Hasrat Menteri Besar, Azmin Ali akan mengadakan pertemuan bersama Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Pakatan Rakyat minggu ini bagi membincangkan cadangan pembubaran Dun Selangor kerana terputusnya hubungan PAS dengan Pakatan Rakyat mungkin tidak tercapai.
Desas- desus dan juga laporan portal ini semalam mendapat maklumbalasdari netizen berhubung 4 Adun PKR lompat parti dan akan menyertai pembentukan kerajaan campuran dari bebas,BN dan PAS di Negeri Selangor.
Azmin 30 April lalu dikhabarkan membawa semua Exconya mengadakan lawatan ke Mesir, Maghribi dan Jordan. Manakala Shuhaimi Shafiei, Ketua Penerangan PKR Selangor merangkap Setiausaha Politik Menteri Besar Selangor menepis dakwaan media berhubung 4 Adun lompat parti itu sebagai satu propaganda.
Menurut sumber dalaman parti PKR permohonan mengadap beberapa pemimpin PKR dan BN telah diterima istana dan ini menyokong kuat desas-desus yang berlaku dalam krisis politik di Selangor.
Baik pengamal media, penyokong BN, penyokong Pakatan Rakyat serta orang awam cuba membuat telahan sendiri berdasarkan maklumat, pemerhatian, pemantauan serta kajian pendek yang dibuat ke atas isu yang berlaku dan yakin kerajaan Pakatan pimpin Azmin Ali bakal tumbang dalam tempoh terdekat.
Sumber mendedahkan Azmin Ali bakal membatalkan segera lawatan 5 harinya di Timur Tengah bagi menyelesaikan kemelut krisis politik Selangor. Tentunya krisis ini berat sepanjang ketiadaannya di Selangor.
Manakala para Adun BN Selangor juga dikatakan menerima arahan agar tidak keluar negara dan bersiap sedia. Kenyataan ringkas YB Budiman Mohd Zuhdi Adun Sg Panjang dalam facebooknya hari ini (1 Mei ) memberi gambaran sesuatu bakal berlaku.
“Mood bersedia. Diarah jangan ke luar negara. Percaya pada takdir.” katanya ringkas.
Sumber berkata YB Budiman disebut antara satu dari nama Menteri Besar Selangor selain seorang dari parti bebas dan PAS dalam kerajaan campuran baru Selangor yang bakal terbentuk. Ia terpulang kepada kejayaan perundingan muktamad kerajaan campuran itu nanti. Budiman menang pilihanraya kecil Parlimen Sg Besar Jun tahun lalu dilihat popular dikalangan rakyat Selangor.
Sementara itu Pensyarah Kanan Hal Ehwal Politik dan Antarabangsa, Pusat Pengajian Antarabangsa Universiti Utara Malaysia, Md Shukri Shuib berkata, beliau yakin jawatan Azmin Ali sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor semakin berada di penghujung dengan keputusan PAS memutuskan tahaluf siyasi bersama PAS.
“Jika dahulu saya melihat Pembentukan Pakatan Harapan didokong kuat oleh DAP yang boleh meletakkan calon mereka sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor kini tentu amat sukar dengan keputusan PAS memutuskan hubungan dengan Pakatan Rakyat. Adun-adun yang berpaling tadah dari Pakatan pasti membentuk kerajaan campuran bakal memilih Menteri Besar dari kalangan UMNO, bebas atau dari PAS”. katanya ketika dihubungi
Menurutnya, jika Azmin Ali membubarkan DUN Selangor ia tetap mengundang risiko berlakunya pertandingan 3 penjuru yang boleh memberi kelebihan kepada BN.
“Saya juga amat yakin YB Budiman antara pemimpin BN yang sesuai menjadi Menteri Besar. Bagaimanapun ini terpulang kepada pucuk pimpinan tertinggi BN”. katanya lagi.
Kedudukan sekarang ialah Pakatan Rakyat 30 kerusi dan gabungan BN, PAS dan bebas 27 kerusi. Perlukan 5 orang untuk kerajaan baru Selangor.- bloglist-malaysia
Love song for UMNO/PAS, a
requiem for MCA, MIC, Gerakan...
It was a dalliance that over time appears to be coalescing into an alliance for the next general election. And as the days go by, it seems to pit Malay-Muslim Malaysians against their fellow Malaysians who follow other faiths.
Yet, there will be a cost for a nation that first gained independence 60 years ago and became Malaysia in 1963 when Malaya combined with Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, which left in 1965.
Today, it is clear that the
Najib Razak-Abdul Hadi Awang very public love fest might return the prime minister to office on the strength of the Malay vote, who form more than half of the electorate and population.
But Umno’s partners in Barisan Nasional (BN) in the peninsula, such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the tiny PPP should be writing their political epitaphs.
BN’s racially based parties might see that race is their undoing in any seat where there are enough Malaysians of Chinese and Indian ethnicities to swing the vote. That much has been revealed in the general elections of 2008 and 2013.
These parties can only watch with concern today when PAS president Hadi thanked the BN government for giving it the opportunity to table its private member’s bill in the Dewan Rakyat last month to enhance punishments for shariah offences.
“We thank the government for this opportunity to table RUU355 (the bill). We will not forget this. May God make the path forward easier,” said Hadi in the closing speech of PAS’s muktamar in Alor Star, Kedah.
Umno had backed the bill although BN had dropped its endorsement before Hadi went to Parliament and took centre stage to extol his private member’s bill.
The controversial bill was tabled on April 6, after the government pushed it to the top of the Dewan Rakyat agenda. RUU 355 became the first private member’s bill in history to be tabled in Parliament by an opposition MP.
Can MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP still blame DAP for allowing Hadi to get his way? Will the voters swallow that line when PAS has tabled such laws in Kelantan where PAS is government and the other opposition parties are non-existent in the state legislature?
PAS has already named DAP as its main enemy, thrashed Amanah and Bersatu as nobodies and is now reviewing ties with PKR. In many ways, it behaves and sounds like a BN ally.
In short, it sounds like Umno, although always more Islamic than the dominant Malay party in BN. So where does that leave MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP?
These parties say they bring balance to the coalition that has ruled the country since 1974, succeeding the Alliance of Umno, MCA and MIC which ruled from 1957. But what balance is there now?
From equal partners, they are now just bystanders watching Umno and PAS flirt with each other. For Umno and PAS, it could be their love song, for the other BN parties, their funeral dirge. - malaysianinsight
But Umno’s partners in Barisan Nasional (BN) in the peninsula, such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the tiny PPP should be writing their political epitaphs.
BN’s racially based parties might see that race is their undoing in any seat where there are enough Malaysians of Chinese and Indian ethnicities to swing the vote. That much has been revealed in the general elections of 2008 and 2013.
These parties can only watch with concern today when PAS president Hadi thanked the BN government for giving it the opportunity to table its private member’s bill in the Dewan Rakyat last month to enhance punishments for shariah offences.
“We thank the government for this opportunity to table RUU355 (the bill). We will not forget this. May God make the path forward easier,” said Hadi in the closing speech of PAS’s muktamar in Alor Star, Kedah.
Umno had backed the bill although BN had dropped its endorsement before Hadi went to Parliament and took centre stage to extol his private member’s bill.
The controversial bill was tabled on April 6, after the government pushed it to the top of the Dewan Rakyat agenda. RUU 355 became the first private member’s bill in history to be tabled in Parliament by an opposition MP.
Can MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP still blame DAP for allowing Hadi to get his way? Will the voters swallow that line when PAS has tabled such laws in Kelantan where PAS is government and the other opposition parties are non-existent in the state legislature?
PAS has already named DAP as its main enemy, thrashed Amanah and Bersatu as nobodies and is now reviewing ties with PKR. In many ways, it behaves and sounds like a BN ally.
In short, it sounds like Umno, although always more Islamic than the dominant Malay party in BN. So where does that leave MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP?
These parties say they bring balance to the coalition that has ruled the country since 1974, succeeding the Alliance of Umno, MCA and MIC which ruled from 1957. But what balance is there now?
From equal partners, they are now just bystanders watching Umno and PAS flirt with each other. For Umno and PAS, it could be their love song, for the other BN parties, their funeral dirge. - malaysianinsight
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