Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini mengakui beliau mengetahui kandungan laporan tiga pihak berkuasa negara ini dalam siasatan mereka terhadap 1MDB.
Katanya, laporan disediakan Bank Negara, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Ketua Audit Negara berkenaan ada dalam pengetahuannya.
"Saya tahu. Saya memang tahu," katanya dalam blog beliau hari ini.
Menurut Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail - yang ketika itu masih berkhidmat sebagai peguam negara - menunjukkan laporan Bank Negara kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin semasa beliau masih menjadi timbalan perdana menteri.
Muhyiddin pula, katanya, sering menyebut mengenai laporan yang ditunjuk kepadanya oleh Abdul Gani itu sebelum beliau dipecat.
"Dan kepimpinan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU), termasuk saya, telah bincang (mengenai) laporan-laporan ini.
"Sebab itu saya tahu," katanya.
Justeru Dr Mahathir yang kini menjadi pengerusi BERSATU dan Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) mencabar Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali(gambar bawah) - yang menggantikan Abdul Gani - bersumpah.
Butiran tentu direkodkan
"Saya tahu Apandi bohong, sebab itu (dia) letak laporan (mengenai siasatan 1MDB) itu di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi.
"Kami tahu dan Tuhan lebih tahu. Jika berani bersumpahlah," katanya lagi.
Pada 17 Julai lalu Dr Mahathir berkata jika HARAPAN berjaya mengalahkan BN dalam pilihan raya umum ke-14 nanti, mereka akan memanggil Apandi untuk ditanya mengenai penggunaan OSA bagi menutup apa yang didakwa beliau sebagai bukti penyelewengan 1MDB.
Bagaimanapun Apandi (gambar) menegaskan, beliau tidak menyembunyikan sebarang bukti salah laku atau jenayah membabitkan syarikat pelaburan milik kerajaan itu.
"Saya tidak takut sesiapa, termasuk Mahathir. Saya tidak takut kepada manusia, tetapi saya takut kepada Allah," katanya.
Kata Dr Mahathir tiada wang boleh dipindah dari satu pihak ke pihak lain tanpa membabitkan dokumen.
Wang dalam jumlah yang besar - sama ada berbilion atau juta - juga tidak boleh disimpan sebagai wang tunai sebaliknya disimpan di dalam bank.
Dalam keadaan begitu, katanya, butiran transaksi itu direkodkan, termasuk pemiliknya, jumlah, mata wang, tarikh dan punca kekayaan orang yang menderma.
"Juga akan disebut nama penerima, hari bulan dan segala transaksi yang melibat wang berkenaan.
"Tidak mungkin wang tunai sebanyak itu diguna. Semua transaksi menggunakan cek. Dan segala-galanya ditulis dalam cek berkenaan, dan buku akaun bank," katanya. Baca seterusnya...
Dr.M claims to know contents of 1MDB reports
Son of former DPM warns Sultans
against Hadi's bill...
In a letter to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia to convey the contents of his earlier writings to the royals, Mohamed Tawfik Ismail reiterated his insistence that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s so-called Shariah Bill must be approved by the Malay Rulers before it may be tabled in Parliament.
Tawfik told Pandikar that he notified the Conference that the Speaker refused to acknowledge this, which was among reasons
he was suing to block the progress of the private member’s Bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 or Act 355.
“The letter was also meant to draw the attention of the Rulers to the serious constitutional crisis arising from the Speaker’s refusal to take cognisance of the provisions of the Federal Constitution, particularly Articles 38 and 62, together with his refusal to consider whether Hadi’s Motion and RUU 355 have fulfilled the conditions of Order 49(1) of the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat.
“It should be remembered that Hadi’s Motion and RUU 355 are within the jurisdiction of the Rulers as Heads of religion in their respective states as guaranteed by Article 71 of the Federal Constitution,” Tawfik wrote.
Tawfik said he sent the letter to the Conference on July 20 via the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, and wrote to inform Pandikar of this the next day.
Among others, he insisted that the Speaker must not allow Hadi’s Bill, which is back in the current Order Papers, to be debated in Parliament out of respect for the Malay Rulers who are the final authority over Islamic affairs.
Tawfik filed the lawsuit in March and sought for the courts to declare the proposal to increase Shariah sentencing to be in breach of the Federal Constitution and parliamentary procedure.
He is also seeking 10 declarations and orders that would effectively stop Hadi from tabling his private member’s Bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act.
Hadi is proposing to increase the Shariah courts’ sentencing limits from the current three years’ jail, RM5,000 fine and six lashes to a new maximum of 30 years’ jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 lashes.
Tawfik named Pandikar and Dewan Rakyat secretary Datuk Roosme Hamzah as respondents in his lawsuit.
Dr Ismail was the deputy to the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, who was the country’s second prime minister.- malaymail
“The letter was also meant to draw the attention of the Rulers to the serious constitutional crisis arising from the Speaker’s refusal to take cognisance of the provisions of the Federal Constitution, particularly Articles 38 and 62, together with his refusal to consider whether Hadi’s Motion and RUU 355 have fulfilled the conditions of Order 49(1) of the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat.
“It should be remembered that Hadi’s Motion and RUU 355 are within the jurisdiction of the Rulers as Heads of religion in their respective states as guaranteed by Article 71 of the Federal Constitution,” Tawfik wrote.
Tawfik said he sent the letter to the Conference on July 20 via the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, and wrote to inform Pandikar of this the next day.
Among others, he insisted that the Speaker must not allow Hadi’s Bill, which is back in the current Order Papers, to be debated in Parliament out of respect for the Malay Rulers who are the final authority over Islamic affairs.
Tawfik filed the lawsuit in March and sought for the courts to declare the proposal to increase Shariah sentencing to be in breach of the Federal Constitution and parliamentary procedure.
He is also seeking 10 declarations and orders that would effectively stop Hadi from tabling his private member’s Bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act.
Hadi is proposing to increase the Shariah courts’ sentencing limits from the current three years’ jail, RM5,000 fine and six lashes to a new maximum of 30 years’ jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 lashes.
Tawfik named Pandikar and Dewan Rakyat secretary Datuk Roosme Hamzah as respondents in his lawsuit.
Dr Ismail was the deputy to the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, who was the country’s second prime minister.- malaymail
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