write off this amount and we also cannot get back the money that we have paid for the tax on the "Fake Profits". You only get tax credit. What an unfair world....!!
We accepted the contract works from THHEF and THHEOS on the understanding that they were a GLC. If only we can turn back time....!! Now, we are doomed. It is a matter of time that we have to close SHOP. You are right, perhaps the Government would like to see all the SHOPS to be CLOSED.
All the stakeholders lost money and the losses are irrecoverable due to the incompetence of Government to manage the GLC. In the first place, why they have all these GLCs ?
They should just do the governing job and leave managing the business to the non-crony businessman. I believe one day God will punish all of them......all of them.
The situation is really quite bad. A friend of mine, a former Chairman of a major GLC, says that the entire 1MDB scandal is a diversionary tactic. He says there is something else going on. Much bigger than 1MDB.
Lets look at THHE above. The ex CEO has been arrested and is now under trial for corruption involving RM50 million. 50 MILLION !!
THIS is the amount with which he is being charged. There is likely to be more than this which is not part of this charge. The ex CEO alone songlap RM50 million.
Folks, do you honestly believe that the ex CEO acted alone? I dont think so. There must be others involved, folks senior to this guy. They are untouched and/or worse they remain in place.
Read this part again :
The total debt for THHEB, THHEOS and THHEF (excluding OGW) is more than RM600 million. They are unable to pay their debts.
They have obviously songlap-ed more than RM600 million of other peoples' money (their creditors or hutang money). Obviously the RM600 million hutang money went to pay for things that are not there to help the company's business.
They cannot pay back the hutang of RM600 million. A company this size must have substantial paid up capital, reserves, retained earnings etc. I would say at least to match that RM600 million hutang. Lets say their own money was another RM600 million. Where is it? Also hilang? Maybe all in, a billion Ringgit has been lost? Its possible.
And this has been going on for sometime.
Then there is Felda. I suspect the biggest nail in the coffin is over at the oil company.
All this stealing has been going on since about 2009 or earlier. Since Kepala Bapok took over.
Going back to this THHE news, since they have not paid their suppliers and contractors (like to the company above) these companies are also going bust.
"also doom for us as we have to write-off RM6 - RM7 Million from this exercise. Being a small company, writing off this amount will make the company insolvent.."
I keep repeating 'Melayu miskin dulu' to drive home the point that it is gomen policy that is making the Malays and the bumiputras poor.
It is not the fault of the Chinese, the Jews, the Christians, the Mohicans, Mohawks or the Apache.
Stupid policies by a stupid gomen is making their people more stupid and poor.
Rest in peace or rest in pieces. Its your choice. - ostb
Juara ponteng sidang Parlimen 3 tahun berturut-turut mempersoalkan tentang berapa ramai Melayu mati di Pulau Pinang dan berapa banyak masjid dan surau ditutup dibawah pentadbiran DAP? Jawab Hadi jawab,kalu tak tahu tutup mulut nanti lalat masuk...