Kata pemangku Timbalan Presiden Umno itu, bencana yang turut menyaksikan tanah runtuh, pokok tumbang dan kerosakan harta benda merupakan isyarat negeri itu sedia untuk diambil semula oleh Barisan Nasional (BN).
Saya sikit pun tak hairan dengan tindakan Zahid mengaitkan banjir di negeri itu dengan harapan Gerakan merampasnya kembali dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang atas dua sebab.
Kemenangan Gerakan 1969...
Pertama, Umno/BN akan menggunakan apa saja untuk menaikkan semangat penyokong akar umbi BN yang sudah putus asa, kecuali apabila disogok dengan duit. Kedua, kerana dia berpidato di Persidangan Agung Gerakan.Saya tidak berani hendak kata ramalan dan rujukan Zahid kepada “petanda Tuhan” itu tepat atau tidak.
Manalah tahu ketua Umno keturunan Jawa itu mewarisi sifat para wali dan kiyai Jawa yang dikatakan boleh membaca nasib dan mengetahui apa yang akan berlaku pada masa mendatang.
Ikut cerita, banyak juga ketua-ketua politik dan orang kaya di negara kita yang percaya kepada kuasa tilikan dan ramalan para kiyai Jawa itu dan ada yang sering ke sana mencari tangkal azimat.
Soalnya, kalau banjir Pulau Pinang adalah “petanda Tuhan” bahawa Gerakan akan kembali berkuasa di negeri itu, apa pula petanda banjir yang melanda negeri-negeri lain?
Apakah PAS akan kalah di Kelantan kerana banjir besar melanda negeri itu pada tahun 2014 dan BN akan kalah di semua negeri perintahnya yang juga dilanda banjir, termasuk Putrajaya yang banjir pada 8 Mei 2016?
Kalau hendak rujuk kepada “petanda Tuhan”, sebenarnya pada zaman Mohd Najib Abdul Razak ini sangat banyak petunjuk seperti itu - sebuah kapal terbang MAS hilang tanpa kesan, sebuah lagi hancur musnah ditembak peluru berpandu, skandal 1MDB dan SRC, kadar tukaran ringgit yang merudum, kos sara hidup yang melambung, tragedi merangut nyawa macam runtuhan batu Gunung Kinabalu, kebakaran tahfiz dan serangan pengganas di Sabah. Baca seterusnya...
Pembunuh senyap yang
boleh mencetuskan tsunami Melayu...
PRU14 akan berlangsung tahun depan. Itu kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Bulan Mac agaknya iaitu ketika cuti sekolah. Ramai berpendapat PRU14 adalah "ibu segala PRU".
Ia timbul mungkin disebabkan jangkaan persaingan sengit antara tiga blok parti2 mewakili Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan dan Gabungan Parti Islam SeMalaysia ((PAS) dan Ikatan. Kalau diikutkan PRU sebelum ini pun agak hebat jugak menyaksikan BN kehilangan majoriti 2/3 pada PRU12 dan majoriti diterima merosot lagi pada PRU13.
Mungkin disebabkan itu juga PRU14 nanti dikatakan 'ibu segala PRU'. Kali ini dikatakan bukan saja berlaku tsunami pengundi Cina, malah akan berlaku tsunami pengundi Melayu.
Sebabnya, Melayu dikatakan sudah ada pilihan lebih baik daripada BN iaitu Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Amanah, PKR, PAS, malah mungkin DAP yang selalu dipromosi sebagai parti pelbagai kaum walaupun hakikatnya ia dikuasai oleh kaum Cina.
Adakah tsunami Melayu akan melanda pada PRU14 bila mana orang Melayu dikatakan bosan dengan Umno beralih arah ke parti dipelopori dan diterajui pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu meskipun pada hakikatnya telah berpecah2 menjadi parti-parti kecil.
Secara fizikal dalam sesi2 perhimpunan dan perjumpaan parti pembangkang tidak terlihat pun kehadiran ramai orang Melayu bagaimana tsunami Melayu mahu menjadi realiti. Kalau tsunami Melayu mahu dikira berdasarkan peperangan di alam siber, ia juga mungkin tidak begitu tepat kerana daripada hampir 19 juta pengundi di negara ini peratusan tinggi kalangan mereka yang tidak peduli dan tidak ambil tahu pun apa yang berlaku di alam maya itu. Jadi, kena realistik dan perlu berpijak di bumi yang nyata.
Satu lagi pandangan bahawa tsunami Melayu akan berlaku di kalangan orang muda orang bandar dan pinggir bandar. Adakah betul? Berdasarkan situasi semasa kumpulan besar orang muda kurang memperlihatkan kecenderungan dan ambil tahu mengenai politik. Mereka lebih menjurus kepada kepentingan diri mereka mudah dapat kerja, gaji pun OK, berniaga pun senang boleh berhibur bertemasya menonton bola sepak dan boleh untung berniaga dengan adanya niaga online guna sosial media.
Cumanya kos sara hidup dan isu2 perumahan dan kos rumah di bandar terutamanya perlu diuruskan secara bijak kerana isu2 ini boleh menjadi duri dalam daging kepada BN. Kenaikan harga minyak masih berterusan.
Isu2 babitkan rasuah, penyelewengan integriti dan moral amat penting ditangani secara serius tegas tanpa kompromi kerana implikasinya kepada imej dan reputasi negara.
Adakah isu2 ini akan menjadi 'pembunuh senyap' merangsang kepada tsunami Melayu seperti diwar-warkan tu? Malah, dikatakan ramai yang tidak berpuas hati dan kecewa dengan apa yang berlaku di pelbagai peringkat kepimpinan masih berada di dalam UMNO sebagai parti teras BN dan hanya menunggu masa saja untuk meletup dari dalam.
Banyak juga kaji selidik dilakukan baik di sebelah kerajaan atau pembangkang untuk mencari ketepatan apa sebenarnya dirasai rakyat dan kemanakah kecenderungan mereka masih tidak memperolehi jawaban yang jitu konkrit dan boleh diyakini.
Manusia berevolusi dan sifatnya terlalu kompleks gaya permainan pada masa kini sehingga ke saat-saat akhir sebelum PRU masih terus berubah2 mengikut kebijaksanaan mengurus dan mengutarakan isu, apakah kejadian2 yang akan memberi kelebihan seperti Pulau Pinang lumpuh dilanda banjir atau apakah program dan event yang memberi impak spt penganjuran Sukan SEA selain kenyataan dengan permainan isu2 yang
boleh dipusing2 sentimennya. - Gondrong,Life of Annie
Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Kulai) has questioned if MACC chief Dzulkifli Ahmad will be probed for “luxurious” trips he allegedly took to Bali and Hong Kong.
"On the MACC chief's alleged luxurious holidays, I want to ask, who is going to probe him?”
"I am not interested as to who was with him on vacation, (they are) adults.
"But I want to touch about the allegation that he spent at least RM50,000 (on the) Bali trip and another RM50,000 just for accommodation during his Hong Kong trip. Can he afford it?" she asked the Dewan Rakyat during the Budget 2018 debate.
Teo also raised the possibility that the trips were funded by a “crony,” as alleged in a series of videos that circulated on social media, which purportedly show Dzulkifli (photo) involved in an alleged extramarital affair with a married woman.
"Who will probe him (Dzulkilfi) if he himself is accused of going on the luxurious trips to Hong Kong and Bali?
Will a special task force be set up to investigate the matter, and if so will he be asked to take leave while an investigation is being carried out?
“If he does not relinquish his post, by taking leave, can we trust the graft busters, his subordinates, to probe him?" she asked, referring to the commission.
After the videos went viral, police reports were lodged over the alleged affair.
Subsequently, inspector-general of police Mohd Fuzi Harun confirmed that the case was being investigated under Section 498 of the Penal Code, which deals with “enticing a married woman.”
Soon after, the Attorney-General’s Chambers set up a special task force to monitor the investigation on Dzulkfli “in view of the seriousness of the allegation.”
The MACC chief is being investigated under Section 498 of the Penal Code, which deals with "enticing a married woman".
Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged the public to give Dzulkifli a chance to continue serving as MACC chief.
"Do not character assassinate him," Zahid said. - mk
Penang executive councillor Dr Afif Bahardin stated that pillows and mattresses brought in by Kelab Putera 1Malaysia in trailer lorries to the victims of the recent floods in Penang had the "photo" of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Afif of PKR also alleged that “For three days, all the flood victims at relief centres in the state slept on the bare floor, just to wait for pillows and mattresses with Najib’s face on it. I was there, I saw it for myself."
Pray tell, whose bright idea was it to have the prime minister's face on these much-needed pillows and mattresses? And was Najib's face photo printed on the fabric or was it on flyers/leaflets tagged to them?
The very act of plastering a photo of the PM onto much-needed relief and aid items is not only a gross insult to the government of the day but makes the number one leader of the nation look desperate and cheap.
From a public relations perspective, the act is a failure from the word 'go' that had the PM's face on relief bedding materials.
From the wealth of human wisdom, as enshrined in the holy books of various faiths, the mantra of 'let not the left hand know what help the right hand gives' has certainly been disregarded with arrogance.
When nature strikes and devastates our environment, leaving people in peril, it is the categorical duty of the government to rescue and bring relief to its citizens in the quickest time possible.
All such efforts are not acts of charity, a show of kindness, or even a testimony of considerate care. It is, on the contrary, a sacrosanct duty to serve the helpless.
Why do organisations and individuals see responses in a crisis as an opportunity to showcase their leader or their organisation's apparent care, concern and generosity?
Do our respective religious beliefs or philosophies of life encourage, teach and inspire us to capitalise on human suffering?
Let us hope that this episode will be debated and discussed at all levels so that we do not let this culture of preying on the vulnerable to permeate all segments of our society. - noname
Will MACC chief be probed
for his 'luxurious holidays'...
for his 'luxurious holidays'...
Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Kulai) has questioned if MACC chief Dzulkifli Ahmad will be probed for “luxurious” trips he allegedly took to Bali and Hong Kong.
"On the MACC chief's alleged luxurious holidays, I want to ask, who is going to probe him?”
"I am not interested as to who was with him on vacation, (they are) adults.
"But I want to touch about the allegation that he spent at least RM50,000 (on the) Bali trip and another RM50,000 just for accommodation during his Hong Kong trip. Can he afford it?" she asked the Dewan Rakyat during the Budget 2018 debate.
Teo also raised the possibility that the trips were funded by a “crony,” as alleged in a series of videos that circulated on social media, which purportedly show Dzulkifli (photo) involved in an alleged extramarital affair with a married woman.
"Who will probe him (Dzulkilfi) if he himself is accused of going on the luxurious trips to Hong Kong and Bali?
Will a special task force be set up to investigate the matter, and if so will he be asked to take leave while an investigation is being carried out?
“If he does not relinquish his post, by taking leave, can we trust the graft busters, his subordinates, to probe him?" she asked, referring to the commission.
After the videos went viral, police reports were lodged over the alleged affair.
Subsequently, inspector-general of police Mohd Fuzi Harun confirmed that the case was being investigated under Section 498 of the Penal Code, which deals with “enticing a married woman.”
Soon after, the Attorney-General’s Chambers set up a special task force to monitor the investigation on Dzulkfli “in view of the seriousness of the allegation.”
The MACC chief is being investigated under Section 498 of the Penal Code, which deals with "enticing a married woman".
Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged the public to give Dzulkifli a chance to continue serving as MACC chief.
"Do not character assassinate him," Zahid said. - mk
BN's pathetically bungled PR exercise...
Penang executive councillor Dr Afif Bahardin stated that pillows and mattresses brought in by Kelab Putera 1Malaysia in trailer lorries to the victims of the recent floods in Penang had the "photo" of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Afif of PKR also alleged that “For three days, all the flood victims at relief centres in the state slept on the bare floor, just to wait for pillows and mattresses with Najib’s face on it. I was there, I saw it for myself."
Pray tell, whose bright idea was it to have the prime minister's face on these much-needed pillows and mattresses? And was Najib's face photo printed on the fabric or was it on flyers/leaflets tagged to them?
The very act of plastering a photo of the PM onto much-needed relief and aid items is not only a gross insult to the government of the day but makes the number one leader of the nation look desperate and cheap.
From a public relations perspective, the act is a failure from the word 'go' that had the PM's face on relief bedding materials.
From the wealth of human wisdom, as enshrined in the holy books of various faiths, the mantra of 'let not the left hand know what help the right hand gives' has certainly been disregarded with arrogance.
When nature strikes and devastates our environment, leaving people in peril, it is the categorical duty of the government to rescue and bring relief to its citizens in the quickest time possible.
All such efforts are not acts of charity, a show of kindness, or even a testimony of considerate care. It is, on the contrary, a sacrosanct duty to serve the helpless.
Why do organisations and individuals see responses in a crisis as an opportunity to showcase their leader or their organisation's apparent care, concern and generosity?
Do our respective religious beliefs or philosophies of life encourage, teach and inspire us to capitalise on human suffering?
Let us hope that this episode will be debated and discussed at all levels so that we do not let this culture of preying on the vulnerable to permeate all segments of our society. - noname
SPR dah mabuk todi kah...