Beberapa tahun sudah, ketika Parti Islam SeMalaysia mula bermanja secara terbuka dengan UMNO, suatu sesi bergambar melibatkan sayap pemuda parti itu diadakan. Seingat saya, ia berlangsung beberapa ketika sebelum muktamar yang menampilkan pertunjukan silat, memotong kek dengan keris dan pimpinan parti berbusana Melayu tradisional.
Sesi bergambar tersebut, saya kira dilakukan bertujuan menampilkan sisi Melayu Pemuda PAS; menjelang muktamar itu, setelah muktamar sebelumnya memperlihatkan segerombolan besar pimpinan tunjang PAS disingkirkan.
Beberapa keping gambar daripada sesi tersebut, dikongsikan ke media sosial. Salah satunya memperlihatkan anak kepada Tuan Guru Presiden PAS, Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi sedang berkeris dengan timbalannya di Dewan Pemuda PAS kini, Ir. Hj. Khairil Nizam Khirudin.
Khalil memperlihatkan langkah menangkap tikaman keris Khairil, sambil kerisnya sendiri ditusukkan ke rusuk rakannya itu. Khairil bagaimanapun, menampan serangan itu, dengan hanya telapak tangan. Mungkin Khairil ada ilmu kebal, dan tikaman itu tidak lut tapak tangannya. Kita tidak tahu. Namun jika itu bukan lakonan, Khairil pastinya cedera terkena tikaman rakannya itu.
Politik juga bukan sekadar lakonan, meski lakonan adalah sebahagian daripada politik. Seperti juga aksi bertikam Khalil, PAS dan UMNO juga boleh berlakon.
PAS boleh sahaja berlakon seolah-olah ia tidak punya hubungan dengan UMNO. PAS juga boleh berlakon seolah-olah ia tidak tahu bahawa UMNO sedang mempermainkan hati dan perasaannya. Tetapi seluruh negara tahu, malah anggota-anggota PAS di peringkat akar rumput juga tahu bahawa hubungan PAS dan UMNO, tidak banyak beza dengan pertarungan ‘sengit’ Khalil dan Khairil tadi.
Dalam PRU ke-13, arwah Pakatan Rakyat gagal menawan Putrajaya apabila PAS gagal memenangi demikian banyak kerusi yang sepatutnya mereka menang. Sebahagian besar khabarnya digagalkan oleh jentera PAS sendiri yang dalam diam menanam ranjau, menolak Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai calon Perdana Menteri dan mengatur langkah menggagalkan usaha calon mereka sendiri yang cenderung memihak Anwar.
Gerombolan yang sama juga kini gigih menyuarakan bantahan terhadap usaha Pengarah Jentera Pilihanraya HARAPAN, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali untuk berunding dan memastikan tidak terjadi pertembungan tiga penjuru.
Tembikai-tembikai ini (yang luarnya hijau, dalamnya merah UMNO) masih jelas menjalinkan hubungan sulit dengan UMNO meski beriya menafikannya. Tidak sedikit sumber tiris di Putrajaya yang memberitahu betapa akrabnya hubungan Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang dan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Sejak ‘muktamar keris’ itu, PAS dengan terang nyata menolak dan membuang sahabat-sahabat lama, demi persahabatan baru yang menurut mereka lebih menguntungkan agama kononnya.
Demi persahabatan baru itu, juak-juak PAS terpaksa mengiyakan fatwa dan ijtihad tanzim, dengan menggunakan hujah-hujah lama UMNO bagi menyerang Pakatan Harapan, dengan membingkainya sebagi dikemudi demi kepentingan DAP, yang kononnya menjalin hubungan dengan evangelis demi membangun sebuah negara sekular.
Demikian cubaan kelakar anakanda Haji Hadi, membingkai keadaan politik parti kawan-kawan lama sebagai undi HARAPAN ertinya mengundi DAP. Apalah mengarut negara sekular tidak bertuhan mahu dibangunkan dengan usahasama mubaligh Kristian?
Cubaan ini tidak banyak beza dengan cubaan Ir Khairil menikam dan menampan serangan dengan tapak tangan itu tadi. Dalam tak sedar, diri sendiri bakal cedera dan ditimpa malu kerana tidak pandai menyambut pukulan, tetapi ada hati pula melancarkan serangan.
Khalil pastinya sedar, bahawa setiap satu undian kepada PAS adalah tanda setuju dan akur kepada persandingan rahsia dengan UMNO. Setiap satu undi kepada PAS adalah pernyataan reda dan rela kepada persekongkolan terhadap rompakan berbilion ringgit terkait 1MDB.
Setiap satu undi ke parti bulan, adalah talian hayat kepada UMNO, yang sedang gembira melihat parti-parti pembangkang bukan sahaja saling bercakar, malah melihat PAS menyerang parti kawan-kawan dengan peluru yang dibekalkan oleh mereka.
Mengundi PAS, ertinya memilih Najib Razak sebagai perdana menteri, dan mengekalkan Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor di Sri Perdana.
Memilih PAS, ertinya memilih UMNO. Inilah pengertian budaya politik matang dan sejahtera oleh PAS. Bersanding diam-diam, menipu terang-terang. –
Sampai bila nak ngorat PAS...
Bekas Menteri Kewangan Kedua Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
yang juga bekas penasihat Bank Negara selepas memberi
keterangan pada prosiding RCI Forex BNM di Istana
Kehakiman hari.
yang juga bekas penasihat Bank Negara selepas memberi
keterangan pada prosiding RCI Forex BNM di Istana
Kehakiman hari.
RCI Forex - Dr.M sah tak bersalah...
Ketika itu, beliau bertugas sebagai Penolong Gabenor Bank Negara. Perdana Menteri sewaktu itu ialah Tun Mahathir Mohamad, manakala Menteri Kewangan pula ialah Tun Daim Zainuddin dan Anwar Ibrahim.
Berikutan skandal 1MDB telah menjadikan Tun Mahathir sebagai musuh politik utama kepada Najib Razak, daripada mendesak pengundurannya, menubuhkan parti Bersatu dan sekarang menjadi Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan serta sedang di laluan untuk menumbangkan UMNO dan BN dalam pilihanraya akan datang, kerajaan akhirnya menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja berkaitan kerugian tersebut. - Baca seterusnya...
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PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and Mohd Sidek Hassan, the chairperson of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) probing the foreign exchange losses incurred by Bank Negara, got into a heated exchange after the latter insisted that Anwar had known about the actual losses incurred by the central bank and did not inform the cabinet then.
Testifying as the 21st witness before the RCI today, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim insisted that he had informed the cabinet then of the losses.
Sidek, however, said that the cabinet was not informed of the actual figure and was instead only informed about the RM5.7 billion loss.
"You were aware of the loss in 1992 but members of the cabinet were not privy of the letter," said Sidek in reference to a letter written by then auditor-general Ishak Tadin about the losses.
Sidek insisted that the losses were not explained to the cabinet and that Anwar had decided to disclose a different figure.
Anwar, however, said the figure he explained to the cabinet was based on discussions with Bank Negara.
"We mentioned what was explained by the central bank, included paper loss, forward positions.
To this, Sidek said that they were "not talking about numbers".
"You were managing the economy. What you're talking now is about the treatment.
"You knew it! But you chose not to inform the cabinet," exclaimed Sidek.
To this, Anwar said that Sidek was "insinuating".
"This is not a court of law... Don't politicise it," Anwar told Sidek.
Sidek, however, insisted that he was not politicising the matter, adding that he used to be a civil servant.
Anwar also said that he had informed the cabinet that there were exposed positions amounting to RM9.3 billion.
In his explanation, Anwar said he had instructed the treasury to study the matter following Ishak's letter and said that the auditor-general had then agreed that the losses were to be moved to the external reserves.
"I'm saying I'm duty bound to go by the books. For you to accuse I misled Parliament, it's unfair," Anwar insisted.
RCI member Saw Choo Boon, meanwhile, pointed out that the audited figure of RM5.7 billion was as such as Bank Negara no longer had the capacity to absorb it in its reserves.
"The only way to treat it is to put it as a deferred expenditure under asset in Bank Negara's annual report," said Saw.
Anwar had earlier recounted a statement made on September 21, 2012, in Parliament by then deputy finance minister, that the losses were RM5.7 billion.
"In 2012, officially it was still RM5.7 billion like what was said by then finance minister in 1994, Anwar Ibrahim, that is," said Anwar, to laughter from those present in the court room.
He also stressed that the figure was verified by the then auditor general.
"I cannot use assumptions. I can only explain to Parliament based on audited accounts."
Anwar later said that he did not want to argue with Sidek on the actual losses, stating that the matter was overtaken by events.
To this, Sidek insisted that the issue was not overtaken by events.
"I'm sure you are smarter than that," Sidek quipped, to Anwar who shot back with: "Are you suggesting the auditor-general was complicit in crime?"
Questioned later by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's counsel Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, whether cabinet members including Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, then, were misled, Anwar said no one had asked for an explanation.
"Even though it was a paper loss, if the minister was not stupid, he would have understood," added Anwar.
Meanwhile, Anwar said Mahathir did not give any instruction whether to proceed with forex trading or otherwise.
This is after Anwar and former deputy secretary-general with the finance ministry Clifford Francis Herbert briefed Mahathir about the losses.
Herbert had testified that Mahathir had purportedly seemed indifferent when he was informed about the foreign exchange losses incurred by Bank Negara which Herbert claimed amounted to RM30 billion.
Later, Anwar's lawyer Gurdial Singh told reporters that Anwar was "pointing out what the profit and losses were based on what was reflected in the official report."
"He cannot deviate from that. Now the chairman (Sidek) kept insisting that (RM5.7 billion) was not the actual loss. But that is not for him to say. If that is not the actual loss, then you must take into issue the auditor-general or the governor of Bank Negara, why did you present it in this way.
"This is the gist of it... So he (Sidek) is saying ‘ignore Bank Negara, ignore the auditor-general (Ishak Taidin), you decide because there was a letter that was written, go back to that letter’," Gurdial said.
Dr Mahathir, who was also present at today's proceedings, told reporters later that Anwar did no wrong in sticking to the figure of RM5.7 billion in his report as finance minister to Parliament.
The former prime minister said Anwar could not add figures beyond what was handed to him by government auditors and the central bank.
"He stressed that the statement that was presented to the Cabinet showed that the losses was RM5.7 billion," Dr Mahathir said.
"The rest, he said, was not entered into the reports by Bank Negara and the (reports) that were audited.
"He insists that is the figure that he could report. There was no suspicion that people stole money. He made his report based on what was confirmed by the audit. That was it."
The RCI hearings will end on September 20. The panel, led by Petronas chairman Mohd Sidek Hassan, will present its findings to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on October 13. - mk/mi
Sidek get into heated debate with Anwar...
Testifying as the 21st witness before the RCI today, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim insisted that he had informed the cabinet then of the losses.
Sidek, however, said that the cabinet was not informed of the actual figure and was instead only informed about the RM5.7 billion loss.
"You were aware of the loss in 1992 but members of the cabinet were not privy of the letter," said Sidek in reference to a letter written by then auditor-general Ishak Tadin about the losses.
Sidek insisted that the losses were not explained to the cabinet and that Anwar had decided to disclose a different figure.
Anwar, however, said the figure he explained to the cabinet was based on discussions with Bank Negara.
"We mentioned what was explained by the central bank, included paper loss, forward positions.
To this, Sidek said that they were "not talking about numbers".
"You were managing the economy. What you're talking now is about the treatment.
"You knew it! But you chose not to inform the cabinet," exclaimed Sidek.
To this, Anwar said that Sidek was "insinuating".
"This is not a court of law... Don't politicise it," Anwar told Sidek.
Sidek, however, insisted that he was not politicising the matter, adding that he used to be a civil servant.
Anwar also said that he had informed the cabinet that there were exposed positions amounting to RM9.3 billion.
In his explanation, Anwar said he had instructed the treasury to study the matter following Ishak's letter and said that the auditor-general had then agreed that the losses were to be moved to the external reserves.
"I'm saying I'm duty bound to go by the books. For you to accuse I misled Parliament, it's unfair," Anwar insisted.
RCI member Saw Choo Boon, meanwhile, pointed out that the audited figure of RM5.7 billion was as such as Bank Negara no longer had the capacity to absorb it in its reserves.
"The only way to treat it is to put it as a deferred expenditure under asset in Bank Negara's annual report," said Saw.
Anwar had earlier recounted a statement made on September 21, 2012, in Parliament by then deputy finance minister, that the losses were RM5.7 billion.
"In 2012, officially it was still RM5.7 billion like what was said by then finance minister in 1994, Anwar Ibrahim, that is," said Anwar, to laughter from those present in the court room.
He also stressed that the figure was verified by the then auditor general.
"I cannot use assumptions. I can only explain to Parliament based on audited accounts."
Anwar later said that he did not want to argue with Sidek on the actual losses, stating that the matter was overtaken by events.
To this, Sidek insisted that the issue was not overtaken by events.
"I'm sure you are smarter than that," Sidek quipped, to Anwar who shot back with: "Are you suggesting the auditor-general was complicit in crime?"
Questioned later by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's counsel Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, whether cabinet members including Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, then, were misled, Anwar said no one had asked for an explanation.
"Even though it was a paper loss, if the minister was not stupid, he would have understood," added Anwar.
Meanwhile, Anwar said Mahathir did not give any instruction whether to proceed with forex trading or otherwise.
This is after Anwar and former deputy secretary-general with the finance ministry Clifford Francis Herbert briefed Mahathir about the losses.
Herbert had testified that Mahathir had purportedly seemed indifferent when he was informed about the foreign exchange losses incurred by Bank Negara which Herbert claimed amounted to RM30 billion.
Later, Anwar's lawyer Gurdial Singh told reporters that Anwar was "pointing out what the profit and losses were based on what was reflected in the official report."
"He cannot deviate from that. Now the chairman (Sidek) kept insisting that (RM5.7 billion) was not the actual loss. But that is not for him to say. If that is not the actual loss, then you must take into issue the auditor-general or the governor of Bank Negara, why did you present it in this way.
"This is the gist of it... So he (Sidek) is saying ‘ignore Bank Negara, ignore the auditor-general (Ishak Taidin), you decide because there was a letter that was written, go back to that letter’," Gurdial said.
Dr Mahathir, who was also present at today's proceedings, told reporters later that Anwar did no wrong in sticking to the figure of RM5.7 billion in his report as finance minister to Parliament.
The former prime minister said Anwar could not add figures beyond what was handed to him by government auditors and the central bank.
"He stressed that the statement that was presented to the Cabinet showed that the losses was RM5.7 billion," Dr Mahathir said.
"The rest, he said, was not entered into the reports by Bank Negara and the (reports) that were audited.
"He insists that is the figure that he could report. There was no suspicion that people stole money. He made his report based on what was confirmed by the audit. That was it."
The RCI hearings will end on September 20. The panel, led by Petronas chairman Mohd Sidek Hassan, will present its findings to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on October 13. - mk/mi
Transaksi berbilion $$$ atas arahan Nor Mohamed