Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Projek ECRL - RM30 bilion jadi RM55bilion...


Puak-puak UMNO dan parti Lebai begitu marahkan DAP kononnya DAP parti Cina yang berideologi komunis.Tapi akhirnya presiden UMNO sendiri pergi ke negara komunis melutut menawarkan pelbagai projek mega disamping meminjam duit RM55bilion untuk menampung hutang yang kian membusung.

60% eset negara sebelum ini juga sudah digadai kepada cina komunis ini, sedangkan anjing anjing gila parti Lebai dan UMNO siang malam menyalak "Hidup Melayu" " Ketuanan Melayu" .... Akhirnya pemimpin tertinggi kamu yang jadi pengkhianat kepada bangsa Melayu dengan berkerja sama dengan komunis.....

Satu ketika dahulu komunis dianggap musuh negara tapi sekarang komunis disanjung dijulang.... UMNO pengkhianat dan parti Lebai turut sama bersubahat.

Mujurlah masih ada seorang manusia yang waras seperi Dato Mahfuz Omar dalam parti Lebai yang menulis :

Projek baru Landasan Keretapi Pantai Timur (ECRL) yang telah diumumkan pembinaannya oleh PM Najib semasa membentang Bajet 2017, adalah projek Pakatan Penyamun 1World.Pencuri Malaysia menganugerahkan projek ECRL kepada penyamun dari negara China. Mereka sama-sama menyamun wang rakyat Malaysia.

Demikian dinyatakan oleh Dato' Hj Mahfuz Hj Omar , Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena melalui tulisannya di fesbuk.

RM30 bilion kini telah naik menjadi RM55 bilion

Projek yang bermula dari pelabuhan Klang dan berakhir di Tumpat akan melalui Kuantan dan Terangganu, memang perlu untuk kemudahan masyarakat Pantai Timur bagi menyeimbangi pembinaan landasan berkembar di Pantai Barat. Tetapi malangnya wujudnya amalan curi dan korupsi keatas wang rakyat.

YB Mahfuz telah menimbulkan beberapa persoalan mengenai projek yang diberikan kepada  China Communication Construction Company Ltd (CCCC) kontraktor dari negara China tanpa melalui tender terbuka bagi mendapatkan harga yang terbaik.

Menurut Mahfuz, Kos projek sepanjang 600km yang awal dan sepatutnya berharga RM30 bilion kini telah naik menjadi RM55 bilion bersamaan RM92 juta untuk 1km.

Adakah CCCC lebih awal 'membeli' penjawat awam No. 1 Malaysia (#MO1) untuk memperolehi projek ECRL melebihi RM25 billion dari harga awal RM30 billion.

Maka secara tidak langsung kos curi dan korupsi kerajaan Malaysia terpaksa ditanggung oleh rakyat.

Pinjaman dari negara China dan kontraktor juga dari negara China.. Kenapa?

Menurut YB Mahfuz, pinjaman RM55 bilion untuk pembinaan projek tersebut diperolehi dari Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM) manakala kontrak pembinaan dianugerahkan kepada China Communication Construction Company Ltd (CCCC) kontraktor dari negara China.

Beliau hairan kenapa pinjaman dari negara China dan kontraktor juga dari negara China?

Apakah ini merupakan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Bank pemberi pinjaman untuk projek ini? Soalnya.

CCCC disenaraihitam oleh Bank Dunia

Menurutnya lagi, beliau berasa kesal kerana berlaku campurtangan asing dalam menentukan pemilihan kontraktor; tambahan pula syarikat  tersebut adalah syarikat yang telah disenaraihitam oleh Bank Dunia kerana menipu dengan mengamalkan rasuah serta licik membeli penjawat awam untuk memperolehi dan melaksanakan sesuatu projek di setiap negara yang menganugerahkan projek kepada mereka.

Syarikat CCCC juga terlibat dalam skandal merasuah penjawat awam di negara lain, antaranya di Malta, Tanzania dan Kenya.

Barulah bumi di "pijak milik orang"...

Pakatan Penyamun 1World

Menurut Mahfuz, Projek ECRL adalah projek Pakatan Penyamun 1World. Pencuri Malaysia menganugerahkan projek ECRL kepada penyamun dari negara China. Mereka sama-sama menyamun wang rakyat Malaysia.

"Adakah CCCC lebih awal 'membeli' penjawat awam No. 1 Malaysia (#MO1) untuk memperolehi projek ECRL melebihi RM25 billion?" Soal Mahfuz.

Dari harga awal RM30 billion kini menjadi RM55 billion (lebihan RM25 bilion), maka tidak salah jika rakyat Malaysia mengesyaki lebihan tersebut adalah untung untuk menampung pembayaran hutang 1MDB yang dicuri, tulisnya lagi.

Alamat buruk untuk rakyat Malaysia

Syarikat yang memperolehi projek ECRL adalah syarikat yang nama singkatannya terdiri daripada 4 CCCC! Apakah kedatangan mereka ke Malaysia akan membawa 'alamat buruk' untuk rakyat Malaysia?

"Orang Cina tidak suka no 4 (Si) kerana kefahaman mereka apabila disebut 'C' baca dalam sebutan Si, membawa makna buruk sama ada mati atau miskin. Bagi mereka ini lambang kematian," tulisnya.

"Rakyat Malaysia sedang berdepan dengan 'keburukan dan kematian politik' dan ekonomi serta malang yang berpanjangan akibat dari amalan salahguna kuasa, rasuah, keborosan dan penyelewengan serta kerakusan kerajaan UMNO/BN.

"Kecuali jika rakyat mampu bangkit menebus maruah harga diri membebaskan kehidupan dari pemerentahan dan menamatkan kuasa politik UMNO/BN." Kata Mahfuz. - alhusseyn51,sumber

The involvement of 'RM2 company' 
in ECRL deal...

A Malaysian company that is a signatory in the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project contract with China has come under scrutiny, after it was revealed that the company's paid-up capital was only RM2.

The company - the Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd - listed two senior Finance Ministry officials as shareholders. Official records state that the company was registered on Sept 26, 2016.

According to reports by New Straits Times and Bernama, Malaysia Rail Link was the signatory of the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning agreement with Chinese Communication Construction Company (CCCC) and China Communications Construction Company (M) Sdn Bhd (CCCCM).

The CCCC, a company owned by the government of China, will build the ECRL at a reported cost of RM55 billion.

Four Pakatan Harapan MPs, who went through the records of Malaysia Rail Link, said the company's involvement raised questions on whether the deal complied with procedures.

"Normally, for major infrastructure projects, a special purpose vehicle would be established by the government.

"The government will then ask Parliament for approval in order to raise capital.

"For example, when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had to table a motion in the Dewan Rakyat to seek RM10 million for the high speed rail project linking Kuala Lumpur to Singapore," the MPs said in a joint statement today.

This was not the case for the ECRL, they said.

"We also question if Najib had sought cabinet approval before allowing a company to represent Malaysia in signing a multi-billion ringgit deal," the MPs added.

The statement was signed by Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, Kuala Krai MP Dr Hatta Ramli, Kelana Jaya MP Wong Chen and Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming.

Malaysiakini is attempting to contact the two government officials named by the MPs.

Conflicting claims on ECRL cost

Meanwhile, there appears to be conflicting claims over the cost of the ECRL - which in itself has been a controversy for some time.

Most officials from Putrajaya have long touted that the project costs RM55 billion, although Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai clarified that the sum for the Financing Framework Agreement and the construction cost of the ECRL will actually be less.

However, in a statement on the CCCC website dated Nov 2, it was claimed that the ERCL will cost about RM46 billion.

In another statement on the same day, the CCCC announced that a consortium that it is involved in had been awarded a RM8.9 billion project to undertake the Gemas-Johor Baru electric double track railway project.

The other members of the consortium are China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd (CRCC) and the China Railway Group Ltd (CREC).

CCCC said it held a 30 percent stake in the project.

"CRCC-CREC-CCCC consortium received the award letter of railway project in southern Malaysia from Liow Tiong Lai, Malaysia's minister of transport, with a contract value of RM8,900 million, marking that the consortium has officially won the bid," states the statement.

Previously, it was reported that several local firms were vying for the same project.

If the value of both the ECRL and the Gemas-Johor Baru rail project were added together, the total sum amounts to RM54.8 billion.

Cheaper elsewhere

Previously, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua had had calculated that if the price tag of the ECRL was indeed RM55 billion, it would translate to a cost of RM91.7 million per kilometre.

This would mean that the ERCL would be more expensive than the Padma rail line in Bangladesh (RM68.1 million per kilometre) and Mombasa-Nairobi rail link in Kenya (RM61.4 million per kilometre).

The CRCC is handling both these jobs. The Padma rail line is in the planning stage while the Mombasa-Nairobi link is nearing completion.

Pua said the Awash-Weldia railway line in Ethiopia, which is currently being built, costs only RM18.1 million per kilometre. It is being constructed by Turkish contractor Yapi Merkezi.

In July, whistleblower website Sarawak Report claimed that the cost of the ECRL was inflated to allegedly help pay for 1MDB's debts and provide the CCCC with generous tax breaks.

Citing documents from the CCCC, Sarawak Report said the deal would see CCCC pay off the 1MDB debts in advance and progressively to Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), among other creditors.

The website correctly predicted that the deal would be funded by a loan from China. 

Although officials from Putrajaya have brushed off the allegations, details of the loan and the feasibility study of the project have not been made public. - mk

Syarikat RM2
tandatangani kontrak RM46b

Is ECRL a white elephant in the making?

The New ECRL Costs RM91 Million Per Kilometer...

Malaysia has been building a lot of train-like things recently. First the huge MRT project in the Klang Valley, then the extension of the LRT line, then the huge project to build a high-speed railway from KL to Singapore.

But it seems our country isn’t quite satisfied yet. Just a few days ago, details of a new railway made news. That we’re now in the midst of building a new railway from Tumpat, Kelantan, to Port Klang in Selangor called the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) Project! 

But what maybe even more intriguing is the cost of this whole project. According to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, the 600 km railway would cost a total of RM55 billion, and if you try to break it down:

RM55,000,000,000/600km = RM91,000,000
That’s RM91 million per KM!! (Actually RM91,666,666.67 but you get the idea la.)

But that’s not all, we’ve not mentioned who will be paying for this. From our recent budget announcement, it seems that we’re currently a country that’s been handling its money very carefully. Reuters referred to our recent budget as “prudent”. It also seems that we’ve even been using Government Linked Companies to do a lot of our infrastructure building for us.

Harrow from the other saidddddd~~

Wait, why are we building such a strange railway?

Some of you may have seen the path of the railway and thought that it was really strange looking (our editor sure did). Which is fair right? Why is the railway going from Kelantan, to Terengganu, then suddenly cut across Pahang and into Selangor?

Well there is actually a reason, and that is because of another huge project called the East Coast Economic Region (ECER). The ECER is actually an initiative to develop the economy of the east coast to balance it out with other parts of the country (cos at the moment the western states like Selangor are the ones with the big economies) by developing a particular area into an economic zone ( for industries like oil, gas, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, and education).

And with all the news about China involving themselves in our country so much, one would assume that China actually had a big part to play in our gomen deciding to start this EREC, but it doesn’t seem that way because this project was actually started during the time of Tun Abdullah Badawi.

So before you get confused between the two, a recap:

- East Coast Economic Region (ECER) – A specific area or zone that’s been allocated to be developed into an economic zone.
- East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) – A railway which connects the ECER with the west coast states and Selangor.

But despite being a project from Pak Lah’s time, it seems that once again, a certain country has come in and offered up its services to Malaysia.

We’re gonna build the new railway with the help of….China!

The ECRL Project will be headed by a China gomen-owned company, the China Construction Communications Company (CCCC, yes that’s the name of the company). But their involvement doesn’t stop there. Since we’re being very careful with our money at the moment, we’re getting all RM55 billion from China! Still, nothing is free in life. We’re getting this money in the form of a soft loan, which is basically a loan with a very favourable interest rate. Often given by one country to a less developed one.

According to our Transport Minister once again, the 20-year loan we’re taking from China has a very good interest rate (no one mentions how much the interest rate is except for Sarawak Report who says it’s at 2%).

“And in the first seven years Malaysia will not have to pay anything – interest and repayment.” – Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, as quoted by The Star

It sounds a little strange, but from what we can understand, he means to say that we only need to start paying anything in 2023. So this may actually be a good thing right? Maybe, but the project is not without criticism. Because sadly, a very familiar name has also been linked to this project.

Najib plans to double the cost of the Railway to RM60 billion to hide his 1MDB missing money

This project is allegedly to save 1MDB as well

(In)Famous website, Sarawak Report once again has mysteriously been able to dig out some alleged dirt on yet another Malaysian-related topic, and this time they say that part of the cost of the ECRL project is allegedly to pay off of 1MDB’s debts! They published this article a few months before the announcement of the price of the ECRL project, and their estimate is only RM5 billion short of the price that was actually announced!

Sarawak Report also produced alleged pictures of the ECRL document between China and Malaysia, and they point out that when you look at the alleged costs, there is one cost that seems really strange.

That one thing called “Additional Differential” alone doubles the cost of the whole project. The article doesn’t explain what this “Additional Differential” is, but its alleged that it’s gonna be used to pay off our remaining 1MDB debt. And just to clarify, if that were true, that means that it will allegedly be the Malaysian taxpayers who will be paying at the end of the day.

At CILISOS we don’t consider Sarawak Report to be 100% reliable because we never know their sources, but because of their track record, there is reason to believe that they have at least some credibility. 

BUT to be fair, it’s possible that the cost of RM91 million per km isn’t actually very expensive. If you think that’s expensive wait till you see the price of other train-like transportation worldwide. This website lists down the cost per km of different types of train-like transportation in a few countries. Here are some examples:

Seoul AREX – USD110 million per km.
Paris Metro Line 14 – USD230 million per km.
East Side Access, New York City – USD4 billion per km!

Some of the costs are crazyyyy, but the article does mention that there are many factors that affect the price like underground tunneling and construction in urban areas. The New York one was only a 2km plus extension to an existing line but because it was in a dense urban area, it’s total cost was said to be USD8.4 billion!

And with these in mind, it would make sense for the railway to cost RM91 million per km (USD21 million per km) because it’s been reported that the rail may go through Banjaran Titiwangsa (a long mountain range known as the “backbone of Semenanjung Malaysia”) itself. Still, why would China not only give us so much money but a very good loan? Well it looks like this is just part of a bigger picture because…..

cilisos featured image china 1mdb

China has been going all out to win Malaysia’s heart!

This definitely isn’t the first time China has been involved in some high profile deals. They’ve done us huge favours and even included us in their plan for world connectivity. But in the last 6 days, we’ve gone from being just close friends to lovers. The announcement that they were giving us a loan was only one of a few China-related things that have happened in Malaysia in the past few days like:

- Our PM going on an official 6-day visit to China with the purpose of “strengthening long-standing bilateral ties between the two countries”.
- Malaysia and China signing 14 business agreements worth RM114 billion.
- Malaysia and China signing a defense agreement which will see us by 4 China-made navy vessels, and promises to settle our South China Sea disputes very nicely.

And since our PM is only on his 3rd day there in China, there may even be more to come! 

But why are we suddenly so in love with China? Well,both China and the US had been trying their best to tackle us.

But almost a year on, it seems that China has totally wooed the heart of Malaysia with these deals and also this subtle comment by Najib telling the West to erm….mind their own business.

“More generally, we believe it is incumbent upon larger countries to treat smaller ones fairly. And this includes former colonial powers. It is not for them to lecture countries they once exploited on how to conduct their own internal affairs today.”  – PM Najib, in an article published on

Which almost sounds as if Malaysia has just declared that their one true love is none other than China. -

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